

Fresh from the shower, Taekwoon heads out to the kitchen. Just one more cup of coffee before he prepares to go to bed. Wonshik’s the only one still out at this moment, brows furrowed and tumbler by his side as he types away at his computer.

Taekwoon tears open one packet of his favourite brand of instant coffee, empties the contents into his mug. “Wonshik ah, not sleeping anytime soon?” He grabs the flask of hot water, carefully pours the right amount into his mug.

“Not anytime soon,” Wonshik stretches and yawns, “Working on the lyrics for my next project. Just got inspiration, couldn’t just let it go. How about you, hyung?”

“Gonna knock out right after finishing my coffee.” Taekwoon holds up the finished mug, takes a little sip of that bittersweet, aromatic drink. At this moment, he spots a figure stretched out over the couch, fast asleep.

“Is that Jaehwan?”

“Yeah hyung, he fell asleep while waiting for his turn to bathe. Should I wake him up now that you’re done?”

Taekwoon takes another sip before glancing over to Jaehwan again. He’s always been a restless sleeper, and he’s changed positions already; now curled up upon himself, back rising up and down slightly with each breath. He’s probably so exhausted, physically and mentally; Taekwoon can’t help but sigh sometimes when he sees how packed Jaehwan’s schedules can get, individual shootings on top of the group ones. Jaehwan could really do with more rest.

“It’s fine, Wonshik-ah. You concentrate on your work, I’ll take care of Jaehwan. Don’t think he’d like to be woken up now, he can have a nice long bath when he wakes up tomorrow.” Taekwoon finishes up the last drop of his coffee, “Good luck on your songwriting, and don’t sleep too late, okay?”

“All right, hyung,” Wonshik laughs, “Thanks.”

Taekwoon rinses off the mug in the sink before walking over to Jaehwan. He’s still in the outfit he’d worn for their event that day, and still curled up; head resting atop both his hands, knees drawn up to his chest. Taekwoon smiles as he catches sight of the younger’s face, cheeks puffy and pink lips pouting even as he’s asleep.

Taekwoon gentle manoeuvers Jaehwan such that he can hook an arm under Jaehwan’s knees, carefully positioning his other arm at Jaehwan’s back, before lifting Jaehwan up bridal style with a soft grunt. Soft, gentle, careful – can’t wake him up.

That head of soft, ash brown hair is immediately tucked snug under Taekwoon’s chin, and he swears he can feel a slight pull on his shirt; Jaehwan’s fingers, clutching at his shirt? Taekwoon’s eyes widen, had he been woken up? He glances down, and sure enough, Jaehwan’s fists are curled into the material of his shirt, but his eyes are still closed, soft lashes fluttering against his (now slightly flushed?) cheeks, body moving with each inhale, exhale—

Weird, Taekwoon thinks, but seems like Jaehwan’s still asleep. It’s a slight strain on Taekwoon’s arms, but he manages to get the younger into his room, finally; gently lowers the younger onto the soft sheets of his bed. Taekwoon sighs as carefully removes the jacket from Jaehwan’s outfit, leaving the younger in the plain tee(it’d be too warm inside of that jacket, Taekwoon figured); then grabs a pillow and fits it underneath Jaehwan’s head.

Taekwoon smiles dotingly and pets at that soft head of hair, before getting up to return to his own room. He doesn’t get to, though, because there’s a hand grabbing at his wrist. Admittedly, that startles the out of Taekwoon; he can’t help but jump slightly in shock.

"You're awake?"

"No," comes the reply, soft and slightly rough.

Taekwoon can't help but roll his eyes. "Since you're fine sleeping, then I'm off. Goodnight."

"No, I mean yes. I'm awake." The grip on his wrist tightens ever so slightly. "Stay. Please?"

Jaehwan shifts a little, making space for Taekwoon by his side. He pats at the empty spot, motioning for Taekwoon to "lie down here", with those (adorable) puppy like eyes.

And if that doesn't sway, or melt Taekwoon, what could? It’s not even like Taekwoon's against the idea in the first place. (More so he's been waiting for the suggestion, but no one needs to know that)

So Taekwoon finds himself here, snuggled up beside Jaehwan. It seems so normal, when Jaehwan immediately wraps his arms around Taekwoon's waist, curling up comfortably against Taekwoon's chest, one leg thrown lazily (possessively) over the elder's.

"I've missed this"

Jaehwan's voice is soft, unlike his usual joking, playful tone. It's that tone he uses only when there's just the two of them. These are words that Jaehwan usually finds hard to say; words full of sincerity, with a slightly wistful, melancholy tinge.

[[It's true, Taekwoon thinks. They used to have so much time to spend with each other, those times when their schedules weren't quite as packed. Sharing of beds used to be a thing, too, due to insufficient funds, now no longer. And thus— gone were the excuses for nights like these, spent cuddling with each other.]]

And now, with his arms full of a sleepy Jaehwan; a head of soft, messy hair nestled tight against his chest, arms and legs clinging on like he never wants to let go(he never does), Taekwoon can't help but feel all warm and  fuzzy inside, heart beating fast, arms wrapping around the younger. It just feels so right, this is exactly the familiar feeling he's chased for a long time ever since, and it feels wonderful.

This moment is so rare, so precious now; Taekwoon tightens his arms around Jaehwan, burying his nose into Jaehwan's hair (smells of faint traces of sweat and shower foam, but it doesn't matter). He never ever wants to let go.

Taekwoon's missed this, too.


comments are always appreciated<3




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Chapter 1: Love birds
half of a whole
nice story
Keep writing
Chapter 1: Oh my god this killed me wow just wow
Chapter 1: OH MY GAHD This is so cute I cannot <3
I just love them both <3
GavrieLagusty #4
Chapter 1: Oh God this is beautiful! I love your writing style, i love every words, its beautifully written omg!
Thankyou for this sweet story !! ^^
Chapter 1: Love this :D Thank you! <3
Chapter 1: this is so good!!
loved every word of it.. well done!!!!