K-Kill It!

K-Kill It!

Youngjae pushed through the door and entered the door. As he set his things on a chair, he shouted, "I'm back."

He received no response but that was fine with him. It was pretty late when he came back from recording a song. He might have to come back to the recording station the next day because Youngjae faintly remembers the little mistakes he made in his singing. Brushing it off for the night, Youngjae walked into the kitchen, hoping to find a midnight snack left out. To his horror, there wasn't a single plate of food left out. Only empty ones. 

Grumbling, Youngjae stacks the empty plates and puts them into the sink. He figured Jinyoung would wash it the next morning. Turning, he opened the fridge. The only thing he could eat right away was a small amount of fruit. Youngjae stared a the food and measured exactly how hungry he was. After a few seconds, he heard his stomach moan uncomfortably. Chuckling, Youngjae grabbed the fruit and stuffed his cheeks the best he could. 

'I could make ramen later...,' thought Youngjae as he leaned against a counter, devouring the food. 'Then again-'


A loud shout came from one of the bedrooms in the dorm. Startled, Youngjae's hands quaked and dropped the fruit. He stared longingly as the fruit laid idly on the tile floor. He closed his eyes and groaned, "I was going to eat that..."

Like before, he heard another scream, only louder. Deciding to check on the noise, Youngjae began knocking at the different doors.

He first came to the first door in the hall and knocked quietly. 

"Hn?" asked the voice from inside.

"What are you doing?"

"Sleeping until you woke us up," muttered Jinyoung as Youngjae heard the shuffling of sheets.

"Oh, sorry," said Youngjae, moving on to the next door.

"Hello...? What are you doing?" 

"Hm? Youngjae hyung?" said BamBam from inside. "Me and Jackson were going to sleep. Why?"

"Nothing. You two go sleep," said Youngjae moving onto the next room.

"Hey, Jaebum are you there?" asked Youngjae, knocking at the door.

"Y-Youngjae!" yelped the voice from inside.

"Hyung?" asked Youngjae as he shook the door open to find the leader standing on the bed on top of a mound of pillows.

"Y-Youngjae...," mumbled Jaebum as he slightly unwrapped himself of the blanket to reach out a hand. "H-Help..."

"Uh, hyung. Why are you on the bed like that?" asked Youngjae as he casually sat on the bed. Jaebum fell down and hid behind Youngjae, clutching his shoulders and resting his chin in the crook of Youngjae's shoulder.

"T-There's something on the floor...," he mumbled, clutching Youngjae even harder. Youngjae had never seen the brave leader act like this before... unless.

"Jaebum hyung, is there...a bug?" asked Youngjae, turning around to give the shaking leader a hug.

"N-No, it's even bigger," stuttered Jaebum, deepening the hug.

"So it's not a cockroach?" asked Youngjae, still trying to figure out the situation that left Jaebum scared.

"N-No. It's even bigger than that," said Jaebum pulling Youngjae up to stand with him. The further away he was from the ground, the better.

Before Youngjae could ask another question, Jaebum shouted and had a surprise spasm with his arm as he accidently slapped Youngjae on the cheek.

"Hyung, get a hold of yourself," chuckled Youngjae as he slung his arm in Jaebum's and held his hand in his.

"B-But, I saw it!" cried Jaebum, pointing to the corner. Youngjae's gaze followed the finger. As he laid eyes on it, Youngjae shrieked. "K-Kill it!"

"J-Jaebum hyung! That's not a bug!" shouted Youngjae as he put Jaebum's arm over his neck and held the other's waist tightly.

"AH, get off me! I can't run if you're like this," said Jaebum but didn't make any move to get Youngjae off.

"Hyung," pouted Youngjae, "What do we do? We have something furry in our room."

"Furry?" scoffed Jaebum, "More like hairy and gross."

"Like you?" snickered Youngjae.

"You're going to be dead like that rat if you don't shut it," threatened Jaebum jokingly as he head locked Youngjae and applied pressure.

"H-Hyung!" choked Youngjae as he tried to pull out of the elder's head lock. "I-I can't b-breathe!"

"Sorry Youngjae-ah," said Jaebum as he released Youngjae from his hold.

"It's okay hyung!" said Youngjae cheerfully as he hugged the elders arm and rested his head on his shoulder. "What do we do about the rat though?"

"I don't know," admitted Jaebum. "I don't want to get near it."

"And I don't think I can kill it," said Youngjae as he began laughing.

"Do you think Mark hyung could help?" asked Jaebum hopefully.

"Nope. He's asleep and is probably also afraid," said Youngjae as he moved closer to Jaebum. He felt much safer under Jaebum's strong arms.

"We should call someone then," said Jaebum. "Let's just scream until someone helps us."

"Good plan," said Youngjae as he begins hollering like a damsel in distress... which they sort of were. Soon, Jaebum joined in.

It wasn't long until all the members were crowded up at the door, hair a complete mess from being woken from sleep.

"What happened!?"

"Did someone get hurt?"

"Did we run out of food?"

"Are you okay?"

"Why are you screaming?"

Youngjae and Jaebum just hugged each other as they stared at the members. "We kinda need help."

"What?" asked Jinyoung suspiciously, "Is this a prank?"

"No... there is a rat here...we need help," said Jaebum as he nodded to the floor.

"Rat?!" cried BamBam, "I'm out!"

"Me too," hooted Jackson as he followed after BamBam.

"Wait for me!" shouted Yugeom as he ran behind Jackson.

"I'll call someone," said Mark as he "magically" pulled out a cell phone from his shorts and began dialing a number.

"You two can hang out in our room," said Jinyoung as he dragged the two off the bed and shoved them into his room. "Don't make a mess. It's only for a while."

"Okay hyung!" cried Youngjae as he still kept Jaebum's arm over his shoulder. 

"That ended well," said Jaebum as he sat down on Mark's bed.

"Mhm," said Youngjae as he closed his eyes and leaned into Jaebum's hug.

"Tired?" asked Jaebum, swaying side to side. 

"Yeah," yawned Youngjae as he pushed Jaebum down on the bed and laid on top of his chest. He heaved a noticeable, yet comfortable, sigh.

"Let's sleep like this," whispered Jaebum. He felt Youngjae hum in approval and shift his body closer. "Good night."


Yay, some 2Jae~ (tho it didn't come out as fluffy as I imagine... :/ )

Either way, hope you enjoyed it!

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Omg, I died laughing, lmao BamBam tho.. XD
Millyruiz2509 #2
Chapter 1: Who ever said did we run out of food is my hero
Chapter 1: Oh my god, its so hilarious XD XD XD nice story keep up the good work, hwaiting<3

I like it!!!!