Marry Me

How You Get The Girl
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Hi guys, first of all, I would really like to thank all of you guys for patiently waiting for this sequel. I really hope you enjoy this as much as I've enjoyed writing this! I have to warn you guys first, it is currently 3AM, and I've just completed it, so there may be possible errors even after proof reading. But I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless!

Momo refuse to be a pain in the to Mina, swearing to do so when Mina finally accepted her back into Mina’s life again 2 years ago. And heck Momo wouldn’t break her promise because it was hard work to be able to label Mina as her’s again. But right now, as Momo stood in front of Mina’s office after rushing over from her intense dance practice, Momo was definitely not ready to face a smiling Mina, not that Mina wasn’t like a goddess, but that gummy smile wasn’t directed to her, and instead it was directed at this boy named Jae, the new co-worker. And to say that Momo detest his presence would be an understatement, plus Momo was already feeling physically sore, so and she wasn’t mentally ready to be sore in the metaphorically.

And so Momo was ready to be a pain in the and kiss Mina on the cheeks, and slap that flirty smile off the boy’s face (Momo had already decided that it would be worth the price), but Mina just had to spot her at that instant, killing the element of surprise Momo was planning for her.

Damn that boy.

But Momo wanted to be a good girlfriend, not because that boy was staring at her, but because Momo is a good girlfriend. ing the cup of iced Americano into Mina’s hand, Momo unconsciously glared at Jae, how dare he looked at the art piece that was meant for Momo and Momo’s eyes only. Least to say, it was only when Mina placed a kiss on her cheek before she tore her gaze away from Jae.

He wasn’t worth Momo’s precious eyes, Momo had decided.

Mina wanted to laugh, jealous Momo wasn’t an uncommon sight, but Momo being jealous of her queer friend was hilarious, and Mina couldn’t help but burst into a fit of giggles as she led Momo away from Jae. And it didn’t help when Momo looked at her as if she’s gone nuts. Mina could hear Momo muttering something along the line of please god, I want my girlfriend back. And that was enough to push Mina over the edge and laugh out a string of obnoxious laughter. Apparently, Momo wasn’t on the same page as Mina, letting out a frustrated huff.

‘Mina, I don’t want to question your criteria for your selected group of friends, but seriously, be friends with them behind my back, they don’t even meet my first criteria’

Now that reduced Mina’s laughter to giggles as she tried to calm down, hopelessly.

‘Okay, so what’s your first criteria’

‘They have to be girls and they can’t be handsome’

Mina knew Momo would be pissed, but she couldn’t help it again as she felt her core tighten once again.

‘But Momoring, doesn’t that mean that there’s a higher chance of me dating girls, I’m queer, you should know better since you’re dating me! Besides, Jae is queer too, but I’ll tell him you find him handsome, I think he’ll appreciate it’

‘He’s still a guy, besides you could be bi for all I know, and I could easily steal the girls away anyways, if you ever cheat on me. But you won’t, because I’m Momoring. Now stop laughing, go away’

But Momo invited herself away anyways, and she continued walking away as Mina tried to catch up with her girlfriend, but seriously, her core was aching too much from laughing. Besides, nothing could ruin her mood after witnessing a jealous Momo.

Mina had once again been thoroughly reassured that she had Momo wrapped around her pinky, and Mina was gonna enjoy it thoroughly.

After walking home alone, for the first time in almost forever, Mina saw a pouting Momo in front of her porch, kicking the stones. Laughter threatened to rise up once again, of course the kid had decided to storm ahead of Mina to go to Mina’s house. What logic Momo, Mina wanted to laugh at her childish girlfriend, but then again, come to think about it, it’s been awhile since Momo actually went back to her own apartment.

‘Oh come on Momo, stop it’

‘Stop what’

‘Stop pouting’

‘I’m no-‘

A soft pair of lips landed themselves on Momo’s lips, successfully cutting her off, and as much as Momo wanted to still be mad at Jae(she couldn’t be mad at Mina could she), she could taste the cherry lips that reminded her so much of home. And so she gently push Mina against her door, with a hand on Mina’s neck before capturing those lips that she had been missing the entire day.

Momo knew that she was probably putting on a show for the pedestrians, the faint whistles proving her right, but damn, she was intoxicated and at this point, nothing will be able to pull her away from her addiction.

Addiction was a bad thing Momo realised, when she found herself lying on Mina’s couch instead on the usual comfy bed. Apparently, Mina did not appreciate Momo feeling her up in front of everyone. And Momo’s snarky remark ‘But you enjoyed it’ didn’t actually put her in Mina’s good books at the moment. Being left behind by a certain red head with swollen lips, Momo looked on helplessly as Mina stormed into her room. But it wasn’t Momo’s fault that Mina was so addicting. And it wasn’t Momo’s fault that Mina wasn’t as addicted to Momo as Momo was addicted to her. So damn caffeine, damn those stupid cocoa beans that took a place higher than her in Mina’s good books. And damn it for being so whipped, Momo thought as she dragged her body off the couch, making her way to the nearly spotless kitchen.

‘I hate coffee beans’

Making a cup of caramel macchiato late at night for someone that just drank Ice Americano sound quite retarded, okay, very retarded, but Momo knew that Nespresso plus her own brilliance would hopefully put her back onto Mina’s good book.

Leaving the tumblr, filled with what Momo would call art, before the door to Mina’s room, Momo walked back to her makeshift bed feeling very satisfied with herself.

I should just move in permanently

Hearing the footsteps fade away, Mina opened her door gently. Mina wasn’t dumb, she knew Momo was up to something, after all, her Nespresso wasn’t the quietest thing in the entire universe (It could be heard even when she was showering). Peeking her head out, it didn’t take her long to notice the tumblr in front of her door, plus a sticky note beside it.

‘Everybody has an addiction, mine just happens to be you, and yours happen to be caffeine

–The best girlfriend you can ever get’

Shaking her head, a gummy smile unknowingly formed on the petite girl’s face as she unscrewed the cap, sipping silently on the heavenly drink.

This idiot

When Momo’s phone rang to wake her up at 5am for her dance practices, she was not expecting to find herself on the floor, next to the extremely uncomfortable couch. It was for some reason extremely hard, which made her body ache even more than yesterday. Unfortunately, today’s dance practice would be just a rigorous as yesterday, Pitbull’s first concert for his particular tour was gonna play in 2 weeks, and everyone was nit-picking at each other’s mistake, not that Momo minded, she was after all one of th

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 2: Aww~~so cute
Chapter 2: This is so cute!!! n.n
Chapter 2: Damnit! Why didn't I notice this earlier???

You had me melting into mush with this sweet MiMo two-shot. Thank you so much for that ♡
Chapter 2: Iloveyou
Chapter 2: this was totally amazing!! plus listening to how you get the girl by ts while reading this just made it better. btw that ' momo' had me cracking up
Chapter 2: MiMO xD This is so fluffy and adorable ashdjdnchwf <3 My MiMo feels kyahhh xD Thank you for this great fic Author-nim :D Fighting!!! :D
Kriase #8
Chapter 2: Omooo glad that you finally updated this. Now I can die in peace. I love your writing style, will certainly read ur one shot series hehe. Oh and sorry for your evaluation test :( Cheer up author nim!