8 ¦ Introducing Park Sora

Guys Don't Like Me
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The Monday after that was quite uneventful, apart from all the congratulations people gave me after I finally got better. I still felt dead, especially from the humidity and heat of the summer’s warmth that made my shirt cling to my skin and gave me this uncomfortable, icky feeling.


I hate summer. It’s only going to get worse when school ends for summer break soon.


Suddenly, I find myself crashing backwards onto the ground.  I could feel a huge throbbing pain on my nose and I immediately raised my hand to check if it was broken. Thankfully, it felt fine but I was sure the wet trickle I could feel was blood. The red blob on my hand confirmed that. Ouch.


“Ohmygosh- I’m sorry!!” A perky voice bawled. This voice was familiar.


I glanced my head at the person who was standing behind the locker I had just collided into. It was Park Sora, Jimin’s sister.


Park Sora, just like her brother, was very attractive. Her hair was a beautiful shade of honey blonde and always flowed to her shoulders in natural waves. She was almost like perfection in a person and was also very sweet. Her clothing style wasn’t bold, it was plain and this sort of simpleness made her very sought out by all the guys in our school even though she was in the 2nd year of high school. However, she didn’t seem to notice all the advances they made on her which, in turn, made her even more attractive to them.


“Sora! Oh, don’t worry, I’m fine,” I waved my hand to brush it off, “It’s just a little blood, that’s all.”


Despite the fact I told her I was fine around 40 times, Sora was persistent. “I’m really sorry!” She cried out while bowing 90 degrees.


I sighed, “You know, it’s really fine. What would make you feel less guilty?”


She thought about it for a minute and then began looking for something in her bag. At that moment I noticed a blue scarf with a design of golden butterflies as if they were soaring on the night sky.


“That’s a beautiful scarf.” I commented and she smiled.


“It is, isn’t it?” In that moment, she handed me two pieces of paper. They seemed like tickets to something but the name wasn’t familiar at all.


“Those are tickets for the travelling circus coming to our city. This guy kindly gave it to me today but circuses aren’t really my thing. So you should go and take someone with you.”


My eyes lit up. “Oh really, thank you!”


I’ve always had this fascination with circuses, probably because of the Saga of Darren Shan and this was a great opportunity. I assumed a guy wanted to ask her out but she probably thought it was a present and took both tickets. That seemed like something she’d do.


Now I just had to find someone that would go with me. At that moment, Chihoon appeared from behind me, attempting to scare me.


“Boo Minyoung!” He shouted but I just dismissed his silly antics. Then he noticed Sora and smiled. “Hey, Sora!”


Sora looked surprised and instead just nodded. I jokingly elbowed Chihoon in the gut. “Don’t scare the girl!” I told him.


Chihoon just laughed and stretched out his hand, “Hey Sora, I believe we met once before but I’m called Lee Chihoon and this is my

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Chapter 5: Chihoon is such a sweet guy, omg!
I'm readyyy!
Amazing story
Chapter 14: Lolololol
Chapter 13: Oh no
Chapter 12: I like minyoung too because she's really understanding
Chapter 11: Lol you've just gotta have one super coincidental meeting to revive their relationship
Chapter 10: Chihoon is starting to get suspicious
Chapter 9: Aww Darnnit taehyung can't be a bad guy can he
Chapter 8: Ooh gurl she in for some trouble, however innocent taehyung may appear Chihoon gonna give him trouble.