

"You can do this Jeonghan. Just be happy." Jeonghan whispered to himself backstage. He was known as the "Angel" of the group and was meant to be the one that is always happy and kind. It was stressing him out. He always had to be happy or the fans wouldn't be happy. he didn't want to stress the other members with his problems so he kept them to himself. 

"Jeonghan! Hurry up we have to go out in three minutes!" Seungcheol yelled from outside of the bathroom. Jeonghan looked at himself one more time before leaving the bathroom. S.coups stood there, eyeing him suspiciously. "Are you okay? Your eyes are red and puffy." He asked worriedly. Jeonghan nodded and smiled. "yeah just rubbed my eyes too hard." 

Seungcheol nodded smiling, completely believing the lie. Jeonghan made his way to the rest of the members and lined up behind Jisoo. Jisoo turned around and looked at Jeonghan, widening his eyes. "Babe, what's wrong?" Jisoo asked his boyfriend quietly, hoping the others wouldn't hear. 

"nothing, I'm fine. just rubbed my eyes a little too hard." Jeonghan lied, feeling guilty. Jisoo shook his head and looked at him lovingly. "Jeonghan, you can't lie to me. please tell me what's wrong." he said. Jeonghan shook his, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'll tell you after the show." he sniffed and smiled. Jisoo grabbed his hand squeezing it lightly. "I love you." he said before whilst walking on stage. 

"I love you too baby." Jeonghan whispered making Jisoo blush. 


Jeonghan put on his happy, angel-like act for fans. the show was over now and all the members were back at the dorm. everyone was showering or sleeping, except Jeonghan and Jisoo. they were sitting in their room, Jisoo was holding Jeonghan's hands. 

"Jeonghan, babe, tell me what's wrong." Jisoo said. Jeonghan sighed, tears making their way to his eyes. Jisoo squeezed his hands offering comfort and hoping Jeonghan would feel better about the confession. 

"I- it's hard, you know. it's hard to deal with all the fans constantly saying "Jeonghan is supposed to the Angel! He's always happy!" and knowing that I would disappoint them if I was sad. I'm not happy, Jisoo, not really. and I don't mean I'm not happy with the group because I am. I'm just so stressed and upset all the time I just feel sad." He admitted, tears pouring down his face. 

Jisoo felt tears in his eyes as he listened to his lover confess. "Jeonghan, baby, listen to me." 

Jeonghan looked up and wiped a few tears away. "I love you so so much and it pains me to see you sad. please know that you can always tell me what's up and any other members as well. we all love and care for you and the fans wouldn't be disappointed in you. they love you and want you to be happy but they know you get sad sometimes. please don't be so hard on yourself." Jisoo said, a few tears rolling down his cheeks. 

Jeonghan let out a sigh and hugged his boyfriend tightly. "Jisoo I want to thank you for everything you do for me. I don't think I'd be here today without you."

Jisoo cried into the hug and pulled away slowly. "I don't know if I've told you yet but I love you." Jeonghan spoke, chuckling at the end. . 

Jeonghan leaned in slowly and kissed Jisoo. it was long and passionate, putting every ounce of love they had into it. when they finally broke away, Jisoo looked at his boyfriend lovingly and spoke. 

"I love you too, Angel."


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Chapter 1: I dunno why but i kinda feel what Jeonghan's character in here feeling. The burden of people's expectation
Chapter 1: just frick me right up sir