
Plucking the Past's Petals

Sunggyu studied the subway map carefully to make sure that he was getting on the correct lines to reach his destination. Knowing himself, getting on the wrong subway car was something he did too often. Growing up in Jeonju, he mostly used buses or walked everywhere since wherever he needed to go wasn’t too far but living in Seoul was a lot different.


Why can't I ever get a hold of this? There are just too many lines.


Too busy staring at the map, Sunggyu didn't notice a figure that was looming over his shoulder. Sunggyu finally memorized the lines that he had to take to get to the club, he turned around expecting to smoothly go to his stop but instead collided with a tall, lanky boy. Sunggyu was now annoyed mixed with a tinge pain, since he ended up on the ground somehow. He began to pick himself up without looking at the perpetrator who was standing behind him too close for comfort, dusting off whatever was on his pants that touched the floor. While doing so he heard an all too familiar howling laughter coming from the person in front of him and in an instant he knew exactly who it was and thought to himself why didn’t he think it was him from the start all along.


“Yah Sungyeol, what do you think you’re doing? It's like you’re asking for it or something,” he pushed him slightly and began walking to the line they were supposed to wait at before the subway came. Sungyeol jogged after him quickly, catching up to him shortly. He swung his right arm around Sunggyu’s neck, grabbing onto his right shoulder lightly.


“Sunggyu-hyung, I was just so fascinated at how intensely you were staring at the map, it's as if the map was whispering things to you or the map had done an obscene thing to you in the past.” He snickered, unhooking himself from Sunggyu’s neck to fix his strap to the bass guitar case that was hung across his body. Sungyeol was an interesting boy indeed, Sunggyu always thought at least. His comedic timing was always off but at the same time it still made everyone do that thing where they pause to think about it, then laugh. Sunggyu recruited Sungyeol last in the band through auditions in which they put flyers all through the college, the flyers stating they needed a bassist asap. There were a handful of young and bored boys who showed up but the one who caught their eye the most was Sungyeol. They haven’t regretted their decision yet, putting aside his awkward jokes and odd behavior, he is a dedicated bandmate.


Their subway car reached them and the two boarded it, found seats, and waited until they reached their destination. The two had idle chatter since they had around a 30 minute ride until their destination. Sunggyu listened to Sungyeol drone on about how nervous he was for the show since it was expected to have more people than they’ve ever had before, this being a famous underground club. Sunggyu nodded every now and then to reassure Sungyeol that he was listening as he watched people get on and off the subway car. Seeing all these people he always wondered what all their stories were, if any of them had tragic pasts like he did or even worse. Most people had neutral to upset looking expressions painted on their faces, he knew they weren’t upset but when someone wasn’t smiling they looked like they were frowning. That’s a given.


In all his years of living in Seoul he still hasn’t met a person who was quite like her in the sense that when she entered the vicinity every person couldn’t help but stop what they were doing and take a glance at her. Every time Kim Sunggyu rode the subway or went to a cafe he tried to find a person who had that effect but he has not found one. His band member Kim Myungsoo, who plays the guitar in The Big Dipper, has a very similar effect too but it’s not quite the same. It’s more like his good looks just attracts everybody and girls swarm him. But with her it was different, she wasn’t outstandingly beautiful or unique. She had a glow about her that made people smile without them even realizing it, which he found amazing in itself.


“Sunggyu we’re at our stop,” Sungyeol nudged his shoulder, motioning for him to stand up with him. He grabbed his backpack that he placed in front of him and swung it on his shoulder. He proceeded to follow Sungyeol out of the subway car and out of the subway station. The humid summer air hit his face when he reached the top of the subway’s steps, the bustling streets of Hongdae enveloped him immediately. All the lights, people, smells; Hongdae was the place to be for a young adult and that’s exactly why ‘The Big Dipper’ was going to perform at some underground club called CLUB TA. Sunggyu didn’t really get the name but he honestly couldn’t care less, he was more surprised than anything that this club asked for them to play rather vice versa. The band’s sound had a rock feel to it most definitely with some type of 80s vibe thrown into a few of their songs.


Looking around at the shop’s names, trying to figure out where this club was, that was the difficult part. The directions given to them were only by association, so trying to figure out where the location was 'to the left of Sound Mind’ and ‘you pass the really tasty ice cream stand we always eat at’ were not very good directions given by the oh-so-dependable drummer, Jang Dongwoo. Finally the two reached the club, 15 minutes before call time so they both had time to look around before they had to set up and meet up with the other bandmates. Sungyeol offered they went into the club to look around and get a feel of the place they would be stuck in essentially for the next three to four hours. Both entering the club they felt that the establishment was of high quality and lived up to the hype everyone portrayed it to have. The club had a smoky effect that somewhat entranced you into thinking it was one in the morning and you were high off of something, when in fact it was only half past eight. Sungyeol and Sunggyu looked around a bit more, stopped to look at the bar which had a gorgeous neon display lighting up the countertop. Sunggyu checked his watch and saw that the two should go backstage to start setting everything up. He expected that Dongwoo would be there already, who had majority of the equipment since he owned a van. Usually Myungsoo would be with them since he lived with Sungyeol but Sungyeol said something about him needing to do something prior. Expecting to see only the usual sight of Dongwoo setting up his drums on the stage or unloading equipment from his van, he saw something extremely unexpected.


Myungsoo and Dongwoo chatting away but not only that, with a girl. This girl had beautiful, slightly wavy, chestnut brown hair that stopped about halfway down her back, he could see that her natural dark brown roots were growing out ever so slightly. She reached around Myungsoo’s waist, he trailed down to notice she was wearing platform type boots. For some odd reason Sunggyu felt this ache in his chest when he saw her, as if he knew this still faceless girl. Sungyeol passed by him, bumping him slightly to go say his greetings to the three. She turned slightly towards the direction Sunggyu was standing as he began walking toward the four. Her profile was enough to allow him to see she was drop dead gorgeous in an unconventional but obvious way.  Her icy cold eyes, tall nose bridge, and her flirtatious lips that curved upwards ever so slightly as if she was smirking constantly. His steps slowed as Dongwoo opened up the circle ever so slightly to allow him to join in between himself and Myungsoo. Now standing across from Sunggyu was the nameless girl who was arms lengths away, her shoulders facing towards Myungsoo predominantly. He noticed how she ran her fingers through her hair every few seconds, biting on her lower lip softly, staring at the floor and looking back up at Myungsoo every time he spoke. Sunggyu knew that she must of been with him and been waiting for him to introduce Sungyeol and Sunggyu to her.


Myungsoo always was a dense guy, can’t even tell how left out this girl he brought feels. For some odd reason Sunggyu had this feeling in his gut that told him, ‘don’t wait for Myungsoo to introduce you, just introduce yourself now.’ Maybe he felt that certain spark in her that he felt with that special one years ago, even though they were different by a life-time just by just a glance, literally. He felt like he’s met her before, that she would maybe be sticking around a lot longer than the rest of Myungsoo’s chicks, or maybe, just maybe she was going to be another girl who was going to come and go. But he was done overanalyzing the situation, he oddly made a hand movement to get her attention which was proven successful in grabbing her attention. She looked up at him with those hypnotizing eyes that seemed to bore into one’s soul, waiting for him to speak. Damn Myungsoo if she’s not yours, I don’t know what you are doing.



“Kim Sunggyu, I’m the lead vocalist of the band.” He waited for her response. The entire group went dead silent as they all waited for her to respond, even Dongwoo was leaning in ever so slightly awaiting her response to him. I guess she hasn’t spoken or been introduced to anyone yet.



“Jung Soojung but you can call me Krystal, either is fine with me. I hope you don’t mind me being here and please take care of me,” she spoke softly, steadily, and bowed slightly. No one expected her to have such a sweet sounding voice, well not Sunggyu at least, by the looks of it Sungyeol didn’t either. She had such a cool aura emitting from her; the outfit to her cold expression, all of it didn’t match the friendly voice that spilled out of her. She turned to look at Myungsoo to see if she should continue on or let him finish, it was the latter.



“Soojung-ah is a really good friend of mine I met and she was interested in seeing our band since she likes our genre of music. She’ll be coming around more often so please be kind to her, she is very shy,” he ruffled her hair playfully like one would do to his lover or his younger sister, Sunggyu nor the others could tell the difference. She pushed him in the same manner while fixing her barely messed up hair, smiling shyly. Damn was her smile something different, they thought her voice was sweet, her smile must of been a sugar rush. Sunggyu finally got it, she obviously had a crush on the handsome guitarist, who didn’t. Well he didn’t but I think we all know what he meant. Kim Myungsoo, he was also known for swooning many girls with just a smile when he wasn’t playing in the band. By no means did this make him a player, not at all, he actually never dated a woman unless he really got to know the girl. He sometimes lead girls on unintentionally thinking they genuinely wanted to be friends with him but usually ended up confessing their feelings for him, which lead him to have a lack of female friends. Usually Sunggyu and the band never minded the girls that followed Myungsoo around like a lost puppy since their real intentions were only to have him as eye candy, pretending to like the things that he liked and so on. The band and the music the band played being one of those things. So usually they would complain about the long hours, loud music, gigs, and eventually drop from being by Myungsoo’s side because he really loved this band and music in itself.


The moment Sunggyu realized, even maybe everyone realized that Krystal maybe sticking around a little longer than those other girls was the moment she asked, “So what do you need help unloading?” Sunggyu made a mental note to himself that day, never judge a person on first impressions because his first impression of her being cool and collected or being another one of “those girls” was going to be proven very wrong in the near future.





Damn it's almost two in the morning and I'm still not satisified with this.

I have an idea as to where it's going but I'm letting it take me go whatever.

Hope you like it, it will get this boring soon.

I hope..

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Chapter 4: omg just know of this story and finished reading 4 chapters this morning.
I also still duno where is this going..
but I'm loving it though..
Gyu Dong Yeol Myung is band? hehe..
but for the role of each characters wise, I'm still not getting anywhere...
I hope to be able to read updates soon!
than you!
komorebix #2
Chapter 4: Absolutely beautiful and very detailed. I can feel what Sunggyu's feeling as I'm reading your story. Keep up the good work. Please update soon :)