Let me hear your voice

I remembered that moment,

When I saw you.

The day was bright yet windy.

When I saw you with a blank face and sitting alone, I knew that there's something bothering you.

And because the day was too beautiful to become a waste, I decided to come near you and try to make you smile.

Because I don't want to see sad people; I believe that everyone deserves to be happy.

I went infront of you.

At first, you ignored me.

I did all sort of things back then. I walked back and forth infront of you. I tried to approach you several times. I looked like an idiot.

You looked at me but your eyes are kinda telling me that I was insignificant.

That is why I looked down on the ground.

Maybe, I should stop this. I might humiliate myself even more.

I told myself.

I decided to stop and leave you alone.

But an unfortunate thing happened, there was a stone that blocked the path that I was going to take, then I tripped.

I can feel you looking at me from where you are sitting at, that's why I turned around and looked at you.

You turned your gaze away from me in an instant, but I would never forget that scenery that I saw.

I just saw you smile.

Idk but my heart melted that time.

And from that moment,

I know,

And I can feel

That youre not just an ordinary person that I crossed ways to or I just saw

youre special

that even without words or actions

you are connected to me

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