Chapter 12

Forever & Always

Jiyeon and Myungsoo are watching a drama movie. It is about a boy and a girl, friends since birth as they were neighbors, the boy confess his feelings to his friend, at first the girl rejected the boy, but when he saw him with another girl she got jealous and confess to the boy then they started dating. They decided to tell their parents, hoping to receive their blessings but sadly their parents broke them apart, the boy's parents marry him off to another girl. The girl's parents brought her to another country to continue her masteral studies. It was a very sad ending.

Jiyeon: (sniffing) That is so unfair! Why did their parent's broke them apart when it is clearly seen that they really love each other.

Myungsoo: (wipe Jiyeon's tears while laughing) It's just a movie, no need to cry your eyes out.

Jiyeon: (pouts)

Jiyeon thought about their situation, it was close to the story. They haven't told their parents that they are dating, if she and Myungsoo will tell their parents about their realtionship, will they end up just like the two in the movie? The thought gave her heartache.

Jiyeon: Do you... Umm do you think we'll end up just like them if we tell our parents about us?

Myungsoo: (pulled Jiyeon into a hug) I don't know. I don't want to think about the possibility that they will.

Jiyeon: I don't want to loose you. I can't.

Myungsoo: Nado. I don't think I can make it without you, Ji. I can't see myself with any other girl. But sooner or later our parents will find out about our relationship. When that time comes (holds Jiyeon's hand tightly) don't let go of my hand, okay?

Jiyeon: As long as you won't let go of me.

Myungsoo: I won't, never. (kiss her forehead)

Jiyeon: Promise?

Myungsoo: Promise. (they did a pinkie swear)



Jiyeon's been ignoring Myungsoo eversince she got into their school this morning. It was his fault. Last night, they were chatting through kakao talk then he stops replying, she guess he fell asleep. Jiyeon hates it when somebody fell asleep while talking to her.

Myungsoo is not in the mood the whole day, he can't stop thinking about Jiyeon. Obviously she's mad at him, she didn't even wait for him to take her in their school, she hasn't greeted him, hasn't smiled and wave back at him, didn't eat with him in their lunch break. Yep, she's really mad.

He went home alone as Jiyeon left him again. As he open the front door he saw Jiyeon sitting on their couch in the living room. His face lightens up and quickly ran to her.

Myungsoo: Jiyeonniiii!!! (hug her)

Jiyeon: (avoids his hug) I'm still mad at you, you know.

Myungsoo: (pouts) Then why are you here?

Jiyeon: For him. (points at Hyeon Joon who is playing on the floor)

Myungsoo: :'( (feeling hopeless)

Jiyeon: Don't ever fall asleep on me again or else...

Myungsoo: I promise I won't. Komawo, Jiyeoni!

Jiyeon: Why are thanking me? I haven't forgiven you yet.

Myungsoo: Is that so? Okay, I'll eat this with Hyeon Joon then. (took the box of cookies, big bar of cadbury and a bottle of nutella out of his bag) (secretly smiling devilishly, he knows that Jiyeon is a chocolate maniac)

Jiyeon: (gasp) (eyes became heart shape seeing the nutella and cadbury) I'm just kidding. You're forgiven. (snatch the nutella and cadbury from him)

Myungsoo just shook his head. Hyeon Joon ran to them after seeing the cookies, after a while they played with him.

Jiyeon: Bbo bbo hae. (Hyeon Joon kiss her on the lips) Ah, so sweet. I want more, bbo bbo. (Hyeon Joon holds her face then kiss her again)

Myungsoo is looking at them with envious expression on his face.

Myungsoo: Nado, bbo bbo. (Hyeon Joon kiss him too) (he turns his face to Jiyeon) Bbo bbo. (pouts his lips)

Chansoo: Hey, guys! Hyeong, why are you pouting your lips like that?

Jiyeon: (nervously laugh then shove a cookie in his mouth) He wants me to feed him.

Chansoo: Aigoo, hyeong is really lazy.

Myungsoo glared at his brother, mentally murdering Chansoo for ruining his moment. Because of him he didn't get a kiss from Jiyeon.



Hyeon Joon fell asleep in Jiyeon's arms. They brought him in Myungsoo hyeongnim's room and laid him between them on the bed. Chansoo was left downstairs playing video games with his girlfriend who just came awhile ago.

Myungsoo: We look like a family just now. You're my wife and Hyeon Joon is our son. I wish that would happen in the future. (he said dreamily)

Jiyeon: Huh? (blush, she's thinking the same too) Ahyu, I don't want you to be my husband, you're kind of annoying most of the time.

Myungsoo: (glares at Jiyeon) Mweo?! Yah! Naega eonjae?

Jiyeon: Last night.

Myungsoo: If you were just lying by my side that time I wouldn't have fall asleep. You know why? Because I wouldn't give you a chance to sleep. (he said while smiling seductively at Jiyeon)

Jiyeon: (face turn red) Yah! What did you just say? I can't believe I fall for a byeontae like you.

Myungsoo: (widen his eyes in disbelief) Mweo? Byeontae? Yah! Who do you think you're calling a byeontae?

Jiyeon: Who do you think? Of course it's you!

Myungsoo: (scoffs) I just said that I won't make you fall asleep because were going to do movie marathon, playing video games and other stuff that we like to do and not that censored thing that you are accusing me of, you're the byeontae here and not me!

Jiyeon glared at him with a murderous look, took the pillow and was about to hit him with it...

Myungsoo: You wouldn't want to wake Hyeon Joon, right?

Jiyeon: (put the pillow down) (fake a smile) You're right. But that wouldn't stop me from doing this. (harshly pinch Myungsoo's cheeks)

He groaned in pain.



Tomorrow is their final's exam, Myungsoo knows how serious Jiyeon is when it comes to reviewing so he decided to bring his stuff to her apartment and study with her.

They both sat down on the floor in her living room and starts reviewing. After a while, Jiyeon threw a pillow at him.

Myungsoo: Ouch! Why'd you do that?

Jiyeon: Stop staring at me and continue on your study or better yet go back home.

Myungsoo: What can I do? Your beautiful face keeps distracting me. Now, I can't continue my study, I just want to stare and cuddle you all day.

Jiyeon: (blush) (hides her face using the notebook) Then I'll continue studying in my room so that you won't get disturb from your study.

Myungsoo: Ahh, Kajima.

Jiyeon: I can't continue studying with your stares.

Myungsoo: Okay, okay, I won't stare anymore.

Few hours later...

Myungsoo: (yawns, looks at the clock) Yah, it's past 9pm, let's have dinner.

Jiyeon: You eat first.

Myungsoo: No, well eat together. I'll cook. (went to the kitchen to prepare their dinner) (he made a bibimbap) Jiyeoni, dinner's ready, come out here! (no response) Jiyeoni, let's eat!

Jiyeon: Eo, neh, jamkkanman.

Myungsoo: (waited for Jiyeon but she still hasn't come to the kitchen) This girl. Ahyu, jinjja! (went to the living room) Come on, let's eat. You can continue that later.

Jiyeon: You eat first, Myungi. I'll eat later.

Myungsoo: So stubborn! (holds the back of his neck) You leave me no choice. (lift Jiyeon up in a bridal style and brought her to the kitchen)

Jiyeon: (gasped in shock) Yah, put me down! (struggling in his arms)

Myungsoo: When I said eat, you eat, araseo?! Look, you're light as a feather now! (put her down on the chair)

Jiyeon pouts and shove a spoonful of rice in as Myungsoo starts scolding her for skipping lunch.

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it's my first time writing fanfics. If there's a similarities with other fanfics that is just a coincidence. Sorry i'm not that good in english.


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Chapter 15: Nice story. I am a er for a good Myingsoo love story.
Chapter 15: Good story!
christalina #3
Chapter 15: nice fanfic
christalina #4
Chapter 15: nice fabric
Lee__Haneul #5
Chapter 15: ;;;; so beautiful ♥♥♥ really really reeeeallyy want and hope u can write another myungyeon fic ;o; ♡♡
Chapter 15: Kinda hoping for a sequel of their marriage, married life, kids and stuff...
JansJY08 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the story!! A good one!! Happy myungyeon ending!! Hope u can write more myungyeon's stories.. :)
Townieyeonie #8
Chapter 15: YOU ALREADY FINISHED IT ?? i just read chap 5 and 6 this morning ..
WOW !! you are really fast !! jjang !!
so i just going to start read it from the first chap :)
Chapter 5: you're a really good writer! cant wait for jiyeon to feel the same towards myungsoo!
JansJY08 #10
Chapter 5: Aww. Myungsoo is really very thoughtful. Would care for her even if she's not his. Hope he can confess to jiyeon. No harm trying right? Will wait for your nxt update!! It's good!