10 ¦ Herald

Guys Don't Like Me
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The day Taehyung came back, school was an uproar. Many rumours flying around and people spreading their thoughts of what he did while he was gone. It was actually amusing to hear people saying he hooked up with college girls and spent the whole time clubbing, kissing and even doing the no-no.


Taehyung is not that way at all. Not like I would hate him if he was.


It’s just that Taehyung is the complete opposite of what people were saying and imagining him doing those things was really amusing.


Science was much more enjoyable as he was back and scribbling random fun facts on his notes throughout all the lessons. Some of his notes consisted of:


The word “bed” actually looks like a bed!


Did you know dogs can see their own farts :D


Cows have best friends! We are like cows!


On the day we were going to the circus, Chihoon texted me he couldn’t make it. He told me his mother was feeling really ill so he was taking her to the doctor’s and going to stay there until he was sure she was okay. He thinks she ate peanuts when she is allergic to them so he was concerned and on edge.


I was disappointed as we hadn’t been able to spend a lot of time together but I knew family was important and should come first before love interests. I still had two tickets and I texted Haera and Jiyeon if they could come but they both said they were spending the day with their families.


Despite having no one to go with, I still found myself walking to the circus’ location. I carried both tickets because you never know if someone at the venue might forget their ticket and I could be the superwoman for someone’s life. I chuckled quietly to myself. Maybe I should have bought the costume too?


I had twenty minutes left to get to the address when I noticed someone familiar in a coffee shop I was passing. I’m sure it was him. He was the only one in this area with purple, fluffy hair that I was definite it was him. I made my way to the coffee shop as I thought I might as well ask him if he wants to come. As long as Chihoon doesn’t know we’re friends.


“Taehyung!” I called out to him, “Want to visit go to the circus with me? I have two tickets.”


When he noticed the tickets in my hands he sent me a questioning look.


“Shouldn’t you go with your boyfriend?”


“Just because we are going out doesn’t mean we have to do everything together.” I frowned.


“But, are you really-” I glared at him, “Fine, just let me just finish my coffee.”


I guess I was fortunate I didn’t bring a superwoman suit.




When we arrived outside the venue, there was a clown dressed in colorful, oversized garments while clumsily jumping around and handing people the programmes of the day.


He noticed us and then he ridiculously hopped to our direction, making both of us chuckle.


“It’s a lovely sight to see young couples coming to our events.”


“Oh, we’re not a couple.” I awkwardly stated while Taehyung looked away.


“Then what are you? Married?” He joked before noticing the shift in the atmosphere.


He ended up handing us the programme with a sheepish smile as if he knew how uncomfortable he made us feel.


“Enjoy!” He jested.


And enjoy we did. Despite the primary setbacks that destroyed the lighthearted mood, the show turned out to be a huge success.


It began with a huge introduction of the acts with jugglers, acrobatics, gymnastics and trapeze artists performing their skills with comedic, circus music playing in the background and huge fire spectacles astounding the audiences.


The main act was both Taehyung’s and my favourite. It involved a short, stubby man attempting daredevil stunts that wowed both of us. At first he started simply: fire breathing while clowns on stilts staggered around behind him. Soon enough though, we realised the clowns were his apprentices, much like a magic act, to help him with his more courageous stunts that followed soon-after.


The finale was also very pleasantly surprising. A few actors who were disguised as audience members beg

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Chapter 5: Chihoon is such a sweet guy, omg!
I'm readyyy!
Amazing story
Chapter 14: Lolololol
Chapter 13: Oh no
Chapter 12: I like minyoung too because she's really understanding
Chapter 11: Lol you've just gotta have one super coincidental meeting to revive their relationship
Chapter 10: Chihoon is starting to get suspicious
Chapter 9: Aww Darnnit taehyung can't be a bad guy can he
Chapter 8: Ooh gurl she in for some trouble, however innocent taehyung may appear Chihoon gonna give him trouble.