
My Sweet Nerd | Namjin

A few More pecks on my soft skin, Him and kissing my neck , Our body heat rising, and our hearts exploding out of our chest. Is this what i want? Having my ity taken away by someone who doesn't even know me? That someone that even i don't know about, even if i see him everyday. I don't even know if he truly 'loves me' like he claims and i don't even love him back.

I could tell him to stop but the sensational feeling that he provides my body only makes me endure my worries. I don't want this. But i allow it. He was slowly caressing my hot body, His hand feeling like ice trying to cool me down. "mmm Jungkook" i Heard his voice whisper in my ear, his breath tickling me. i always told myself that the day i have will be the day when i find myself a partner i trust and adore so i couldn't let myself go through with this.

Before Taehyung could go any further i stopped him in his tracks with a hand pushing his chest. "What's wrong?" He said out of breath. I got up from where i was laying and sat down on the bed, the red with white polka dot blanket covering my lower body. 

"Look I'm sorry Hyung, but i gotta say it. We just met for the first time a few days ago, a-and i don't know if this offends you but in reality...i don't know you at all! you don't know me! so i can't-mmh!" I was interrupted by the hard impact of Taehyung pressing his lips on mine, His tongue moving aimlessly inside my mouth.

"Sorry. I just had to do it one more time." Taehyung said still holding my shoulder as we both just sat there on the bed. "I know....You don't Love me the way i love you. And...I Spoke to some friends, they tell me that what i'm doing to you is not right and it's unfair-and-.." Taehyung paused for two seconds before looking down and not meeting my gaze. all of a sudden my heart was beating fast. I felt that what he is saying was honest and so i was scared. " What i'm trying to say is...even though i don't deserve it. but can you give me a chance?" Taehyung looked up his eyes burying inside me and urging me to whisper the words yes, almost like if he was making me. And now the choice is up to me. All i had to do was say 'yes' or 'no.' yes, to enlighten his heart and no, to rip it into pieces!

I gulped down, as i sat there debating to myself, A lot of questions roamed around my head. and i had to answer here and now. i dare look into his eyes and tell him my response.

" I..."


"Ugh. you're such a kid!!!"

'I know! hahahahahah"

"Aish seriously." Namjoon who was sitting on a Huge smoothe, gray rock, ate, and just kept complaining about Seokjin running around. One thing that Seokjin liked to do in this river as a kid was to run around and feel the breeze blowing his bangs in the air. Some of the students thought he was crazy because he was laughing and playing by himself. Seokjin thought that if Namjoon and himself stopped and rested at this river, their moods from today's earlier 'situation' would get better, but unfortunately Seokjin was the only one who was excited. And although Jin didn't notice it, but Namjoon's cranky mood did change because looking at Jin filled his stomach with butterflies. Ultimately Jin stopped and sat next to Namjoon on the smooth rock to rest, Namjoon enjoyed overhearing each breathe Jin took. It only made him think thoughts. "See? you're too old to be running around in circles." Namjoon said.

"if you exercise enough, running for 3 minutes would seem nothing" Jin responded huffing, his heart burning and pumping blood. He was glad that the gap between him and Namjoon disappeared and that they can have a normal conversation without disliking each other but there is not a day where Namjoon doesn't stop thinking about the peck he gave Jin at the amusement park, and to this very day he still asks himself the same question. Why did he do it? And why couldn't he prevent it? so far the only thing Namjoon could think about as a reason is that he was very lonely and needed affection. Namjoon's thoughts were interrupted when Jin laid his soft head on Namjoon's firm shoulders. The only thing that Namjoon could feel and hear is his own heart beat bumping and bumping, faster and faster, his cheeks getting hotter and hotter.

"Hyung are you okay? you didn't even run and i can actually feel your heartbeat." Jin said removing his head from Namjoon's shoulder. Namjoon's heart was starting to calm down until Jin leaned closer and placed a hand on Namjoon's forehead, Then once again he's mind boiled and he couldn't think straight, he looked over at Jin and stared at his lips which once again reminded him that he got a swift taste of it. "hyung! wow you're really burning hot! are you getting sick? let's go back to that hospital." Jin said. Namjoon couldn't go back to the hospital. he knows that he is not really sick, so why go?"

"we should go." Jin said, placing a hand on Namjoon's hand so he could drag him back to the car, but Namjoon couldn't move because he was slowly suffocating, his hand was trembling and becoming sweaty and his cheeks were burning again. What's wrong with me? why do i feel this way? it's just a hand, nothing to get excited for. thought Namjoon as he was breathing long and deep. "Hyung?" Jin said.

" I'm fine, i don't want to go to the hospital. I wanna stay here, it's a nice view." Namjoon quickly retrieved his hand back from Jim and he was finally starting to calm down.

A smile crept on Jin's face as he stared at Namjoon with a grin." What?" Namjoon eventually asked because he couldn't stand Jin staring at him.

"hyung let's go back in time."


"Let's go back in time! look all you have to do is walk over there near the water, dip your tippie-toe and scream out loud what you most regret." Jin said speaking his mind. All he wanted to do was cheer up Namjoon at least a bit.

"How's that going back in time?"

" you get to relieve and forgive yourself of your past problem. i guess"

Namjoon only sighed looking down at his shirt.

"oh c'mon hyung! you and me, you don't have to be embarrassed. i'll keep it a secret!"

' I don't have any sin."

" I didn't say it had to be a sin. i said regrets."

'fine then, you go first." Namjoon said and Jin was taken aback from this response. Sure he suggested the activity but now that he thinks about it, what does he regret? he is good in school and he had never ever made his parents feel upset or mad. (except for every time he peed or pooped his diapers or when he accidently spilled spaghetti on the floor when he was little) So Jin stood to think and finally got an idea.

"I regret making you upset hyung." Jin said and Namjoon's heart could not help but to skip a beat and not because it was another love attack but because he felt slightly guilty. Here is Jin apologizing for making him upset when in reality it was he who was being unkind. But instead of responding to Jin's regret, Namjoon just coughed and sat silently.

"Hyung, i will admit to you that at first i- well i didn't really like you because you seemed like an evil, unfair, confused little person, um...not that you are! it's just.....now if i get to know you then i might know who you truly are. i-i mean like to create a friendship between us." Namjoon didn't know what to say, he was delighted that he is in good terms with Jin but Jin said the word. "friends" that made Namjoon think. 'what kind of friend kissed his friends on the lips?' Without Jin noticing there was more than friendship developing deep inside Namjoon.

"don't even think about it" was all that came out of Namjoon's mouth to answer Jin's friend request. he wanted Jin to get away from him before his heart burst out like a volcano and he wouldn't be able to control of his feelings anymore. Namjoon looked up at Jin whose eyes looked watery but then washed away when he blinked. a few moments of silence and they both could hear the calming and peaceful sounds of waves. In that few moments Namjoon was beating himself up thinking that he hurt Jin.when Namjoon remained quiet, Jin sighs, he patted his thighs frustratedly and stood up for a walk. then he suddenly feels a hand grab his arm and push him back. Jin looked over his shoulder to find a desperate looking Namjoon holding him. "Hyung what's wrong?" Jin asked concerned. Namjoon realized what he was doing and carefully released Jin's arm. Jin gently sits besides Namjoon and asked. "Namjoon hyung, is there something you want to tell me?"

Namjoon only looked over at the distance uncertain of how to explain that moment. Suddenly the thought of his past came to mind and his mood gravely decreased. "nothing, we should go home."

Jin only silently nodded, knowing that his hyung was feeling a bit upset and needed rest. Namjoon drove around in the darkness in attempt to get home. Once they reach their lovely home namjoon parks the car and they both remain seated, both silent, both with neutral faces. Namjoon is being burdened with his feelings and he felt like he couldn't gain control of it, Namjoon feared for Jin. What would happen if he did burst someday and his newly affections for Jin could not be taken back? what if sungjae brushes his feelings aside? will his feelings disappear or will he dwell in the pit of isolation again?

Namjoon alone,wasn't the only one in car filled with overwhelming thoughts of worries, Jin too who sat besides Namjoon was lost in a deep forest. Jin began to notice his interest in Namjoon because of how isolated he was from other people. He wanted to know what stains Namjoon in black that made him the way he is. he wanted to help him.

"Ahem. we should go back inside now." Jin found Namjoon's voice in the pitch black forest and was carried back by it to reality.

"Huh? what?" Jin who asked looked around his environment in confusion.

"i said we should go back inside now.' Namjoon repeated getting out of the car and walking towards the house with Jim following behind like a sleepy puppy. after Namjoon takes out a key from his back pocket he then has a hard time seeing which key belongs to the door because of all that darkness that consumes the lights from the streets. finally after trying out two of the keys the door eventually opens with a soft creak followed by the darkness of the empty entrance. As soon as Namjoon's foot touches the clean floor, the chandelier turns on. "Aigooooooooo!, Namjoon! Jin! where have you been?" 

Both of the boys looked up to see Mr.Kim with a green tea face mask and an angry pout.

"Out." Namjoon responded without looking at his dad and going upstairs. this was the very first time Jin saw Mr.Kim angry. Even though his father was calling his name, Namjoon continues to suppress Mr.Kim's presence and walks off not even glancing back. the silence of the entrance was chased away by the loud and solid sound of Namjoon slamming the door. Mr.Kim felt wronged as he remained staring irately at the hallway. Then suddenly he looked down at Jin His angry and firm eyes transformed to soft and kind again with a little tint of worry in them. "Please Jin my son, i was very worried! The teacher called, said that you ran away from school and forgot your backpack! we called both of you but you guys never picked up the phone! where we're you?" It crossed Jin's mind that he had not used his phone at all, all day. he was so focused on Namjoon and the fight that it never crossed his mind that his parents and Mr.Kim might be worried and afraid that they might have been in danger. He touched his back pocket where his phone was turned off and he lowered his head apologetically.

Seokjin didn't want to lie to Mr.Kim, Not after all the kindness in the world he gave to him still, He also didn't want to upset or get Namjoon in trouble. It was Mr.Kim vs Kim Namjoon and Jin was running out of time! If he had to say something to Mr. Kim it will be right in front of him with respect. So Seokjin went up the stairs where mr.Kim was waiting with his green tea face mask and a navy blue bathrobe. He reached the top of the stairs and he bowed deeply in front of him. Without having the sense to lie, Jin declined the offer of lying to Mr.Kim but he also declined the offer of telling the truth.

"Mr.Kim" Jin began with a nervous heart. "I am truly grateful of all the things you've done for me and my family. The kindness you showed us, the chances in life you offered us, and i thank you. Thank you for worrying about me and Namjoon, tonight. we are just fine. The thing is that....I feel that what happened today should be kept for Namjoon hyung and me. so please..." Jin finished his last sentence and he was now breathing normally. Jin was not ready to see nor take Mr.Kim's angry expression so he lowered his head only being able to see Mr.Kim's bathrobe. unexpectedly what Jin got was not an angry response but a warm and comforting hug. realizing that Mr.Kim was hugging him, Jin remained stiff and speechless. the great comforts of Mr.Kim was very delightful and Jin hugged back his arms around Mr.Kim's chubby body. Jin rested his head on Mr.Kim's shoulders and he felt at ease. the scent of sweetness and pureness flies in Jin's nostrils making jin feel relax. then Mr.Kim releases Seokjin. "It's okay boy, go to rest. i'm just glad you're okay"

Jin did as he was told and went back downstairs and into his room. for what Jin didn't know was that Mr.Kim understood that Jin and his son needed privacy but what he misunderstood was "what the privacy is" so Naughty and images popped in Mr.Kim's mind, his usual bubbly personality returned over the thought of the Namjin ship.

That Night Namjoon laid in bed desperately trying to fall asleep so he could escape the thoughts of his past that pains his heart. Finally he fell asleep but was awoken by the sound of thunder.


Jin came out of his bathroom, White bathrobe, And drips of water dropping from his wet hair and sliding down his pale wet neck. the temperature of his room instead of being cold it was cozy, whereas Jin was very comfortable. He sat on his swivel chair and looked outside the window to see a massive shower of rain and countless blinding shots of lightning. He drank his hot milk at ease as he reached besides for the remote control and the television.


Ever since Namjoon woke up from the sound of lightning all he had been doing was cower and shiver on the edge of his bed. His room became dark and the tiniest sounds coming from the window frightened him. Hugging tightly a giant and fluffy polar bear teddy, (His dad liked to sneak in stuff into his room to make it look 'lively' but in Namjoon's opinion it only makes his room look like a child or immature person's room.) Right now Namjoon was fighting the urge of running all the way downstairs and into Jin's arms. The reason why he didn't want to, was because Namjoon didn't want to have another night where he falls even deeper for Jin. A loud destructive sound from the sky startled Namjoon so much he nearly fell off the bed. The polar bear rolled on the floor and stopped in front of the wooden white door and Namjoon needed the only comfort he can get tonight. usually his father would take care of this but he is sound asleep plus Namjoon and him had a 'moment' earlier. In attempt to get the polar bear back Namjoon stood up from his bed, his knees trembling and he took one step forward, Another loud sound shook up Namjoon and he tripped on the floor. Sweat forms on his forehead as he tries hard to get up. He curses astraphobia for ruining his life and swore he would surpass it. He didn't want to cower for the rest of his life everytime it rained. still his mind and body told something different, it said danger,danger,danger,danger,DANGER,DANGER. Namjoon tried again to get up but his body remained paralyzed on the floor and he gave up. In the moment all Namjoon could think about was that he missed being around Jin.

Out of nowhere the thought of Jin motivated and gave Namjoon strength. Namjoon's plans was to stand up, grab the polar bear and remain on the edge of the bed having the bear substitute Jin's embrace but instead of that Namjoon opened the door and walked shakily through the hallway and down the stairs to the first floor. He knocked on Jin's door his heart pulse rising. Jin distracted by the television opened the door a bit late. as much as he was surprised to see Namjoon standing in front of him he was more surprised over the fact that he had forgotten about Namjoon's fear. "Oh god Nam-" Jin was cut off when Namjoon unexpectedly grasped Jin and hugged him tight nearly almost falling backwards. Namjoon's weigh propelled Jin and they both fell on the bed, Namjoon on top. Namjoon who raised his head up from Jin's neck now noticed that Jin was wearing a bathrobe and by the looks of his shoulders Namjoon could tell Jin also wasn't wearing anything underneath. Jin looked up at Namjoon focused on his face that they both didn't notice the position they were in. until....

"ow hyung that hurts, please get off." Jin said and Namjoon did as he was told. The thought of being on top of a half Jin animated Namjoon so much he literally forgot about the rain.

"Um hyung, let me go change." Jin who felt exposed to Namjoon said going inside the bathroom. He slipped on a black t-shirt that made his skin look more white, and he put on a green war patterned shorts. When Jin finished and opened the door he found Namjoon inside all his blankets like a burrito, His head drooping and getting back up as if he were falling asleep. the image of this made Jin view his hyung as adorable but also brought a little bit of guilt. Because he announced to Namjoon that he will be his friend but what kind of friend is not there to comfort you when you need them?

Jin remembered the things he did the first time Namjoon was afraid and he remembered the drink he made Namjoon. Exiting the room Jin headed towards the kitchen and looked back to see Namjoon following behind him, the blankets being dragged behind him. Jin couldn't help but to smile at how cute he was being and pretended not to notice him.

Namjoon silently sat down on a small,round, wood table that was placed in the kitchen for the adults to drink coffee and he watched how Jin was preparing a hot coco. When Jin finished, he sat in front of Namjoon and handed him a cute blue tea cup with white polka dots. "Be careful i made it hotter than usual, This should help you warm down." Namjoon looked at his cup and saw the smoke roaming away and disappearing through thin air. he told himself that he will get much hotter than the hot coco if his volcano corrupts. Namjoon looked at Jin who sat in front of him and smiled. "thank you" He said for the first time to Jin.

"your welcome~ i hope you enjoy" Jin said to Namjoon adorably.

Opening a small mini bag of sugar and whisking it with a tiny spoon Namjoon glanced up at Jin to see his tired-sleepy eyes. 'Jin right now should be sleeping' Thought Namjoon to himself as he brought his lips down to touch the edge of the cup and lifting it, making the liquid burn his top lip.

"Ah!" Namjoon winced, quickly placing the cup back on the table and lifting his hands to his mouth hissing in pain and alarming Jin . "omo, Hyung!" Jin quickly stood up, pushing his chair backwards and searched the cabinets desperately for something to cure Namjoon's burning lip. He opened the fridge and grabbed the ice. dragged the chair towards Namjoon and sat on it. "Let me see." Jin said leaning close towards Namjoon who is still clutching his mouth. Once Namjoon allowed Jin to get a view at his mouth, Jin placed his hand on Namjoon's chin, Namjoon getting startled. "It's just a minor injury, maybe the ice can help you feel better." Jin said. He had a clean rag in his pocket and he placed the Ice cube inside and then wrapping it up. He placed the rag on Namjoon's top lip and he softly and carefully caress it. He removed the rag once in awhile every time Namjoon would wince, Then he would place it back softly. Namjoon only sat there admiring Jin as he cured him, he was starting to realize that Jib was a really good person. Even though he treated Jin unfairly, Jin still with a warm heart treats Namjoon kindly. He believed that even though Jin suffered a bit, and may be tired at this moment still he takes his time to make him hot coco and treat his injury.

While Jin was applying medicine to the wound, Jin was stopped when Namjoon's hand grabbed his arm. "That's enough" Namjoon said, his expression looking mean and serious. Jib did what he was told because he felt that Namjoon was mad. 'Hyung must feel uncomfortable with me doing that to him' Jin thought as he leaned back in his seat, medicine still in his hand. "Jin" Namjoon began with a serious tone making the other petrified. Right there and then with Jin in front of him Namjoon felt like telling Jin everything, about why he was is the way he is, about his phobia, about his developing feelings. He were to hold Jin by the hands, a romantic moment maybe on a boat. "Jin i think i like you" or maybe it could be here right now, 'Jin, i kissed you on the day of the amusement park!" , 'Jin my heart beats everytime you are nearby, and i don't really know why", "Jin i'm confused, i think i'm starting to like you", Namjoon felt like screaming his heart out. he didn't know where these thoughts were coming from and he didn't know whether he actually felt this way.

"Jin...' Namjoon began again. he looked into the dark brown eyes of Jin and was almost about to confess. " I regret too, for the times i made you feel upset." Namjoon said and Jin's eyes became wider as he was silently listening, too shocked to get a hold of what Namjoo was saying." i also regret not telling you thank you." Namjoon said nervous. He knew how to start this sentence but he didn't know how to end it. His past desire was to be more than just friends with ji , but now he just wishes to be besides Jin. even if it meant just 'friends.'

a smile spread across Jin's tired face and he nodded excitedly at Namjoon's regret confession. "see? you get it now." Jin said as he continued to heal his lip. "Hey! just because we're a bit like friends it doesn't mean that your maid deal is off! and don't bug me too much at school!" Namjoon said blushing making Jin smile more. "Whatever you say master~.'

"Master why you blushing?" Jin laughed at Namjoon's red face. 

"I told you stop calling me that!" He yelled as Jin continued to laugh. 'It's not funny!"


"Aish! YAH!"


Well here's an update. Guys please start commenting~~ Don't leave me like this, I enjoy them so much!


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hiltzailea #1
Chapter 26: Oh my god... Jiminie what have you done? My poor baby yoongi ╥﹏╥
Zcinsta #2
Chapter 26: Bro. Broo. Brooooo.
Zcinsta #3
Chapter 13: Sweet this was the sweetest hot chocolate I drank even though I don’t like hot chocolate
afbahrah #4
Chapter 26: my poor heart....
Zcinsta #5
Chapter 6: I love it so far and I’m hella late
kulitlang08 #6
Chapter 26: hhmmm...who is taetae talking on the phone...i hope he isn't cheating...kookie loves him...and i hope he loves him too...


jin lying about why he is sad but still did his best to help his friends...

jimin i hope someday you see yoongi...like really see him...

looking forward for the next update...
Zcinsta #7
Chapter 26: Jshshhsh my yoonmin heart is broken </3
Chapter 24: I screeched and my sister's looked at me like I see something... ??
Chapter 25: Aaah!!! I’m so happy you updated!!!!