Show Me A Trouble Heart

Scrambled Eggs

The first time it happened, Jiyoon thought it was cute.

A small girl around her age was walking up to get on the “Scrambled Eggs,” the rollercoaster Jiyoon worked at. It wasn’t an important job, all she did was collect tickets, unfortunately. Having to deal with grumpy people waiting in a line for hours (on the best days, like today, it was only a few minutes) just for a minute or two of fun was not the best kind of public service job to have. Luckily, it was not the only job she had, trying to pay off college loans, she had to have several jobs, but she was handling them quite well.

Today proved to be a bit more interesting than others when a regular looking girl came up to her with tickets. She had big brown eyes and creamy, flawless light skin. Her body looked thin and lanky from what Jiyoon could see, but it was overall obvious she was toned quite well. Her dark black hair was splayed accross her shoulders, complementing the rest of her form perfectly.

She was wearing a leather jacket over a pretty floral dress. It was actually pretty opposite to what Jiyoon would wear on a day-to-day basis if she weren’t forced to wear this nastily plain white t-shirt every night at her job.

“Hi.” The girl said, giving Jiyoon a small wave. It was then Jiyoon noticed the girl’s cheeks were tinted pink, barely noticeable, but under the light the various attractions gave off, it was almost obvious. Paired with the way the girl was looking down at her feet, her hands rubbing the sides of her jeans, she looked like a small animal and Jiyoon had never felt such a need to coddle something before.

So she smiled responding with a quick “hey!” back, taking her ticket and flinching at the spark that flew from her finger up to her spine. Her eyebrows rose up at the girl, did she just electrocute her?

But it seemed as though the other girl felt it, too, for she retracted her own hand quickly. They looked at each other for a moment, Jiyoon only just noticing how long and pretty her eyelashes were.

She hadn’t even noticed how disgruntled the people in line were, waiting for the two girls to finish staring at each other probably wasn’t in their agenda.

So Jiyoon cleared and opened the gates for the girl and other passengers to walk through.


The next time Jiyoon saw her was only about fifteen minutes later, half past eight.

The young girl returned to the ride, this time with another girl whose hand gripped on the edge of her pointed sunglasses, a wicked smile playing on her lips. Jiyoon thought for a minute she was a girlfriend before dismissing it, not everyone was as gay as Jiyoon.

She had long dark hair and eyes like the first girl, her skin even more flawless and accentuated than the shy girl’s by makeup, but Jiyoon found herself not minding. She was simply a girl, but the one she was with seemed to hold much more of Jiyoon’s interest. Her clothing choices were much different from her friend’s, a simple white t-shirt tucked into high waisted black shorts. It suited her very well in Ashton’s opinion.

The second girl cleared , waiting for something, then turning to the other girl and tugging on one of the holes in her shirt, nodding her head toward Jiyoon (not very discreetly).

Jiyoon raised her eyebrows at them in amusement and watched the other people in line, staring the two down angrily as they waited for them to hand her their tickets.

Finally, the girl just moved her hand to her back and shoved the quiet girl toward Jiyoon. The girl squeaked, her face molding into one of disgust and anger at her before turning back to Jiyoon and regaining her composure.

“U-um, hi.” She said, wiping her palms on her jeans and pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.  Her pouty eyebrows pulled down into an embarrassed frown that almost made Jiyoon "aww" out loud.

“Hey!” Jiyoon said, her voice full of half-forced excitement. “Do you have a ticket?” She questioned, praying to God this kid wasn’t just messing with her to make the people in line pissed off.

“Yeah! Yeah, yeah define-let me just…I promise I do, let me just…” She rambled, rummaging around in her pockets. Her face began to turn beet red as she emptied her pockets, but she knew she had them there somewhere.

Someone behind him began to tap their foot, causing even more embarrassment in the young girl.

After a few seconds, she managed to procure several tickets, and shoved all of them at Jiyoon’s hand at once before bolting past her and onto the ride.

“You only needed to give me one!” She yelled aimlessly as the girl disappeared.

This was a strange girl, why was she so afraid of Jiyoon? It’s not like she was scary. It was all Shirley Temple curls and giggles for Jiyoon. Though she did wear a fair amount of red lipstick…maybe the girl was just really scared of people with satanic giggles and small stature.

She’d just have to give her back the tickets later, if she ever saw her again.


The third time it happened Jiyoon’s brown eyes were focused on the band performing a few rides away, the echos of their drum beats and guitar strings making its rounds around the park, no doubt, when a bright blonde head of hair cut off her vision.

She was a scary looking girl, even though she had bright blonde hair, there was a large piece of metal sticking out of her ear and Jiyoon nearly had to slap herself when she wondered if it was supposed to be there for a fleeting moment. The girl was wearing the prettiest red and white dress Jiyoon had ever seen which clashed with her hair, she could probably make anything work. 

Blonde-Haired girl slammed her hand down on the table in front of Jiyoon and gave her a frightening look. “We want to go on this ride!” She yelled, causing Jiyoon to shrink away.

Blonde-Haired girl turned around to the other girl, who was glaring at her, looking an inch from slapping her in the face. She took a quick double take, not expecting the anger, then turned back around to Jiyoon. “I mean, um,” she swung her arms in front of her, motioning for the shy girl to step forward.

“…We’re um…we’re going-“

“We’re going on the ride, Gayoon.” Her friend said, smirking at the girl’s troubles.

“I know English!” She hissed back before turning back to Jiyoon, who watched with an amused expression. “We want to, you know…um-“

“Go on the ride?”

“Yeah, that.”


The girl blushed, nodding and handing Jiyoon her ticket again, this time careful not to touch her skin.

As they walked away, Ashton could hear Blonde-Haired girl’s hysteric cackling and the quiet muttering of the Gayoon to “shut the hell up, rat. You’re hairline is receding anyway.”

Someone didn’t take teasing very well, Jiyoon pondered with a fond smile as they walked away.


The fourth time, Jiyoon had expected it. She knew the girl would return, and even though she had a sneaking suspicion it was because of a cute little crush, she couldn’t be sure. The shy girl could just be an introvert or have social anxiety. Jiyoon had known what that was like.

This time when she came around, the girl brought a short girl with ombre red hair and a cute round face.

The girl's clothes even matched her hair; black shorts with a red long sleeved top.

“Hi.” The shy girl said again.

“Hey.” Jiyoon responded, leaning forward and smiling.

“Um, I’m going to get on this. Again.” She said, a small ironic smile pulling on her lips.

Jiyoon chuckled at the situation with the shy girl and held her hand out, letting her place the tickets in her hand, and pulling her hand back immediately when she felt the stinging sensation of a spark. The other girl looked on at the two, a smile forming on as they looked at each other, one in confusion and the other in guilt. She bit her lip before grabbing the other girl by the sleeve and pulling her onto the ride.

Jiyoon was left with the tingling feeling of aftershock in her hand again.


The fifth time Jiyoon saw the shy girl, her shift was over, and she was closing the gates to the ride. Finally she could go home and sleep for a few hours before returning to work and school the next day.

She was trying to figure out whether she should take a shower that night or wait until the next morning when she heard heavy, frantic footsteps stomping behind her and Jiyoon turned around quickly to see the shy girl jogging toward her.

She waited for the girl to come close, watched the frantic white puffs of cold air fall from her pink lips as she neared the waiting girl.

“…Hi…” She breathed, bent at the knees and attempting to even her breathing.

“Hey.” Jiyoon said, how is it she could feel so fond of this girl? Sweat falling from her neck even when they must surely be turning to ice-sickles the second they appear, red-faced even when the white condensation forming from her lungs cover it in a light mist, hot even though she was in freezing weather.

Maybe Jiyoon was only flattered; this girl was the first to run a mile just to catch up to her before closing time.

Finally, she looked up, a small, uncertain smile on his face.

“Where are your friends?” Jiyoon asked, pulling her coat tighter around herself.

“Um, they’re…somewhere. Jihyun – the blond – is with them so they’re fine. They’ll wait for me, I hope.”

The younger girl chuckled. “Nice friends. Oh! By the way,” she exclaimed, digging in her pocket, “you gave me too many, and I know it’s kind of a moot point but here.”

Jiyoon pulled out the tickets, dropping them in the shy girl’s hand and expecting the pain of a shock in her hand as their skin connected.

“Sorry! I keep doing that…sorry.”

Jiyoon looked at her, giving a small nod. “It doesn’t hurt. It’s fine. What’s making us get shocked, anyway?”

“…Nothing…” The girl said, turning her face away as it began to heat up. “I, um, I wanted to come back before, but nobody would come back with me. I was too scared to come back alo-um, I um…sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“…I don’t know.”

Jiyoon looked into the chocolate eyes curiously. “Is it becau-“

“Um, I think you should take these back.” The girl said, grabbing Jiyoon’s hand and bringing it towards his own. “I don’t need these…anymore…” He said, her voice beginning to get quiet as her hand enclosed Jiyoon’s, transferring the items to him.

Jiyoon didn’t think she’d ever seen such a captivating color so closely. Nothing could get close to what she was witnessing at that moment. The deep brown colliding and resonating with the lights yet to be turned out was ethereal.

The light skin blinked with hues of red, blue, orange, of the fair rides that had not yet been cut off and Jiyoon found herself mesmerized by the beauty. She allowed herself to wonder what it would be like to see that everyday.

“I lied.” Gayoon said quietly, breaking the silent thoughts. “I just wanted a reason to touch you.” She breathed, keeping her hands around Jiyoon’s as she leaned forward, connecting their lips.

Too soon the kiss was over, and the shy girl smiled at Jiyoon, “I’m coming back tomorrow.”

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oh wow this is really interesting
Chapter 1: Cute story! :)RIP 4Minute D: THanks for writing ^^
Chapter 1: Oooooow It was so cute! I love 2yoon! I needed this, really, it is so hard to assimilating the news, sometimes i think that is not true, but reality really bites me in the . I love it!

And yes, do this in a boygroup would be amazing!1