When Two Nerds Have a Baby

In This Life

The first part of the double update. Please enjoy!!!

Jinyoung needed a bag. His arms were full of books and he was starting to regret his decision to do baby book shopping along with acquiring some new reading material. If he'd known that there were so many books regarding pregnancy and early childhood, he would have brought Jaebum to assist him. He probably should have bought some earlier, he was five and a half months in, but Mark had kindly given him the ones he had. If Mark and Jackson had another baby, they'd exchange books again. Becoming a parent was a group effort.


“Sir, may I offer you some assistance?” asked an employee. She'd come out of nowhere, startling Jinyoung out of his reverie.


“Actually, yes you can. Do you know which books are the best for expecting parents to read? I'm a first time mother. I want it to inform about me what I can expect and maybe some interesting stories from other mothers.”


“What stages are you trying to read upon?”


“Well the pregnancy and maybe the first year. I'm only five and a half months so I actually don't have to buy that far in the future.”


“Well, I think the first year isn't too far ahead so it would be advisable to purchase now, and you'll be able to come back when the first year does happen. It's better to be over prepared than under. I'm a mother myself so I can tell you everything happens quickly.” She pulled a couple of books out of his arms until he was only holding three baby books and two personal. “I think these three are the best in regards to the type of information. This one,” she showed him before putting it back on the shelf, “isn't that great because it lacks a lot of good information about uncommon things. This one,” she did the same with the other book, “is outdated and a bit too preachy. It makes it hard for new mothers, which you are, to make their own opinions and weed out biased information.”


Jinyoung nodded along. Being a first time parent came with a lot of difficulties and ignorance.


“This book,” she pulled it off the shelf and showed it to him, “tells you how to prep your house for a baby throughout the stages. I would advise you to start early because they'll reach the stages in what seems like a short amount of time.”


Jinyoung once again nodded. The employee started gathering a book in her arms. “Have you thought of any baby names?”


“No, I wanted to get a book to look into it since I and my husband recently found out the of our baby. We want to give him a Korean name though.”


“Luckily, this store carries a couple of Korean naming books, but I'm guessing that's probably why you came to this store.”


“I was hoping that since it was in Koreatown that it would have a couple of Korean naming books.” He usually went to a different bookstore in this area, but this one was highly recommended by Jaebum because of its expansive Korean literature stock.


Jinyoung ended up with three personal books and one for his husband, he grabbed a short story collection for Jaebum and a play for himself, along with six baby books. By the time he checked out, he'd spent a bit too much money. He walked out of the bookstore with four bags of books. As he was placing the books in the backseat of his car, his phone rang. As he answered the phone, he sat in his car.




“Hey Jinyoung, where are you?”


“Leaving a bookstore. Why?”


“Are you coming home soon?”


“Yup. Why do need something?”


“I forgot to buy some stuff, well actually a lot of stuff. Can you go to the store and get the things I need? I'll text you the list.”


Jinyoung rolled his eyes. Even “genius” Jaebum forgot things every once in awhile. “I'll go get the stuff, but in return, I want... a full body massage.”




“Okay, I'll be home in a bit. Love you.”


“Love you too. You're a lifesaver.”


“I do my best.” Jinyoung hung up and started the car. The awaiting massage almost took away all his fatigue. His husband was a great masseuse. Pregnancy had beaten up his body so much a couple of massages a week weren't uncommon. He was barely halfway through the pregnancy and he wasn't coping well.


Jaebum heard a car stop in the driveway. He wiped his hands and went to the door. His ever growing husband was pulling out groceries from the trunk. Jaebum was embarrassed with how much he'd forgotten to get. He walked over and pressed a kiss to the side of Jinyoung's head while wrapping his arm around his waist.


“Welcome home.”


“Did you come out here to help?”


“Of course.” Jaebum took the remaining bags. He peeked in the back of the car and saw multiple bags of books. He sighed. “How many did you buy?” He asked in an exasperated voice.


“Well I bought three books for myself, one for you and…”




“And six baby/parenting books.” Jinyoung said hurriedly. He walked to the front door avoiding his husband’s gaze.


Jaebum just sighed and grabbed all the bags out of the back seat. He didn't feel like coming back. With measured steps, Jaebum made it back into the house without an accident. He dropped all the bags on the dining table. He took all the grocery bags back to the kitchen.


Jinyoung started taking things out of the bags, leaving vegetables on the counter while putting cold things in the refrigerator. Jaebum joined him.


“Don't you think you went a little overboard?”


“The sales lady recommended them to me. I have name books and other books. It's all good information.”


“She was just selling it to you. You don’t have to believe everything salespeople shove into your arms.”


The voice he was using was the one Jinyoung hated most. It was the voice Jaebum used when he was acting like a life expert because Jinyoung was younger. “I have enough wisdom to discern when someone's just selling me something. I had three books she recommended with me anyway. She only gave me one more book and the other two were books of names.”


Jaebum understood the tone Jinyoung was using. He knew that he'd ticked him off by undermining his intelligence. He just nodded in agreeance. “Do you want to read them tonight?”


“Yeah, I really want to go through the names.”


“After dinner then.” Jaebum resumed cooking while Jinyoung sat at a stool at the kitchen island. He just watched quietly.


They ate dinner and talked about their days. Jaebum talked about his lectures. They were similar to the ones he'd given when Jinyoung was in school. They were similar not the same. He never repeated lessons because he always felt new views and works were important to hear. Jinyoung liked hearing what he taught because Jaebum's mind was a beautiful thing. It was why he fell in love with him.


They cleaned up the kitchen and the dining table. Dishes and glasses were loaded into the dishwasher. Jaebum removed any leftover trash from the kitchen before wiping down the counters. Jinyoung washed the non-dishwasher safe cooking items. Jaebum dried. The couple worked together quietly with a superb amount of teamwork. They both hoped that this rest teamwork would help them parent together.


Once they were finished, Jinyoung brought the bags of books to the couch and placed them on the coffee table in front of him. Jaebum sat down next to him. He started looking through the contents of the bags in front of him.


“How did you feel today?”


“Fatigued. My back hurts a bit. My ankles are slightly swollen. I've been craving cheese in any dish whether it be grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, pizza, or ing desserts. The pasta tonight really hit the spot tonight.”


“Any other cravings?”


“Strawberries. Oh and combinations cookies. They're called brookies and it's made from brownies and cookies and it most definitely the best thing I ate today.”


“When did you become such a foodie?”


“This pregnancy is driving my appetite insane. I'm completely obsessed with food. Luckily,Jackson hasn't neglected me and brings me awesome food from one his restaurants.”


“He's bringing you food?”


“Yeah, and whatever it is, it's delicious.”


“Is he taking your condition into consideration.”


“It's not a condition. Plus he created a diet for Mark during his pregnancy. Mark said he's actually really knowledgeable about food and how it should be eaten in regards to your health and stuff. He does take my pregnancy into account?”


“Should I let him feed you all the time since he knows best?” Jaebum asked with a little bite to it. Jealousy invaded his body.


“Don't be jealous over something so silly. Your dinner is so yummy every night.”


“Thanks.” Jaebum huffed out. He pulled Jinyoung’s feet into his lap and started rubbing them. He would move up his body while they talked.


Getting back to the original task, “Do you want the name to be more gender neutral or more masculine?”


“Whatever name we come up with will be fine.”


Jinyoung nodded as he picked up a naming book. He skimmed it and tried to get the gist of what it was about as Jaebum massaged his swollen ankles. “Are there any syllables you were thinking of?”


“Straight off my head? Well I've always like the way Taek sounds. I like Han too. Dae is a nice one too.” Jaebum made sure to massage diligently. He had promised after all.


“Those aren't bad. I like Baek. Young is nice as the second syllable.”


“You're only saying that because you're biased.”


“Of course I am.” Jinyoung said with a cheeky smile. “Seo is a popular syllable but it's nice. What do you think?”


“Seo is good. Im Seo. It has a good flow. Is there any syllable you want to put with it?”


“Um…” he thumbed through the book for a couple minutes. Jaebum had scooted closer and was massaging his right calf. “I like Jung. It's got a nice meaning. I like the way Im Seo Jung sounds.”


“I like that one. I'll put it on my mental list.”


Jinyoung rolled his eyes. “I like the syllable Yeol. It would go well with Han that you mentioned. Im Han Yeol. That doesn't sound bad.”


“I'll add that one to the mental list as well.” Jaebum moved on to the other calf. “I like the name Dae Ho. Im Dae Ho. It has an interesting sound. I'm Dae Ho.”


“It's definitely unique.”


“Do you like it?”


“It's not that bad.”


Jaebum just added it to the list.


“I like Hong. It has a nice meaning. I don't know what to put with it though.”


They sat in silence for a couple of minutes as he squeezed his thighs. Soon they'd have to move the massage session to a different room so Jinyoung could be comfortably rubbed. “How about Il? Hong Il sounds classic and cool.”


“You want our son to be cool? It's not possible with having such big needs as parents.”


“I'm not a nerd.”


“Yeah you are. You wrote your best man speech at Mark and Jackson’s wedding as a Shakespearean sonnet. That sounds nerdy as hell.”


“It's not nerdy. It's called passion.”


“You're a ing nerd, deal with it.”


Jaebum gave up. No need to argue. “Sit up so I can rub your shoulders.” Jinyoung sat up and started reading from the book in his hands again.


“Do you like the name Jae Hwa or is it too close to your name?”


“Wouldn't any father want their son to be named after himself or his ancestors? Im Jae Hwa sounds like a great name.”


“I'm very much inclined to not name our son after you.”




“I want something different. He'll look like us, that's enough similarity.”


“So no Jae’s in the name?”


“No Jae’s.”


“So no Bum’s or Jin’s or Young’s either, right?”




“I thought you would waver.”


“I'm not a hypocrite even though my last name isn't Im.”


“Any other names?”


“I like Hae and Rae with the ㅐcharacter.”


“Those are feminine syllables.”


“What's wrong with having a girly name? It's only society who dictates things like that.”


Jaebum pondered that thought and sighed. “If you find a good additional syllable, I'll agree to it. For now, it's debatable.”


“Fine.” Jinyoung flipped through the book some more before moving on to the other. “What about Hyun? It means a person of virtue. I think it's a good syllable. I also like Ji. It means wisdom, intelligence, knowledge.”


“I like Ji too. Jun is a good one too.”


“Seong Won is a good name. Seong Yeon too.”


“They sound okay.”


“What syllables and or names do you like?”


“The ones you chose. I don't want Hae or Rae though. Im Seo Jung and Im Hong Il are strong options. Im Han Yeol is a bit clunky. I don't really like the syllable Hyun. Ji and Jun are possible, but I want an additional syllable. Im Dae Ho is a bit too stiff in my opinion.”


“Well, Han is one of your preferred syllables so… what about Han Jun? Im Han Jun is very bright sounding. It sounds sunny.” Jinyoung browsed through the book some more as Jaebum massaged his lower back. That's what really had him hurting. “I don't think Ji goes with the syllables we've picked out so I think we shouldn't consider it anymore.”


“Agreed. So Han Jun, Seo Jung, or Hong Il? Those are good choices, but we don't have to make a decision now. Let's discuss it with people and see how they feel about them.”


“I'm not going to make a choice on other people's opinions. It's our son not theirs.”


“I'll just get a feel. I won't put that much weight on the opinions. If my parents and your parents like the name, then it makes the name even more positive.”








“Don't yell at your husband.”


“I'm trying to grade exams.” It was just the worst combination of timing. Jinyoung was pregnant, he had just reached seven months, and he had final grades for his classes to finish. The past couple of weeks had been extremely stressful. They had prepared the nursery, which Mark had designed and furnished as part of a gift for the baby. Jinyoung was always preparing for a surprise birth. Along with being ultra prepared, his appetite had become ravenous. Every meal needed seconds, thirds, and half a fourth serving. Plus money had been slipping through their hands like water. It was expected but still somewhat surprising how expensive it was. Overall, the pregnancy had been really good, but the reality of preparing for a baby had taken a toll on Jaebum's mental health.


“I just wanted to decide on a name.” Jinyoung pouted. Jaebum had been so stressed and nothing he did could relieve his constant pissy mood.


Jaebum rubbed his head and then his eyes and the the bridge of his nose. He was tired of being an to Jinyoung. He just had so much on his plate that he kept pushing his feelings onto someone who didn't deserve it. “I'm sorry. I just don't think I can concentrate on that right now. I really want to be in a good headspace when we decide.”


“I'll help you.” Jinyoung got up from his position on the couch. He was pretty large which was strange because his center of gravity was so off. He sat across from Jaebum at the dining table. “Get me a copy of the key.”


Jaebum was so relieved, grateful, and apologetic for his behavior. He shouldn't have been surprised since Jinyoung had always assisted him even when they were in the first year of their relationship. Jaebum copied the key in his office and soon returned. Jinyoung had a cup of tea steeping near the papers with his glasses perched adorably on his nose. Jaebum smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I love you.”


“I know. Go do your work.” Jinyoung took a couple minutes to analyze the key before starting his task. He was an extremely fair grader which was fortunate for the students in his stack. He had less rigid ideals in regards to things being tested. “So names?”


“You want to do this now?”




Jaebum finished grading the test he was in the middle of. “I considered some more names.” They'd had several more discussions, but nothing had been decided.


“What are they?”


“Yoo Jung, Young Ju, and Jeong Ryeo.”


“Im Yoo Jung is okay. No to Young Ju; it's too cute. Im Jung Ryeo is really interesting.”


“I don't think you like Yoo Jung that much.”


“You're very keen.”


“So we still have a choice between four names? Jung Ryeo, Han Jun, Seo Jung, and Hong Il.”


“I don't like Han Jun that much anymore.”




“Im Jung Ryeo, Im Seo Jung, and Im Hong Il. They all sound nice.”


“Jung Ryeo is a bit clunky though. It doesn't flow well when it's just the first name.”




“I think Seo Jung sounds really nice. Hong Il sounds very formal. I think I'm leaning towards Seo Jung.”


“You like Seo Jeong the most?”




“I like it too. Im Seo Jung also known as Seo Jung Im.”


“Maybe if we have another son, we'll name him Hong Il if it suits me.”


“Well I hope it happens.”


Jinyoung leaned over the table, moving the papers and tea, and kissed Jaebum with a lot of effort and feet in the chair. “I love you.”


“I love you too.” Jaebum smiled while holding onto his his husband’s arm as Jinyoung sat back down carefully. “YA! Im Seo Jung. Please represent your name with integrity, compassion, determination, and happiness. The next few months will be very eventful so stay healthy so that we can meet you as our best selves. Your mother and I will be waiting eagerly for your arrival. We love you.”


“What a passionate speech.”


“Don't laugh. It was from the heart.”


“You say almost everything from the heart so I'm not surprised.”


“Are you saying I wear my heart on my sleeve?”


“I'm surprised you thought you were mysterious and not obvious.”


Jaebum once again was dissected easily by Jinyoung. Those eyes searched his face before hiding behind a wide smile. His heart skipped a little. His intelligence, sharp tongue, and heart made Jaebum feel undeserving of such a wonderful person. Everything about him was so perfect. Jinyoung suited every title so perfectly. Mother, husband, and son. He was genuinely the best thing that had happened to Jaebum.


Thanks for reading. I would love comments, subrscriptions, and votes.  Please continue onto the next chapter, where I'll probably talk a lot.

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Chapter 1: omg this is so sweet and fluffy~~~ ♡ I'm usually not into mpreg stories, only if they're really good... so apparently yours is really good ㅋㅋ
JulyChans #2
Chapter 8: I like the way in which they are treated each other, are so different and are understand at the same time, they complement each other, i love MarkSon, thanks for update :)
PS: I hope that the next chapter be Bnior, please!!!!
Chapter 8: I miss your jjp :(((
JulyChans #4
Chapter 7: Everything is so cute, i enjoy reading every chapter, thanks, i can't wait for the next! :)
Chapter 1: OMG ! >//< i like this story, its first time for me to read this story ! anddd jinyoung~ its cheesy in the end of the chapter kyaaaa
Chapter 6: Finally they came up with a beautiful name with their baby girl!! Ah I can really imagine Jackson having long talks with the baby still inside Mark's tummy. Aigooo just so cute~~
floralis #7
Chapter 6: Really sweet double update ! We can see how hard you work for it :)
Chapter 4: This is soo sweet :') ❤ I love daddy! Jackson and mummy! Mark so much XD And Vivian is such a cute name, can't wait for JJP's baby :') ❤