
Behind Those Statements

No One's POV


Jessica and SNSD's manager are in one room talking about the presscon matters.

''I will do everything for her'' Jessica exclaimed. 

''I didn't say that . My points is you should've just tell the truth.''

'' I told you.I will do everything for her. If I tell them the truth? What would her family do with her? We all know that they will neglet her. And I don't want it to happen.'' Jessica said in a manner but ypu can sense the sadness in her tone.

''Even if the change is giving up your dream?'' 

Jessica stay quiet for a seconds. She remembered everything when she is still reaching her dream. The hardwork that she experienced. The sweat and time she offer just to reach this dream. But now, everything change. 

''Yes. Even if it's giving  up my dream,'' Jessica nod repeatedly. ''Just for her''

''I think this is it, I don't think I can stil force you.'' Jessica's manager smiled bitterly. ''Good luck in everything. I hope you can still continue your dream in a different ways tho.'' \Jessica can't help but hug her Manager. She helped her a lot. It's a big thanks to her but unfortunately. They need to part ways.



Yoona's POV

I was just walking along the streets without any direction but her feet bring her to the park. The most important place for her. . The place that she treasure the most.



''Hey, give it back to me.'' the 13 years old girl are roaming the small area of the park because some bullies came to her and snatch her sketchpad. 

''Oh no kiddo. Reach it for yourself.'' 

''No, give that back to me before I kick your asses.'' Yoona try to be strong in front of the guys but deep inside she's already crying.

''MONKEYS! GIVE THAT THING BACK TO HER OR YOU'LL BE STAYING AT THE HOSPITAL FOR WEEKS'' another girl from behind called their attention.

''And who are you?''' one of the guy asked the unfamiliar girl.

''I'm Jessica Jung , one of SM ent's trainees. The girl you've been bullying is also a trainee. Do you guys think it's a good idea after then?'' The other girl mock her.

''We;re screw up.'' And the boys runs fast away from her.

''Are you alright?'' The strange girl asked.

''Yes. Thank you''' the 13 years old gir answer and lower her head..

''You're cte you know that? By the way, I'm Jessica and you're Yoona. Let's be friends then.'' Yoona don't have any idea why the girl know her.

''Your necklace.'' And that's enough for Yoona to get it.


The two girls made their way to the one of the park's bench. And talk and talked until someone calls for Jessica

''Come on. I'm going to introduce you to someone.''



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2NS197 #1
Chapter 1: OTP ?! Or just friendship