
Endless | A Short Story



I was late.


I quickly threw on some clothes and rushed downstairs. I had to catch the bus to work before it left at 8:20. Anderson Cooper’s voice was blaring throughout the house, no doubt updating us all on the most recent despairing event that had happened. Rushing, I knocked down the vase holding an array of anemones, spilling water everywhere.


“You better clean that up when you get back!” My mother yelled.


I shouted a chorus of “yeahs” and ran out the door. Tripping over my shoelaces, I sprinted over to the bus stop, just in time to see it drive away. Groaning, I checked the time - 8:21. Seriously, I was one minute late! My boss is going to kill me if I’m late again… Seeing as there was another bus coming in approximately nine minutes, I plopped my sorry on the bench.


“Hey sweetheart. Miss your bus again?”


My head snapped up and there he was. A saccharine smile with his gums proudly on display, faded mint green hair, and eyes the color of warm, black coffee. Rolling my eyes, I shuffled over to make room.


“Of course not. My boss gave me a different shift today. I decided I would come in early today,” I lied.


“Is that why your shirt is buttoned the wrong way and your socks are mismatched? Forgive me, but I wasn’t aware of the new employee dress code. Is the theme, ‘I’m lying to my boyfriend so he won’t think I’m late again, because I’m too proud to ask for another ride?’ After three years, I really thought we would at least try and be honest with each other. Come on sweetheart, you can fix yourself in the car.”


I grudgingly got up and followed him to his car. A new car.


“What happened to your car?”


Something flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.


“Sweetheart, this is my car. Now get in unless you want to be late.”


We arrived at my work just before my 9:00 shift. He told me he’d pick me up at noon and we could go grab lunch together.


“Don’t forget I have another shift at 3!”


His infamous pout made an appearance, “2 shifts? You’re not their slave. Just don’t come back here.”


“Some of us have to work an actual job to make money. Thanks for the ride!”


I hastily entered the small coffee shop and began making lattes, frappuccinos, and all sorts of drinks to satisfy the cravings of basic es everywhere.


// 12:00


My shift ended and I waited for him to come pick me up. Five minutes later, he finally he pulled up beside the curb. He rolled down the window and gave me his famous gummy smile.


“I know I’m late sweetheart, but please find it in your tiny heart to forgive me. Besides, I brought you a gift.”


Sliding into his car, I looked around.


“Where’s my gift, mint boy?”


“Wait right here.”


I huffed as he left the car and proceeded to enter the coffee shop. About 3 minutes late, he walked out and handed me a drink and a small bag. I don’t believe it.


“Are you serious? You do know I work there and spend all my time making these drinks. Why on earth would you pay to get me something, when I can just get it for free?”


“Shut up and enjoy your Frappuccino and cookie. The place we’re going for lunch is kind of far, so be grateful I bought something to help with your insatiable hunger.”


We ended up reaching the café about 45 minutes later. It was a cute little café with exceptionally tasty food. After we finished lunch, I wanted to check my phone for any texts from work. However, I couldn't find my phone. Where is my phone?! I must have left it at home…or at work!


“Come on mint boy drive me back home. I think I left my phone there.”


“Anything for you sweetheart.”


As we were driving back, I tried to take a nap. My next shift was from 3 to 8 and I wanted to be well rested. However, it’s hard to go to sleep when someone is staring at you.


“Take a picture, why don’t you? It’ll last longer.”


He uncharacteristically let out a sad laugh and gave me a soft smile. Leaning over, he gently placed a kiss on my forehead.


“Just go to sleep sweetheart. I’ll wake you when we get there.”


Thrown off by his unusual behavior, I tossed and turned until my worry sent me to sleep.




I woke up shortly before we arrived at my house. Something felt off. As we drove closer, the uneasy feeling grew. When we pulled up, I told him to wait in the car. I made my up the steps and gasped. Why is the door wide open? I ran inside and slipped. The water from the fallen vase was still there, with the anemones scattered about. I called out but no one replied. That’s weird. Where is everyone? The house was eerily quiet except for tv, which was still on. No one had turned it off. I walked into the kitchen where I saw partially eaten sandwiches. A chair had been overturned in haste. What happened? What was so important that they left in the middle of lunch? I walked outside and got back inside the car.


“No one’s home…”


“Maybe they all went somewhere. Your family’s car is gone too.”


“Without me?”


“I know it’s hard to believe sweetheart, but not everyone in the world likes you. In fact, I know that little miss Suzy who lives down the street hates you—“


“Ok Suzy hates me because you broke up with her, and then a month later you asked me out. That’s a given. No…something was off. The house was a mess.”


I looked to face him. There was a glint of knowledge in his eyes.


“You know something! What is going on? What aren’t you telling me?”


He sighed, “It’s best if you find out yourself. Come on, maybe your phone is at your work.”


Forget my phone! Why won’t you tell me what’s going on…We made it to my work just in time for my next shift. He motioned for me to go inside without me. As I was putting my apron on, my co-worker rushed passed me, ringing up my boss.


“Yeah boss, she’s not here yet. I’ll call Taylor and see if he can come.”


“I’m right here! What are you talking about?”


He rushed right past me and started the man the cashier. That’s when I realized something. He had rushed right through me. That’s impossible…this doesn’t make any sense. I slowly made my way outside and went back inside the car.


“What is going on?”


“I thought you would have figured it out by now sweetheart. Looks like you’re not at smart as I thought.”


My expression must have been serious as the smirk was wiped clean off his face.


“Don’t…. don’t look at me like that. You have to figure this out for yourself. If I tell you, it’ll ruin the pattern. Just trust me…where we go next will explain everything.”


Pattern? What the hell is he talking about?




We continued to drive along in silence, until I realized that we were going in the direction of the little café.


“Are you bringing me to that café? I want answers not food.”


“No, we’re already here.”


I jumped out of the car and my jaw dropped. The heat coming from the massive flames was searing. There were several ambulances at the scene and the wailing sirens indicated that more were on their way. From the looks of it, it was a t-bone collision, and a pretty bad one at that.


“The truck driver was drunk while driving. Hit the other car on the passenger side.”


“That still doesn’t explain anything mint boy.”


“Look closer.”


Annoyed by his lack of answers, I looked back towards the accident. What could I have possibly missed? Then it hit me. I could feel the remains of my lunch threatening to make an appearance on the ground in front of me. I frantically looked back and forth between the accident and him. His face confirmed my fears.


“Looks like you’ve figured it out sweetheart.”


“That’s your car. That’s your silver car.”


“Keep looking.”


I watched and saw the paramedics pull 2 bodies out from the car. I saw his faded mint green hair, his notorious leather jacket, but blood pouring from his nose and skull. Then I saw myself. I looked down and realized I was wearing the same exact clothing. Except the version of myself that was in the accident was also unresponsive. That’s me…but I’m right here?


“We’re not really here, are we?”


“Looks like you get a gold star sweetheart. I’ll explain on the way at hospital.”


//30 minutes later


When we entered the hospital, I saw my family there. I could sense the worry that was rolling off of them. However, I couldn’t reassure them that I was ok, that I was breathing and alive. They couldn’t see me. We made our way to the room in which we were both being kept in. Our bodies lay there in front of us, cold and unresponsive. What happened? And then I remembered.


“After you fell asleep, I had been driving for several minutes. Out of nowhere, I saw this huge truck coming towards us, but I couldn’t swerve out of the way. I tried to pull you out of the way, but you’re not as light as you look. Maybe you should try and work out sweetheart. I’ve heard it’s good for you—“


“I remember the accident. You were trying to protect me. But why are you so relaxed about this? Do you not understand that we’re here but no one can see us? Can you stop being an and actually care for a minute? God of all the people to date, I would date someone who doesn’t give a sh—“


“We’re stuck here.”




“I mean we’re stuck here. This place we’re in...time works differently here. We keep on going, but I think it’s frozen for a bit over there. I don’t know how it works but I do know that once you remember, we start all over again. This day keeps on repeating, like a cycle, until you remember. Once you remember, we start at the beginning of the today. That’s why I couldn’t tell you. It messes with the pattern.”


“How long have we been here?”


He gave me a sad but beautiful smile.


“I’ve lost count of the days.”


“But then how do we get out? If I just remembered what happened, doesn’t that mean we’ll be back? How do we stop it?”


“I wish I knew sweetheart. I really wish I knew. My guess is that you have to remember all on your own, without my help.”


I turned to look at us through the glass.


“Why aren’t we awake?”


“The accident was pretty bad...and we were both knocked out. You’re unconscious right now. I know that as long as you don’t wake up, we’re stuck here. But you do wake up. That usually signals the start of the next repeat.”


“But what about you? Don’t you wake up?”


The look he sent me caused sheer panic to flood my body.


“I...I don’t wake up. Look.”


I turned to the glass and gasped. The machine hooked up to him showed the slow rhythm of his barely beating heart. I watched the flurry of doctors try to reduce the swelling of his brain. The tears started to flow down my face, uncontrollably. I turned to look at him.


“You’re not...dead right? You can’t be dead. You can’t be, you can’t, you ca—”


“I think I’m in a coma. I don’t know for how long. We never make it to when...if... I wake up. You always regain consciousness before we can. I think that’s why I don’t forget. I’ll always be here.”


I turned back to the glass, watching his body lay motionless on the bed. Barely breathing and fighting for his life. I choked on my sob as I saw myself start to wake up.


“Wait..I’m waking up. That means it’s going to start all over again, right? I don’t want to leave you here! Please come with me. Make it stop! Don’t leave me!”


“It’s going to be ok sweetheart. Remember that I love you.”


Screaming and sobbing, I tried to hold on to him. However, it was useless and I was pulled away.





I gasped, and shot straight up in bed. I couldn’t remember what I had dreamed about, but boy did it leave me feeling unnerved. I stretched, cracking my spine, and turned to face my nightstand. And, for some reason, I felt my heart drop as the minute hand of the clock ticked past the hour hand – 8:15.

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Chapter 1: holy it happened again? or was that just a premonition? a dejavu?
PenguinNinjaa #2
Chapter 1: I loved this. Wonderful job, author-nim! ❤