Chapter 14

Forever & Always

Jiyeon felt something is wrong. Myungsoo is acting strange, he's moody too, he became cold towards her, he's been avoiding her calls and not replying her text messages. The last time she went out with Myungsoo was after the finals exam since then he never went out on a date with her again he always said that he's busy with something.

She tried asking him but got no response. She can't think of anything that she had done to him to make him go cold towards her. Just like now, she's at the Kim's residence for almost an hour and Myungsoo is just playing video games. It's like she doesn't exist, he won't talk to her unless she talk to him. She decided to make things clear before she'd go crazy for thinking what's the reason that he's acting like this.

Jiyeon: Is there something wrong?

Myungsoo: What? (didn't even bother to look at her)

Jiyeon: Why are you being like this? Did I do something?

Myungsoo: (stare at her for a second then continue playing) No, nothing.

Jiyeon: Oh, really? (scoffs) Nothing? You expect me to believe that?

Myungsoo: (got irritated) I already said it's nothing!

Jiyeon: (took the joypad from him then toss it on the couch) Look at me when I'm talking to you. I've been here for almost an hour and all you do is playing video games! This past days, you don't answer my calls and ignoring my text messages, that is so much for nothing!

Myungsoo: So what are you going to do now? Are you going to break up with me? Are you planning on going back to JB. (grip Jiyeon's arm)

Jiyeon: M-Mweo? Break up with you? Why would I? And why are you dragging JB into this?

Myungsoo: Why? (laugh sarcastically) Because he's the reason why I'm treating you like this! I saw you two going out on a date!

Jiyeon got confuse. She never went out on a date with JB, why would she? Why is Myungsoo accusing her of something she never did?

Jiyeon: What are you talking about? I never went out with him! (tried to free herself from his grip)

Myungsoo: Stop lying to me! I saw you two with my own eyes!

Jiyeon was about to speak when she remeber something. She was planning a surprise picnic for Myungsoo, she went to the mall alone to buy some stuff when she accidentally bumped into JB. All they had was a small talk, nothing more.

Jiyeon: (raise her face) If you saw me that day, why didn't you walk towards me and talk to me? If you did, you would've know that we just accidentally bump into each other.

Myungsoo don't know what to say. That day he secretly follow Jiyeon to the mall, he was about to show himself to her when Shiwoo called, then he saw her with JB, he was so angry and jealous that he wanted to ask JB into a fight and confront Jiyeon. But he got scared of what Jiyeon answer will be, what if she told him that she's still inlove with JB? And since JB is back, she wants to continue her relationship with him. He can't take that, it was as if she told him to kill himself.

Jiyeon: You know... that day I was planning to surprise you. I wanted to go on a picnic with you. That is the reason why I went to the mall, to buy some foods and stuff and not that thing that you are accusing me of! (tears formed in her eyes)

Myungsoo: I... I-I didn't.... I didn't know... (in a very low voice) (pulled his hair)

Jiyeon: Of course! Why would you know? You already set your mind into something! (tears fall from her eyes as she look at him) I can't believe that you're doing this to me?! You're accusing me of cheating on you! Again!

Myungsoo: No, no, that's not what I meant! It's just that---

Jiyeon: What? (wipe her tears) You don't trust me? (laughs bitterly) We're friends for almost a decade. We're friends before anything else! I can't believe that you're doing this to me.

Myungsoo: (tears forming in his eyes as well) No! You've got it all wrong! That's not---

Jiyeon: Oh, now I'm wrong?! (laugh sarcastically) (wipe the stupid tears that kept on falling) What's the point of continuing this relationship if you don't trust me, anyway?

Myungsoo: (widen his eyes when he realize what's Jiyeon's words meant) No, no, don't say it, I won't let you.

Jiyeon: Since you were the one who brought it up, let's do it. Let's break up, Myungsoo yah. I can't go on a relationship with someone who doesn't even give me a slight trust. (turns back on him)

Myungsoo: (hug Jiyeon) No, no, no please! I'm sorry! Don't do this to me, Ji! I love you! Please, don't leave me. I'm sorry. (tears starts falling from his eyes)

Jiyeon: (cover , silently sobbed, God, it hurts so much) (free herself from his hug) I'm leaving. Goodbye, Kim Myungsoo. (ran out of his room)

Myungsoo ran to follow her, but Jiyeon runs fast, she quickly went inside her apartment then slam the door in his face. He entered the passcode but the door didn't open, he tried again, still won't open, Jiyeon must've change her passcode this past days. He starts knocking the door.

Myungsoo: Ji, open the door let's talk! (continue knocking) Please! Open it!

No response from Jiyeon. He continue knocking and calling her alot of times but she kept on ignoring him. He decided to let her alone this time, she need some space.

Myungsoo: (talk to Jiyeon through intercom) Okay, I get it. You need some time alone. I'll give you the space that you need. But I want you to know that I'm not breaking up with you, ever. I'm going to leave for now, please don't starve yourself, health always comes first, don't forget that.

As he said, Myungsoo give some space to Jiyeon, they haven't talk for days. Myungsoo is watching her from afar, secretly walking her home. But he can't take it anymore, he missed her so much. So he ask help from Shiwoo, Chanyeol, Hani, Donghyun and Dasom.



As Jiyeon is walking to the school hallway, she remember the day when she and Myungsoo fought, she breathe deeply to calm herself as she was about to break down again. This past days, when she's alone at home all she does is crying. Even though she's angry at Myungsoo she can't stop herself from missing him so badly.

A lot of students were gathering at the school's front lawn. It seems like there's a commotion going on but Jiyeon ignored it and continued walking. She didn't notice that some of the students were looking at her while whispering. Somebody held her wrist. She turns and saw Donghyun.

Jiyeon: Wae?

Donghyun didn't answer and just dragged her at the middle where the students are gathering.

Jiyeon: Where are you taking me? Wha---

Jiyeon widen her eyes as she saw her 3 friends standing in front, the moment they saw her being dragged by Donghyun they took and raised the banner with written words that says 'Mi An Hae'

Jiyeon look at them, confused, then out of nowhere Myungsoo showed up with his guitar, he started playing it then sing. Some girl students started fangirling.


'Come back

Day by day I'm spending with endless tears

Come back to me, who waits for you


Come back

The waiting is endless inside of me

The only one who can stop it is you'


He then get down on his knees, the crowd gasps specially girls, and handed her a bouqeut of flowers and they're made of chocolates you can hear 'oohhh' sound from the crowd.

Myungsoo: I'm really sorry, Ji. It's not that I don't trust you. I never thought of accusing you of cheating on me, I was blinded by jealousy. JB is your first love. Insecurity hits me, I know how you cried a river when he left for states, I can't help but feel jealous and angry. I was so stupid for thinking that you wanted to go back to him. I was wrong, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?

Jiyeon burst into tears.Myungsoo stood up to wipe her tears.

Jiyeon: (sniffs) (lightly punch him) Pabu.

Myungsoo: I know. I know. I'm sorry. (Jiyeon continue hitting him but he did nothing) (pulled Jiyeon into a hug)

Jiyeon: (hug Myungsoo tightly, then sobbed in his arms) Why'd you talk to me, just now? Do you know how much I miss you? (she said in between sobs)

Myungsoo: I gave you some space, time to think things through. Do you know how hurt I was when you said 'let's break up'? Besides, I wanted you to miss me and I succeeded. (teasingly smile at her)

Jiyeon: (pouts then pinch him) It was your fault. You accuse me of cheating on you. (sniffs)

Myungsoo: (sighs) I got jealous, can't blame me. I was a fool. I'm really sorry. Will you forgive me now?

Jiyeon: Hmm (acted like she's thinking really hard) let me think about it.

Myungsoo: (groan in protest)

Jiyeon: (laugh) Of course, I'm just kidding. Don't ever do that to me again or else I'm really going to break up with you! (threatens Myungsoo)

Myungsoo: (salute) You have my word. (hug Jiyeon again then kiss her forehead)

The crowd were smiling, giggling and chattering while watching the lovely couple. Seconds later, the students started walking away, still talking about the couple like how cute and lovely the two were, some are envious. Surely, they'll be at the school news front page tomorrow but they don't seem to mind.

Chanyeol: Yah, I think we have to go. (he said to Hani and Dasom, in a whispering tone)

Hani: Shh, don't spoil the moment. (whipered back)

Dasom: I agree with Chanyeol. Look at them, they think they're the only ones in here, they forgot about us. (whisper but loud enough for the two to hear)

Myungsoo: I heard that.

Jiyeon: Sorry, guys. You can have the flowers they're made of chocolate.

Hani: Jinjja?

Before Myungsoo could protest Chanyeol grabs the flowers then give it to Hani who immediately took it and started eating it.

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it's my first time writing fanfics. If there's a similarities with other fanfics that is just a coincidence. Sorry i'm not that good in english.


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Chapter 15: Nice story. I am a er for a good Myingsoo love story.
Chapter 15: Good story!
christalina #3
Chapter 15: nice fanfic
christalina #4
Chapter 15: nice fabric
Lee__Haneul #5
Chapter 15: ;;;; so beautiful ♥♥♥ really really reeeeallyy want and hope u can write another myungyeon fic ;o; ♡♡
Chapter 15: Kinda hoping for a sequel of their marriage, married life, kids and stuff...
JansJY08 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the story!! A good one!! Happy myungyeon ending!! Hope u can write more myungyeon's stories.. :)
Townieyeonie #8
Chapter 15: YOU ALREADY FINISHED IT ?? i just read chap 5 and 6 this morning ..
WOW !! you are really fast !! jjang !!
so i just going to start read it from the first chap :)
Chapter 5: you're a really good writer! cant wait for jiyeon to feel the same towards myungsoo!
JansJY08 #10
Chapter 5: Aww. Myungsoo is really very thoughtful. Would care for her even if she's not his. Hope he can confess to jiyeon. No harm trying right? Will wait for your nxt update!! It's good!