He is and never will be mine

Losing my baby bambam

Bambams POV
Later that night.
Right when I saw jackson Hyung I lit up, he hasn't talked to me since breakfast.

I wonder why he just stopped talking to me, he talked with mark a lot today, Junior seemed a little jealous but I mean who wouldn't be jealous seeing someone talk to your boyfriend all day.


I patted the couch next to me, like I always do to indicate I want Jackson hyung to sit next to me. He started to walk towards me but then sat down on the floor next to yugyeom.

 My smile turned into a frown but I quickly covered it with a fake smile. I acted as if I didn't care but it felt like I was just rejected by Jackson hyung.


He had to have seen me, he looked at me! Did I do something wrong? Am I ugly? Well I am ugly but am I uglier than usual?!?  Is it because I'm fat?  No...no I weigh less than all of the members.. No way I'm fat right..? Oh no I am, I'm a elephant. But I love elephants! Why can't Jackson hyung love elephants too!  


Before I could continue the fight in my head. Mark patted my shoulder.

I looked at him confusedly, was he trying to comfort me? no I don't need to be comforted.

I moved away from his touch he looked at me sadly before going back to talking to junior. Who he's now cuddling with on the couch.

If anyone knew I was upset, mark would be the first one to notice, it has always been that way. No matter what it is, he notices first.

 And I hate it because I don't want anyone to see me upset, ever. I perfected my fake smile, I learned how to hold in a cry.

 I made sure no one could tell I was sad and yet mark can still see through me. it scares me how someone can see through me so easily.

 How can I not see through him yet he can see through me as if I was as clear as glass? I was drawn out of my thought when I heard Jaebum scream




which meant the food was here. It smelled so good. And I'm so hungry! I took the lid off the bowl to the kimchi. 

I was about to dig it when a thought came in my Mind.  You are an elephant and yet you still think of eating!!  I put down my silverware. I didn't eat my food that night. And nobody notice either.


Jackson's POV 

It was my turn to wash the dishes. And right when everybody was standing up to leave to their rooms, Bambam was already gone, weird.

 The members were handing me their empty plates one by one until I was the only one in the living room. I washed the members dished but noticed I only washed six, even more weird. there is seven of us. 

I walked into the living room and saw a plate that looked like it hadn't even been touched. I thought over everything and came to the conclusion that this plate must have been Bambams. 

He looked so hungry and this is favorite food, So why didn't he eat? 
I took the plate the kitchen, placed the so called leftovers/ all Bambam's food into the Fridge. and washed the plate. 

Maybe Bambam wasn't hungry or maybe he is Upset. I hope my baby isn't- I mean Bambam isn't sad, he is too cute to be sad. I shook my head, why am I worrying about him?  He doesn’t matter, he doesn't need me. only mark matters.


I only have eyes for Mark.


I walked to me and Bambams shared room. I opened the door to see a small light under the blanket turn off

Something is bothering bambam.

I know this because when ever he is upset or worried he will hide under the covers pretending to be asleep.. I always know when he is faking and normally I pull the blanket off, hug him and ask him what's wrong. I slid into bed Lying next to the “sleeping Bambam” 

instead of asking him if he is okay

 I said nothing, nothing at all. 


Bambam’s POV: 
The next day.

I’m so tired, last night I had a dream that jackson hyung left me.. I wake up shaking I was about to wake up Jackson but I stop myself. 

Normally I would wake jackson up if I had a bad dream and he would wrap his arms around me and ask me what it was about. I always love the feeling of Jackson's strong arms around me, it makes me feel protected and loved. But this time I can't tell him what it was about because I know if he lost me he wouldn't be shaking. 


He doesn't love me the way I love him.


I have known that for a long time. I know he just sees me as his cute little brother and that's it.

I stood up out of bed covering my mouth, I don't want Jackson to hear my sobs.

I walk to the bathroom closing to door lightly as my back slides down against the door. I am crying because the dream will become reality I know it.

sadly I cannot keep Jackson for myself, he is and never will be mine. But just for a little bit longer I wish for him to be by my side.


Sorry for any spelling mistakes 

Thank you so much for reading this story!



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rnouel0283 #1
Chapter 4: Please update!!
got71122 #2
catsKatty #3
Chapter 4: Why is it so complicated?? T^T just confessed to him bammie, maybe jackson has a same feeling as you. And for mark, please help them to be together.... Anyway.... I love the fic hehe :3 can you update it for the next chapter? Hwaiting authornim~ ^.^
vsluvs13kittens #4
Chapter 4: Awww dammit Jackson! Get over Mark he got Junior. Go with Bammie~~
Chapter 4: That's wired I didn't receive any notification for the update...... Anyway!!!! Lil bambam, maybe he should tell Jackson how he feels about him then maybe Jackson realise his feeling for Bambam too?
And thank god Mark don't love Jackson or Bambam, I was scared that love triangle might for !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please Mark help Bambam and Jackson to get closer and hope Jackbam comes together soon!!!!
Chapter 3: Omg this hurts me </3 lol jks. Anyway, great chapter! I like it! Looking forward to the next update ^^
got71122 #7
Chapter 3: update please author nim
Chapter 3: Jackson please stop ignoring Bambam!!!! Seeing Bambam hurted makes feel like crying!!! Nice chapter authormin!!!