Chapter three

Let's throw in some sugar

Eddy is staring at Youngjin like he is the dumbest man alive.

"I'm sorry did you say he made your heart go 'ba-bump ba-bump'?"


"So beat, he makes your heart do what it is meant to."

"But better"

Eddy sighs in disbelief. Youngjin has be talking non stop about his plan to try and gain Zica's attention and honestly it could work if this plan was not based on a 5 second meeting. Eddy stares at Youngjin. "I don't want to discourage you but don't you think this is a bit of a odd decision you only saw for a few seconds and claim to be infatuated-"

"I am he looks beautiful but I guess infatuated is a strong word but I'm interested and I have not been even slightly interested in someone since high school."

"I know but with Prince at least I see him in his class so I can talk and build something each week, i feel your plan is-"

"A wonderful one? I know I'm a talented soul" Youngjin grins cheekily at Eddy.

"Interrupt me again and you wont make it to the first part of your plan."

"Fine fine but listen to me I have work so much and have more or less no social life, I will take a chance to get out of this slump."

Eddy smacks Youngjin at the back of the head with an empty take away coffee cup. "I mean slump is a bit much but I do agree you need to get out more so I will support this, after all I can't judge you too much I always talk about my fit bae"

"Never say that again please"

"He is he is almost as strong as me and more flexib-"

"I'M LEAVING GOOD BYE AND PLEASE DON'T DESCRIBE ANYMORE YOU ERT" Youngjin walks out the room with his bag and car keys in his hand.

"Kim Youngjin what did I say about interrupting me you little " Eddy starts laughing at Youngjin's retreating figure.

Youngjin peers through the window of his now favourite cafe. His eyes scan past chairs of chatting customers, past the two people at the counter ordering and straight onto the person serving them. He exhales to calm his nerves. Okay You got this Youngjin just walk in act like your cool casual self- oh oh maybe i can lean on the counter to look edgy and cool. Youngjin shakes his head. No no that is dumb okay deep breath just walk in and order coffee and a cake he makes them so i can compliment him yes yes genius we will have a wonderful conversation and then-.

"Excuse me sir." Youngjin's thoughts are interrupted by the smiled man from before, Yul?. The man continues "Pressing your face into the window is scaring the staff and customers so I'm going to have to tell you to stop." The cute barista is smiling but why does Youngjin feel like the man also has the ability to snap him in half.

"Sorry" Youngjin composes himself and stands up straight. "I was- I was just" CAKES "cakes."

The smiling man's smile falters but turns to a laugh. "I see but maybe you should try looking at the counter next time rather than through the window of our shop."

Youngjin laughs nervously. "Yes yes sorry sorry I just got so distracted. Sorry."

The man pulled out a name tag out of his pocket and put it on. Oh so he is Yul wait "Why did you leave your name tag in your pocket?"

"So if you were not cooperating i had a sharp object on hand." His grin still beamed on his face.


"I'm joking, sorry my jokes sometimes come off as awkward, my shift is about to start so if you don't mind I will be going" Yul walks into the cafe giggling as he does. Youngjin can see Zica's eyes were on them. There is no turning back He walks into the shop straight to the counter. " I WOULD LIKE CAKE PLEASE and a coffee." Youngjin feels his face turn red as he realised he was being to loud and nervous. Zica laughs albeit with a bit of hesitation.

"What kind of cake and coffee sir?"

"Um well" Youngjin randomly points without looking his nerves are getting to him Zica is even prettier than he remembers "This one"

"Ah yes a chair, a very popular choice sir"

"Huh?" Youngjin follows his finger and to his dismay he finds it pointing at the chair besides him. "Ah no no sorry I mean that one, are those strawberries I love strawberries."

"The chair doesn't fit your fancy anymore very well a victoria sponge it is, are you actually sure this time, sir?" Zica chuckles behind his hand. EVEN HIS LAUGH IS ANGELIC. 

"Ah yes please oh and a hmm" Youngjin scans the drinks bored when and idea strikes him. "A drink of your choice surprise me"

"Surprise you? What about the price?"

"It doesn't matter it wont be more than a 10 then I'm fine with it" He laughs nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Any drink is fine?"

"Yep any I like them all"

"Very well card or cash?"


Youngjin pays for his cake and mystery drink. And goes to sit on the same table he sat on last time. Youngjin tries to calm his nerves and texts Eddy for moral support.

To: Ed, Edd and desperate

I screamed cake at him and basically looked like a creep pls help me TT TT

To: Simbaaaathetic 

Meanwhile Prince walked past me and istg his showed be framed it is art

To: Ed, Edd and desperate

Eddy he probably thinks im a freak i pointed to a chair for smth to eat oh dear god 

To: Simbaaaathetic 

Okay calm your , he said he makes cakes right so just compliment him 

To: Ed, Edd and desperate

I thought of that, is that good i should do that right okay good 

To: Simbaaaathetic 

Okay good deal with it well and dont mess up i have to go and not drool for an hour

To: Ed, Edd and desperate

I hope Prince breaks you

To: Simbaaaathetic 


To: Eddy the beast


Youngjin notices the cake being placed on the table. Youngjin looks up and his eyes meet Zica's. He gulps. Classy.

"For your drink I decided to not to go too extravagant but a nice little drink and possibly a new taste for you." Zica places the drink in front of Youngjin."I present to you a latte with caramel syrup, I figured you may have a sweet tooth if you like strawberries Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?."

Youngjin is in awe of the adorable bear shaped pattern on the latte, Zica must be super experienced it looks amazing. "Ah thank you I'm sure I will enjoy it" Youngjin gives Zica his best grin trying not to blush too hard. 

Zica smiles and begins to leave Youngjin to his drink and cake. "By the way this means you have to come tell me how the latte was and the cakes since you seemed so intrigued with them okay."

Youngjin hearing this immediately choked on his cake but tried to keep it under control. "O-okay I will." He said trying to sound as in control as possible. Zica turned to face him fully to see if Youngjin was okay but was calmed seeing a waving blushing Youngjin.

Youngjin managed to eat the rest of his cake in peace and was very much enjoying the latte blend Zica made him. Maybe this could be a regular no I must try everything Zica has made if they are all as good as this it will be worth it. 
"Enjoying the cakes in person and not through a window now, is this better?" Youngjin's eyes were wide at the sudden voice. Yul was there was his normal smile though seemingly less scary than before. Youngjin mumbled an embarrassed yes making Yul laugh.

"Zica does make the best cakes, we worked here the same amount of years yet he is better at sponges than me but I do make better pancakes and crepes."

Youngjin sees a chance to learn more of Zica. "So he makes all the cakes?"

"Not all but most he is the best though, as I said his sponges are the best."

"I should try them all then" Youngjin concludes as he stares at his empty plate.

There is a glint in Yul's eyes. "Why only his cakes?" A blushing Youngjin looks up to be greeted with a smirking Yul. 

"I just like sponges" Youngjin swears he is bright red by how hot his face feels.

"Okay I believe you." His words seem different to the what can only be described as a eating grin plastered on his face. Youngjin was begin to doubt his first first vision of him now, he looks Innocent but seems terrifying.

Youngjin has to yet again compose himself to the nth time today. He gathers his belongings and heads out the cafe. Youngjin felt so flustered he forgot to say how the drink and cake were to Zica as he went out the door. Little did Youngjin know Zica was staring at the now shut door with a bit of disappointment as the most interesting customer he has met leaves with out his promised words.

Istg for someone who feels like i do nothing most of the time i have been busy UGH i hope this chapter is okay ^///^ see i promised it would be longer i feel more in a flow writing wise with this i just come up with ideas and it just comes to me now where as before i struggled i feel i have steady footing i hope you guys enjoy ^3^

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Chapter 3: Yes yes yes opening few lines of conversation between Eddy and Simba I can so hear it in their voices
mmmm Eddy's fit bae.... how terrible that I like that a lot
IRL Yul would like to shank Simba with a nametag lets be real here
Poor Loud Child Simba screaming about cakes-- poor Yul and Zica having to serve him. OMG THE POINTING AT THE CHAIR I DIED PPL HAD TO ASK WHAT I WAS LAUGHING AT
Desperate Eddy and Pathetic Simba it perfect-- I also hope Prince breaks Eddy
chokes instead of complimenting when giving cake come on Simba come one Zica is trying here too jesus-- I like that Yul is terrifying to SImba tho, this is good this is how it should be irl (i think irl Yul wishes Simba was terrified of him)
Simba you idiot Eddy told you to compliment him you said you were gonna compliment him and he even asked for a compliment and what did you NOT DO?

Again cute chapter, I really think your style and general level of writing has improved from the first chapter, it was cool to see! Proud of you! I'm looking forward to finding out what dumb things Simba does next! and if Mak broke Eddy!
Chapter 2: Hadon "pretends" to be asleep: I mean it is Simba so...
OMG MR SWEET BUNS I GIGGLED HOW PERFECTLY SIMBA HOW TERRIBLE- and accurate that Sancheong wishes to perish
what is this idiot game of catching marshmallows with his mouth I feel like yes Simba is obviously very good at that (but was it for every catch he had a question answered?) It a cute game tho dang (but their poor broken belongings)
I love the how close to Yul explaination it works so well
I also love "Does he dance to girl group songs like me?" -- so dumb so Simba
This was a cute chapter! I enjoyed it!
VixxenWolf #3
Chapter 3: I have to edit this the format I didn't notice the italics disappear but I don't have time to do it till maybe Friday night cause of work ;; I may not read as well without them