
right around the corner


This will be the only chapter NOT from Jimin's POV, but in 3rd POV (you'll soon read why)




Everyone raced back into the building. 

"Jimin!" V yelled.

"Damnit where is he?" Rap Monster asked.

Suddenly, Jimin appeared from a room, groggily walking. 


"Where were you? You had us worried sick!" Suga angrily ran up to him. 

"I don't know....I suddenly passed out and just now woke up." Jimin answered. 

"Have you not been eating properly? I know it's hard to have an appetite when it smells like corpses everywhere but you need to eat! At least take vitamin pills and drink water!" Suga continued to scold him. 


"By the way," Jimin interrupted, "Did something happen? Your hand is bloody," and pointed at Rap Mon's hand.

Everyone looked at each other before JB answered, "The murderer got Yerin," 

"Oh," Jimin's face fell, "Is Jimin okay?" 

"Yeah she's fine. She's with Yerin," Junior said.


"I should go give my condolences," Jimin climbed up the stairs onto the roof with the rest following.

But there wasn't anything.

Jimin and Yerin's body had vanished.

There was no blood nor sign that they were ever there. 


"What the ?" Jackson whispered.

"Where'd they go?" Jin asked,

"We need to find Jimin right now. She could be in danger!" Jungkook said, worried. 

Jaebum glared at him and said, "Calm down, there has to be a clue somewhere,"

Everyone looked around but nothing suspicious was to be found. 


Yugyeom clung onto Junior and whispered, "Hyung, I'm scared."

Junior knodded and half-heartedly said, "It's okay to be."

Jin said, "I know all of us are terrified and everyone is dying left and right, but can we just sit down for moment and think everything through thorougly?"


"No! While the murderer is in action, we have to be too," Suga replied, "Have you guys always been the logical, analyzer type or are you just making excuses?"

"I'm not really in the position to say anything but now also really isn't the time to argue about our personalities," Mark commented. 

Taehyung asked, "I hope I'm not disturbing your elderly chat, but is there an basement for this hotel?"

"I don't know. We didn't bother asking the hotel owner, but if there is, it's probably locked." JB explained. 


Suga complained, "So are we going to do anything or what?"

"What are you even going to do?" JB asked.

"Well I'm not going to tell you," Suga pointed at Youngjae, Jimin, and Mark, who were sitting on the side casually, "Get your lazy asses up and help me,"

Suga led them down to the hotel's front desk and began throwing every drawer open. 


Suddenly, he jumped. 

"What is it?" Jimin ran over to his hyung followed by Mark and Youngjae. 

Everyone turned and gasped, although Youngjae screamed. 

Yerin's bloody head sat in one of the bottom drawers and her skin was a shade of blue that they had never seen on a human before. 


They immediately turned away, except for Suga who leaned down to get a closer look. 

"How could the killer be so heartless?" Youngjae shut his eyes tight.

"I wonder if this is a message," Suga muttered.


He lifted the head with his bare hands and noticed a small letter underneath.

He took it out and slowly unfolded it after returning Yerin's head to the drawer.

Suga slowly read the contents and his eyes got wider by each sentence. 

"What does it say?" Mark asked. 

"Can't tell you," Suga turned away. 


"Hyung?" Jimin touched his shoulder.

Suga flinched and stood up.

He walked away and left the building. 

"What's wrong with him?" Youngjae asked.

"No clue but there must've been something really disturbing in that letter," Mark said as he watched the older idol walk in circles outside. 


"I don't know about you guys but I want to get as far from that drawer as possible." Jimin eyed the drawer. 

"Hey, isn't there a staff room with a fridge somewhere? I kinda hungry," Mark looked around.

"How can you have an appetite? Youngjae stared at him. 

"How can you not?" Mark grinned back. 


Suga entered the hotel again and said,"You guys can continue being oblivious, I have something to do," and walked off.

Once he was gone, Youngjae asked, "Hey, so who do you think is the killer?" 

"I don't know, but I feel like it's not one of us," Jimin answered.


Mark sighed, "To be honest, I feel like it's Suga sunbae. No offense," He apologized to Jimin, "But he's so distant and angry and just...weird. He could easily go insane and go on a killing spree." 

Jimin gave a small nod and Youngjae thoughtfully said, "I think it's probably one of the people who have already died. You know, the murderer would 'kill' himself so the others wouldn't suspect them."

"That sounds like a pretty good idea. Like such a good idea that maybe even you'd even do it," Jimin muttered.

The trio nervously laughed, knowing they were all pretending to seem normal while they were actually petrified.


Meanwhile, on the roof where the rest of the living members of BTS and Got7 were, JB wondered, "I don't understand why the murderer suddenly took Yerin's body and kidnapped Jimin. We were only gone for a minute. It doesn't add up."

Taehyung said, "Now that I think about it, the murderer could be a mutated animal/person rather than a civilized one. Americans probably have dumped waste on this island a few times."

"No," Jin immediately contradicted, "Only very wealthy families and people are allowed to come here. California definitely wouldn't put any kind of waste on here. Besides, remember the murderer wrote 'You will all die' above Bambam's body? I'm pretty sure a mutated human or animal would have any ability to read or write."


Yugyeom turned to Rap Monster, "Didn't you check the map of the island before we left? Isn't there some house or shed a rich person built here that the murderer could've hid them in?

Rap Monster shook his head, "Human contact with the forest is forbidden and this hotel is the only building here." 

"But didn't PD-nim say we were supposed to film in the forest?" Yugyeom asked.

Jackson sighed, "I was really looking forward to getting a nice tan at the beach."

"Well that was random," Jungkook commented.


Junior surveyed the scene before him.

Everyone was slowly dying one by one and they had very few clues to who the murderer could be.

They had no idea when the next attack could be and the others were frightened.

This was an absolute hopeless situation he never thought would happen to him. 







Sorry that this chapter was short and possibly boring because there's little action and even less of Jamie.

Speaking of her, please support her new mini album 19 to 20 and the title track Try!

Expect another update by the end of the labor day weekend.


So, who do you think is the murderer?



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xxkittenxx #1
Chapter 11: Ohh!! Will the revamp be a continuation here?
xxkittenxx #2
Chapter 7: I dont even know anymore
xxkittenxx #3
Chapter 4: Omg. I cant why did i read this? And i cant stop
wonhaemanimani #4
Chapter 9: Is it really over? Cause i feel like there's something in the next chapter. And why did i read this at midnight, alone. It's creepy
camjunmyeon16 #5
Chapter 8: I think it can be Jungkook because he jealous of the others trying to pounce on Jaime so he drugged the 2 jimins. And put the knife in jimin hand
Shaboobla #6
Chapter 8: I want to see jungkook and jamie get somewhere author-nim. JUNGAMIE
Chapter 7: Wait, I'm confused?? Jamie was with them when Taehyung was killed, but why did Suga think that Jamie's the murderer??? Jimin was with Taehyung, so he should b the suspect instead??

All of that aside, I think the murderer may be BTS Jimin...cuz of Yerin's note...
But sometimes, the storyline makes me feel that Jamie's also so far, Jimin and Jamie were the only ones who fainted when the murders happened? What if they're both involved in the murder without them knowing it?? And Earlier, Jamie felt likes the sharp stabbed her before she fainted... What if it's some kind of drug??or bite of sth?? Sth that can turn her and/or Jimin into a monster? Or it's possible that the whole thing is some kind of a terrible experiment...

Another thought that comes into my mind is that: what if the murderer is among the supposed-dead people, and he staged everything?? There's depressant drugs in the early chapter, so it reminds me of JHope... Gonna blame BTS's HYYH for that.
kaywoo #8
Chapter 7: "And since when had I unconsciously realized that I was strangely immune to the murderer?"