The Start of......??

Classic Goes To CUBE ENT

Jihae knew that nothing good will come if she stayed any longer in the studio when Haemi decides to appear. It was not like she wanted to run away, it was her dance training room to use anyway but her own body made her left the room as quickly as possible. With a half ped bag, Jihae stopped midway at the entrance of the toilet. She turned back to ensure that Haemi was not following her.

Jihae held tight to the sink with both her hands as she stared herself in the mirror. She could see her tired self. Jihae was having deep thoughts as she kept thinking about her family members. Yes, her idol family members whom she did not met for 7 years and whom she had not met since the last meeting. How much she wanted to hug them, to talk to them. She needed the comfort from them but she was not getting it. She needed the strength from them, their encouragement and also their advices. What she actually misses the most was their constant nagging and their constant reminders to take a break. She sighed. Packing her bag properly this time, she exited the ladies’ room.

Jihae had her head down as she walked down to the first floor. At her last step down the stairs, she froze. She sensed that something was not right. Since she did not look up, she saw many pairs of black polished shoes surrounding her.

“BORN TO BEAT! ANNYEONGHASAEYO, BTOB-IMNIDA!” She looked up to be greeted by six charming guys. Jihae almost jumped by their loud greeting. Instead her eyes widened twice its size as she kept her gaze on the one that stood directly in front of her. *BtoB…? Sound familiar… Have I heard it somewhere…?* Jihae thought.

The guy Jihae had her gazed fixed on started waving his hand in front of her. “Noona? Are you okay? Hello…?” SungJae tilted his head left and right, still waving his hand in front of Jihae.

Jihae blinked once, then twice. She could not recognize them from anywhere yet one of them was calling her Noona. “Huh?” She looked at them blindly and that was the only thing that came out of .

SungJae stomped his feet on the ground like a little kid as he tucked on ChangSeob’s sleeves. “Hyung… she forgot about me… it had only been 1 month and she had forgotten about us…” he whined. ChangSeob started laughing at the upset maknae. “SungJae ah-”

“SUNGJAE!!?” Jihae pointed at Sungjae after she heard the familiar name. “Are you sure you’re THE SungJae I know?  Where did my cute SungJae go…? How can 1 month not seeing you guys made you guys change so much??” Jihae walked towards him, warily.  “You look so different now…” She pinched his cheeks and he responded by giving her an eye smile,”… all of you oppas too….” Since Jihae was standing in front of him, Sungjae unconditionally hugged her by her waist. This made the rest of BtoB to join in and all of them enjoyed the small group hug before breaking it off. *Oh, how much I’ve missed these guys…* she gave a small smile.

Even though they were tired, they continued sharing with each other about what had happened when they were not together. They enjoyed each other’s company even in that short period of time. No matter how much they wanted to be with her, BToB were busy. Actually, too busy to even talked like how they were talking now. But they did not mind attending their next schedule late, just for Jihae. “Yah! You guys are already late and you are still chatting? Quick, get ready for your next schedule! You guys don’t want to leave a bad impression when you had just debut rite? Chop chop!!” Their manager shouted. Having no choice, they said their goodbyes and left, not forgetting to turn back once in a while to wave at Jihae.

Jihae was walking backwards as she continued to wave in BtoB’s direction. Jihae was disappointed that they could not chat more but continued smiling and waving till BtoB was out from her view.

*OOOPF!* Jihae tripped on her own legs and almost fell backwards, but someone had caught her. She shut her eyes tight, not daring to face the person who saved her from falling. *I’m proving myself to be clumsy, AGAIN!* mentally hitting herself.

“Jihyun-ah…Are you okay?” the person asked. Jihae recognized that voice.

*Oh no! Please don’t let it be him…please…* Jihae opened her eyes slowly to see a familiar face in front of her. *Who am I kidding? Who else have that beautiful voice of his?*

The person that saved her from falling hard was him, Yoseob. The one person she could not keep her gaze away from has saved her. Just when she wanted to appear perfect in front of him, she already made a mistake on their second meeting. Jihae quickly nodded. “I’m fine…thank you.” Jihae said softly as she regained her balance. Her face was red as ever. Jihae quicky bowed 90 degrees before walking away at a fast pace in the opposite direction.

*Wait, where is she going? I can’t let her go just yet! It my chance to be with her, ALONE! Think of a reason to keep her Yoseob, think!!* Yoseob thought.

“Wait!” Yoseob shouted that made Jihae stop walking. Jihae turned her head towards Yoseob’s direction. Yoseob started rubbing the back of his neck.

 “Want some vocal training? I heard from hyung that you’re having difficulty.” He smiled.

 Jihae returned his smile and nodded. Jihae liked the fact that she gets to spend time with her crush but what made her agree was the fact that she really did need vocal practice, and who would be a better instructor than a sunbae as great as Yoseob himself?

Jihae and Yoseob found an empty recording room. Jihae quickly put her bag down and walked towards Yoseob who was busy setting up the equipment. She stood beside Yoseob eyeing him and the equipment from time to time. What fascinates her was the number of buttons there were. It was not her first time in a vocal room but it was her first time being so close to the equipment. *hmm… I wonder what this button does…* her finger moved towards a big green button. Before she could lay her finger on it, Yoseob flicked her hand lightly. Jihae jerked her hand away as Yoseob shake his head while looking at her. *Cute... Forever full of curiosity...* he chuckled.

I can't take my breath breath breath
Sigani galsurok jeomjeom jinagalsurok oh nan
I can't hold my breath breath breath

Yoseob’s phone rang. He took out his phone to see the caller ID. He grinned at Jihae and made his way out the room to get some privacy.

Jihae looked at him exiting the room. She walked towards the seat and sat there, waiting for him to return. Not even one minute had passed and Jihae was feeling bored. She walked towards the equipment again. Her finger was itching to press a button. However, she did not want to break anything there. But her curiosity strikes again. *One button… just one! One button won’t kill anybody…* Jihae found herself pressing the big green button that she had her eyes on earlier. Music filled the whole room. It was a balled piece.

Slowly, Jihae shut her eyes as she listens to the song intently. Before she knew it, she started dancing to the music. It was almost like the normal classical music she listens to so she danced to it elegantly.

Yoseob grabbed the doorknob. He heard his favourite ballad playing as soon as he unlocks the door. He was quite surprise that the song had played. It meant to be a surprise for Jihae. He wanted to share this one song with her, a song that even his fans didn’t know he loved. His jaw dropped seeing the scene in front of him. Never had anyone danced that beautifully to his favorite song. He admired her, before pressing the pause button.

Jihae stopped dancing when the music suddenly stopped. *… got caught…* Yoseob smiled at her. She awkwardly smiled back and turned away to prevent Yoseob from seeing her flustered face.

“That’s my favourite ballad you just heard…  And danced to… It’s one of the best song to practice your vocals with. Here, shall we get started?” Yoseob grabbed her shoulder to turn her and passed her a music sheet. Jihae glanced through the music sheet as Yoseob grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the recording studio.

“We’ll start off without music first. Is that okay? Try getting the hang of it first.” Jihae nodded in understanding.

Yoseob corrected her when she did not hit the right note. *The song is hard to sing to but a person who has a desire to debut should at least get this right* Jihae thought as she tried her hardest. The ballad was a sweet love confession. One must even get the right emotions to deliver the song nicely. At times, Yoseob felt that Jihae was trying too hard and had her rest. But with Jihae’s character, they did not take a break longer than 3 minutes. After much practice, Yoseob felt it was time they sang the ballad with music.

As Jihae heard the music playing, she got the feel to the ballad. Yoseob started singing his part and Jihae continued. At the chorus, he kept his gaze locked on Jihae.

The music continued playing, but his voice was slowly fading. Jihae was also facing Yoseob who was staring at her.*what is he trying to do....?* No matter how hard she tried, she could not bring herself to make eye contact with him.  She felt Yoseob taking a step towards her. Another step from him and their nose would touch. Yoseob leaned in. Their lips met and Yoseob was kissing her. Jihae just stood there as her mind went blank. She closed her eyes.

“YOSEOB OPPA AND JI-” JiNyu barged into the room. She was lost at words seeing the position of how Jihae and Yoseob were standing, with Yoseob's head slightly tilted and back facing her. *Were they kissing...?*

Yoseob pulled away when he heard the door slammed opened. Both of them awkwardly stared at each other. "..." Both of them had no idea what to say to each other.  

Jihae was back in her senses. “I-I got to go…” she quickly grabbed her bag and walked past JiNyu who was still standing at the door. She did not even acknowledged JiNyu’s presence as she was just too shocked about what just happened.


i really need comments on how i can improve...T____T

please comment!!!!! pretty please with a cherry on top??>.<

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are u able to update now?
Chapter 12: Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^.
Chapter 12: plz update!
Aww~ Daebak!! >.< Yoseob confessed~ Can't wait for more updates !!!
why is jinyu calling her jihae instead of jihyun? i thought yoseob doesnt no tht she was jihae...
jaejae077 #7
@yangseob: thanks dearie!!!^^

@leeminhyun13: kekekeke sorry for not updating often!!!!!>.< hope you like the new chapte!!!^^

@shine_star: kekeke i wish my was like that too!!!!!^^ hehehehe updated!!!! and sorry for not updating often!!!!!
kyaaaaaaaa that's so funny I <br />
really love this story I wish my dad was just like hers<br />
updated soon ^^