

You lied in bed all morning, coughing, sneezing and getting teary eyed. "Out of all days why do I have to be sick today!" you exclaimed. you looked over at your phone as two messages came in, one from jimin & one from jungkook. 

Jimin: "Hey! how are you? I haven't seen you all morning are you okay?"

Jungkook: "Laura. I missed you this morning are you okay?"

You stared at both messages and contiplated on whether you wanted to reply back or not. You sighed and  decided to reply to jimin first. 

You: Sorry..I'm sick so I couldn't come see you today. 

You quickly sent the message and went on to reply to Jungkook.

You: Hey..I'm sick so I couln't bring myself to get up and come see you..sorry.

You sent the messages and threw your phone down. You quickly rgabbed you box of tissues and stuffed you nose with them. "Agh!!! I hate being sick it and I can't tell if I smell bad with a stuffy nose!", you complained. You were surpsied that Jimin and Jungkook didn't respond back. You picked your phone back up and checked if they even read it. "Well...the read but didn't reply. That's odd..", you frowned and rolled over to take a nap pulling the cover over your head and groaning. An hour later you hear footsteps at your room door. luckly your door was locked so you had enough time to find something to protect yourself from possible burgalars. "You picked up a pillow (wow that's very much protective a pillow haha) and tiptoed to the door slowly. Your breathing was quiet as you slowly unlocked the door. The burgalar was still there but didn't try to open the door. You slowly opened the door and bega beating the crap out of whomever it was that had mysteriously gotten access inside of your house.

"Yah! OUCH! STOP! LAURA IT'S ME, JIMIN!", He shouted as you continued to smack him hard with the pillow. You stopped hitting him and dropped the pillow onto the floor to see a messy haired boy covering his face for protection. "Jimin why'd you come over here with messy hair? We may be friends but I still think you should look decent." you sassed. Jimin dropped his hands and glared at you. "IT'S BECUASE YOU BEAT ME WITH A PILLOW YOU PABO!" he scolded. You flinched a bit and pouted. "I thought you were a burgalar..", you frowned. Jimin sighed and pulled you into a tight hug, patting your head."Don't you remember giving me and Jungkook a key to your house becuase you were too lazy to get up and open the door yourself?", jimin asked. You nodded and realized how much of an idiot you were for beating the crap out of your own best friend. "Wait..Where is Jungkook?", you asked. Then suddenly jungkook peeks around the corner and grabs waves. "Hah..I didn't want to get hit with a pillow so I hid.", He chuckled. You smiled as you hugged jimin tighter, not realizing that he hadn't let you go yet. Jungkook glared up at Jimin and snatched you out of his arms, hugging you tightly and your hair while darting his tounge out at jimin who did the same as well.

"Yeah...So you're sick i I bought a medicine mask so that we could be in bed with you and cuddle so that you didn't feel lonely." Jungkook cooed in your ear. You nodded and smiled, happy that your best friends came over to spend time with you because you were sick. Jimin took you out of Jungkooks arms and carried you bridal style into your room, laying in bed with you in his arms with his medicine mask on. Jungkook scoffed and sat on the bed with you both, holding your legs in his lap and grazing his fingertips up and down your skin loving the way you'd flinh here and there. Jimin your hair and your TV trying to find something to watch while they were sitting in the room. Jungkook looked at Jimin and then at you, getting angrier by the second. "Yah! Laura...I have something I wanted to tell you..but I've been too shy too tell you any other time. Today,I really want you to know that I-" Jungkook was interrupted by jimin hand covering his mouth. "LAURA I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU!", Jimin shouted. Jungkook pushed Jimins hand away and continued what he was trying to say. "Hey! I have a crush on you too!", Jungkook pouted as he glared at Jimin."She likes me more!", "No She likes me more!" Jimin and jungkook shouted at each other. You sighed and flicked them both on their nose.

"SHUSH! You two are annoying someimes. I like you both as well, but since I can't have one of you without the other being upset, I'll have you both. So stop complaining, We're best all best friends here which means you both are mine and I am yours!", you shouted at them. The two boys stayed quiet but continued to dart their tongues out at each other. "ehem..I'm her favorite.." Jungkook mumbled. "In your dreams.." Jimin mumbled back. You giggled and listened to them quietly argue over you. You can't lie, you enjoyed being fought over and it made you feel so wanted. You smiled to yourself and continued to listen too them, hoping that they shut up soon so you can finally sleep. This whole time you forgot that you were even sick in the first place. 

Oh well. 

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ParkJimins_TinyWifey #1
Chapter 2: Ehehehehe OMO I can't believe I thought jimin was a burglar and hit him with a pillow! That was so cute when Jungkook hid and a smart idea, lol. I love how they both wanted to take care of me and ended up fighting over me the whole time! This is totally making m blush, thank you for the awesome update!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeek!!! Lol
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #2
Chapter 1: Wow the Jungkook one was awesome!!! Jungkook is so sweet and I got to feed him chocolate covered strawberries? *blushes* Hehehehehehe *suddenly thinks dirty thoughts* LOL mianhe I can't help it if Jungkook has this affect on meeeeeeee lol
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #3
Ahhhhh gosh this was way too cute!!! JIMIN!!!! Hehe thank you sooooo much eeeek!!! :F