Too Much Giving

Too Much Giving

Ever since Youngjae was a child, there has been one word drilled constantly into his mind. Share. That one simple word. He'd remember teachers saying, "Sharing is caring" or "Share your things". Even his parents told him to share things amongst his siblings. Youngjae didn't mind and he shared very well. He gave up his time and things to help others, even now.

Jaebum noticed. From the first day he met Youngjae, he saw how much the boy sacrificed for others. He knew that one day, Youngjae would go too far. He just didn't know when.


Youngjae awoke to the small sound of whines outside of his door. "Hyuuung. Youngjae hyung..."

He rubbed his face and pushed off his blanket. Taking a sigh, he walked to the door and pulled it open. To his surprise, he found the two maknaes standing in front of him, hair messy.

"Hyung!" cried BamBam, whose eyes lit up at the sight. "We're hungry..."

"Mhm!" agreed Yugeom as he nodded along with BamBam.

"Hyuuung, make something for us!" said BamBam as he pulled on Youngjae's pajama sleeves. Youngjae stared blankly at the maknaes.

"What," mumbled Youngjae, voice thick with sleep. "Wait what?"

"Hyung, we're hungry," said BamBam, shaking Youngjae. "And we need you to make us food!"

"Can't you do it," mumbled Youngjae. "Couldn't Jinyoung do it?"

"No ones awake yet and we can't cook," said Yugeom, putting a shy finger in his mouth. "You're the next best cook here."

Sighing, Youngjae silently agreed and walked to the kitchen followed by the two hungry and excited maknaes. Youngjae didn't mind giving up an extra one or two hours of sleep. He could just sleep in the van on the way to their practice room at jyp. The dorm was pretty quiet besides the occasional yawns from the three of them. Youngjae pushed the two away to sit at the table. He checked the fridge and pantries. The maknaes waited patiently for a while. It had only been three minutes when the two began whining loudly.

"Youngjae hyung, didn't you find anything yet?" moaned BamBam as he put his face on the table.

"Hyung, hurry," whined Yugeom as he copied BamBam.

" you want cereal with chocolate milk?" asked Youngjae sheepishly as he held up a half empty cereal box and a jug of chocolate milk.

"Nuuuu," whined BamBam, "I want salty food!"

"Yeah! RAMEN!!!" hooted Yugeom as he began chanting "ramen". BamBam joined in quickly.

"You two be quiet. You're going to wake the rest of the members," hissed Youngjae. He wanted the elders to get sleep, especially Jaebum who danced late at night to perfect it for their next comeback. And especially Mark who was also perfecting his jumping. And especially Jackson who practiced late with Mark. And especially Jinyoung who practiced singing and cooked the team a midnight ramen.

'Ramen...' Youngjae remembered the group had a stash or ramen hidden behind a container in a pantry. Crouching, Youngjae searched through the pantry until he found the container. He pushed it aside and to his horror, their stash of ramen was gone...or at least had been eaten the night before.

"Dang it...," muttered Youngjae as he tried to think of another place Jackson would hide their ramen. "BamBam, do you know where Jackson keeps some ramen?"

BamBam thought for a second before answering, "Yeah but we ate it a few days ago."

"So we're all out...," whispered Youngjae as he scratched his head.

"We're still hungry hyung," whined Yugeom. "Youngjae hyung..."

"Okay," sighed Youngjae. "I'll buy some more."

The maknaes cheered quietly as Youngjae went to his bedroom. He slipped into black clothes he laid on his bed last night. He didn't bother brushing his hair so he settled with a messy, morning look (though he actually didn't care). He grabbed the house keys and headed out the door saying, "I'm going out to buy some ramen. You guys don't make trouble."

As he left, he faintly heard the whispers of the maknaes. Who knew what they had in mind while Youngjae was gone. Dismissing the thought, Youngjae walked out of the dorm complex and into the street. He followed the dim streetlights. It was early in the morning and it was dark and crisp outside. Youngjae breathed in a large sigh before coughing at the sudden intake of cold air. He should've worn a jacket. He rubbed his arms and speeded up his walk.

The walk was short to the convenience store a few blocks away. He quickly bought an armful of ramen and hurried home. He didn't want to leave the maknaes at home without a true adult. Though they were close to being adults and he was just a year older, he didn't think they were "adulty" enough to leave the elders alone. His steps quickened until he made it home and burst into the dorm room.

"Hi hyung!" beamed Yugeom as he folded his hands, sitting at the table. BamBam, who sat next to him, waved.

"Hi?" said Youngjae.

"There you are!" cried Jaebum as he burst out from the kitchen. "Where were you?"

"Oh, Jaebum...did the maknaes wake you up?"

"Yeah. BamBam told me it was an emergency," said Jaebum quickly. He gave BamBam a quick glare. In return, the Thai boy just stuck his tongue out. "Where were you?"

"I went to the convenience store to buy ramen," said Youngjae, lifting the bags of ramen hanging from his bare arms as proof.

Immediately, Jaebum set the bags onto the table and hugged Youngjae, making sure to engulf his arms in body heat. "It was cold outside. Why didn't you wear a jacket?"

"I forgot," mumbled Youngjae as he tried to pull away from the warm hug. "The maknaes were hungry."

"Oh. Well, I'll help you," said Jaebum as he helped get a few pots of water boiling. Youngjae took four packs of ramen and brought them to the kitchen.

Together, they stood in the kitchen in silence. Standing in front of the stove, Jaebum thought about what he had said. He had lied about what BamBam did. He was awake and heard the whole thing (because maknaes are never quiet). Though he also knew that sacrificing things was good, he didn't want Youngjae to give up too much. Jaebum just didn't have the heart to tell Youngjae that. He didn't want to hurt him but he knew he might get hurt either way.

As the two boiled the ramen, the rest of the members began waking up.

"Smells good," said Jackson as he walked into the kitchen, rubbing his already messy hair.

"Want some?" asked Youngjae, nodding to the bags of ramen. Jackson nodded and went over to chose his ramen.

"Are the hyungs awake?" asked Jackson, rummaging through the packs of ramen.

"Yeah, you're the last," said Jaebum. "We've got practice in an hour so hurry and eat."

"Yesser, Leader-nim," joked Jackson as he handed Jaebum his choice of ramen.

The two cooks finished up cooking the group's ramen. The rest of the members were seated at the table. Though it had seven chairs, one for each of them, the table was just too small to hold everyone. Since the table was full, Youngjae opted to eating his ramen in the kitchen. As he was cleaning the utensils up, BamBam hopped into the room.

"Hyung...?" asked BamBam curiously. "Is there any noodles left? Yugeom was hungry so I gave him some of mine but now I'm hungry."

"Uhh, you can have some of mine," said Youngjae immediately. He held out his bowl as BamBam took a chopstick and pulled a large wad of noodles into his own bowl.

"Thank's so much hyung!" shouted BamBam as he left the kitchen.

Youngjae sighed and looked at his bowl of noodles which was now less. He could work with this. Sighing, he ate his share without a complaint.

Watching from the doorway like a ninja was Jaebum. He saw it all. The giving and the sighs.


The whole group got dressed and shuffled into the van to head to the practice room.

One van held Youngjae, Jaebum, Jackson, and BamBam while the other held Yugeom, Jinyoung, and Mark.

Both vans were equally quiet. Jackson and BamBam snickered as they messed around in the back of the van. Youngjae was out cold and Jaebum was staring intently at him. He knew something was wrong. Youngjae normally sang on the way to jyp. In the other van, Yugeom was silently watching dramas while Jinyoung and Mark shyly held hands the whole way.

The group finally reached jyp and they flooded into their practice room along with the staff and managers.

"Okay guys, let's go," said Jaebum, initiating leader mode. He walked over to the computer to find the music while the rest of the members stretched and chatted. "Into position everyone."

The room grew quiet as the members stood in formation to dance. Just as Jaebum hit the play button, the computer screen went black and there was a small crack but no sound. Jaebum looked to the managers and asked, "What happened?"

A manager checked behind the computer to find the wires had fried and the computer needed to be replaced anyway He shrugged and said it can't be helped. They couldn't even get another practice room since the rest were either booked or in use. Sighing, Jaebum plopped himself on the couch. Youngjae sat beside him and shook his shoulder.

"So no music?" asked Youngjae.

"No music. I don't think we can practice," mumbled Jaebum, rubbing his face with his hands.

"We could sing. It'll be like an acapella, just with dancing!" suggested Youngjae happily.

Jaebum thought about the idea for a while. It actually wasn't bad and this way, they didn't waste their time standing around and not getting ready for their comeback.

"Alright, everyone, listen up. Since the music doesn't work, we're going to sing the song ourselves," said Jaebum loudly. Most members nodded. From the back, Mark raised his hand high as he held onto Jinyoung. "Mark?"

"Jinyoung can't sing. He has a sore throat and he can barely talk," said Mark, holding Jinyoung close.

Before Jaebum could reply, Youngjae said, "I-I can sing his parts!"

The members looked at Youngjae while Jaebum nodded and said, "Okay, sure. Now let's get in position."

The members got into position to practice for Fly and they began singing.

They began strong with powerful, stage-like singing voices. Youngjae covered Jinyoung's part amazingly and managed to do his as well. As the team neared the end, Youngjae and Jinyoung simultaneously had a coughing fit which caused the rest of the members to go into a sudden frenzy.

"Bam, get awayyyy! Sick people!" jokes Jackson as he pushed BamBam into a corner, away from the coughing duo.

"Jinyoung-ah!" shouts Mark hugging Jinyoung even though his coughing fit was alread over. The one left still coughing was Youngjae who was holding onto his chest.

His cheeks and ears were pink as he coughed nonstop. Jaebum quickly back hugged Youngjae the way Mark did to Jinyoung and patted his head. He leaned over and whispered into Youngjae's ear, "Are you okay now?"

Youngjae just gave small nods. He could feel his blood boil from Jaebum's hug. He was least, he thought he was. "Jaebum... D-Don't go."

Jaebum nodded dumbly and lead Youngjae to the couch. "Can I get you something?"

"No, stay," mumbled Youngjae as he clutched the elder's shirt. Jaebum could do nothing but agree.

"Everyone...You can just practice amongst yourselves," said Jaebum. He couldn't leave the rest of the boys with nothing to do. They'd become restless and just become more annoying.

Youngjae closed his eyes and he leaned into Jaebum's chest. Looking down, Jaebum rubbed Youngjae's shoulder and whispered, "I knew this would happen."

"What do you mean?" whispered Youngjae, eyes beginning to open.

"I mean, you've overlooked your health for others," said Jaebum. Youngjae just stared blankly at Jaebum, confused. "I saw you today. You forgot your jacket because you lent it to me and you went to get the maknaes food. Then, I saw you give BamBam half of your food."

Youngjae's face turned bright red. That was true. What he said was all true. He had given up those things and he had looked over his own health. But, how had the leader known. Even he didn't know that he was doing this.

"Youngjae-ah, what I'm saying is pay attention to yourself too," said Jaebum sternly, causing Youngjae to shrink in size. "You worry so much about others...I don't want you to get hurt because of that."

Youngjae stared up into the elder's face and said softly, "Hyung...I didn't want to make you worry..."

"I'm okay. Just remember what I said," said Jaebum, brushing his fingers against Youngjae's cheek.

"Okay hyung," whispered Youngjae, holding Jaebum closer and burrowing his face into the elder's chest.


I had an ending on what happened...but it was horrible lol. You readers can think of the end-back-story(?)

Well hope you liked it! (Even though the ending is like crap and it's not as fluffy as I imagined and I only revised it once lel^^)

<3 for every reader!

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Hunterxhunter1004 #1
Chapter 1: Awww.... Cute 2jae...<3
littlebun91 #2
Chapter 1: thank you for thisssss