How cocky can you get?

I'm Impossible To Hate!

“It’s probably an inner bruise or something…” I murmured.

The confused nurse had scanned my knees for any sign of injury, but all she found were a few scratches and she had already turned doubtful.

I was getting annoyed. “Just let me…” I breathed in deeply. Control, Ji-eun. Control.

Running my hand over my knees and wincing a little, the two ends of my lips naturally upturned themselves.

“I guess it isn’t that bad!” I bowed deeply towards the nurse. “Thank you for your hard work! I will leave now, sorry for having been a bother!”

The nurse gave a cheerful laugh, and lifted her palm towards her cheek.

“Omo, you’re really sweet! It’s okay, you can drop by any time, I’ll give you the best care!” The nurse paused, then quickly corrected herself, shaking her hands at the same time, “Of course, I’m not wishing that you get any injuries or anything! Just… Ahh, even saying ‘see you soon’ is a problem…”

I giggled. “It’s okay, thank you for everything! I’ll see you around, whether I’m injured or not!” I hesitated, and then continued, “Maybe I’ll even injure myself just for you!”

Yeah. Bruise, scratch, scar, my flawless, milky skin for you? Never in my entire life.

The nurse started getting into a fit of giggles, and I’m sure if I weren’t so anxious about my whole image thing, I would’ve pinched her there and then. God she’s annoying.

“Why don’t you stay here for a while? I’ll get my student assistant to keep you company,” she winked at me, “he’s a real charmer.”

Oh really?

“I can’t wait to see him!” I chuckled, and continued chuckling until the nurse was out of sight.

This was all the coffee’s fault. One of the many reasons why I hate coffee. They’re a bad luck charm too. Gah. I hate coffee. Okay, I will stop ranting about how much I hate coffee. For now.

 “That was quite a show you put up there.”

Slowly, almost painfully, I closed my eyes. My nails were digging into the bed sheet spread over the bed.


How is it possible that this guy could be deemed ‘charming’ by the nurse?

“The arm flailing thing was a bit too fake though. Also, you could’ve done better than just landing on your knees. Next time, for better effect, just fall flat on your face, or sprawled on the ground. Hopefully, your face would also…”

“Shut up, Jonghyun. Shut up.”

I thought I could hear Jonghyun smiling, but it was probably just my imagination.

“Well. Your loss for rejecting my advice.”

I felt the bed bounce a little as Jonghyun heavily sat on the free spot beside me.

“Do I have to stay here until you decide to leave?”


“Then get out.”

“Make me.”

“You’re going to regret what you just said, Ji-eun.”


A sudden push at my shoulder caused my eyelids to fly open in shock, and before I knew what was going on, my back was flat on the bed and Jonghyun’s face was hovering inches above mine, each arm on each side of my head.

Okay. What the heck is going on. Okay. Don’t panic.

I could feel Jonghyun’s minty breath tickling my lips, and his eyes did not move at all. Not out of anxiety, out of nervousness, out of… whatever. His dark brown eyes were still as they stared into mine. He looked like he was about to laugh… Or was he? His face was too close to tell. His lips were slightly parted and Jonghyun’s soft hair was falling onto my face. I could stare at his porcelain-like skin all day…


Both Jonghyun’s and my neck turned at the same time towards the voice, and I almost swore out loud upon seeing who it was.

But Jonghyun didn’t even budge. “Oh. Hi.” He turned his focus back to me again.

Crap. Crap. Crap. Need. To. Get. This. Thing. Off. Me.

Hastily, I elbowed Jonghyun in the gut HARD and, and, and, and… That was about all actually. I know I’ve always gone on and on and on about amputating Jonghyun and gorging his eyeballs out, but when the situation needs it, I can never bring myself to hurt anyone. Other than swearing at him. Of course, I did so in a very very soft whisper…


Anyway, Minho was standing just three metres away from me. How can I bring myself to allow Minho to witness a bloody battle between Jonghyun and I?

Oh yes, . Minho.

I sat up, my back ramrod straight with Jonghyun who simply returned to his relaxed sitting position after that hard nudge I gave him. I expected him to be writhing in pain but nooooo, he decides to sit right beside me, a stupid, nothing-happened look on his face, and with no signs of pain at all.

Why is it so hard to get back at that kid?

I flashed Minho a megawatt smile. “Hey! What brings you here?”

Minho blinked, and after a few seconds, finally snapped back into reality and stretched out his arm. In his grip was… Oh god, no.

A Styrofoam cup filled with steaming hot coffee.

“I got another cup for you.”

Smiling weakly, I reached out for the cup with the sound of Jonghyun snickering right beside me.

Jonghyun, just die already.


Hello again! A very short chapter because I need time to think what to include next, heehee! ^_^ How did you like the skinship part? I'm very awful at writing things like that, so forgive me >< Again, feel free to share your ideas with me!

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Update soon
still waiting for ur update XD JongIu <33
bumble_bee21 #3
please update soon!! :))))))
lovermafa #4
JongHyun and IU? An odd couple I must say but I like the development so far. Please keep updating. :)
Update plzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!! I luv the story so far!!! ^^ Can't wait to find out how jonghyun and iu will get 2gether XD
Update soon!
augustjewel #8
crazyynutss #9
update soooooooon !!
ohmyyoungbae #10
ooohhh. this is awessshhuummm! update soon please! :D hahaah^^ but she'll break minho's heart later right? :x anyway, subscribed and loved! :D