Chapter 1

If Life was a Story

A story has the ability to begin, but it does not have the ability to end.

An adventure. Followed by many more. That is what creates a story. A story told by one to many, and passed down to many more.

A legend.

Everyone has their own stories. Every question has a story behind it. Every answer comes with a story. Every warning began with a story. And every story, is created with life.

Everyone has their own stories. And here is mi-


"Huh wha...?" My eyes open wide to find myself under a...straw roof? The roof keeps coming closer and closer until it lands on my face. "What the- what?" I sit up abruptly, giving  myself a dizzy headache.

"Hurry up boy or your father will work you longer for waking up late and you'll be late to school." I groan as my mother removes the broom from my face and places it against the wall walking out, leaving me alone in my room.

"I hate this so much." Still half asleep, I roll myself across the floor to the door, finally standing when I reach it and walking out. "Mother, do I have to work today? It's the first day of school! At least let me use this time to get ready for school instead of working." Bad move.

"Go tell that to your father, not me." Or maybe not? I sigh.

"Ugh, you couldn't have let me sleep in today, the one day I really absolutely most definitely needed  to sleep in? I was having such a wonderful dream of me having my own wonderful story-no! A legend! Of course, me being the hero- ow!" My mother hit my head with what looks like a spoon.

"And how many times have you had this dream? It's about time you forget about being a 'hero set out on an adventure with many stories to pass down' and think about being a good worker and student so you can become a scholar and honor your family. Now hush up and go talk to your father." My mother turns around to do her housework again, leaving me groaning and trudging outside to the field.

"Oh! Taehyung! Perfect timing- help me pull this radish out! Seems like a big one and we need it to sell at the market!" I groan again before slowly making my way to my father.

"Uh actually Father, because today is kind of the first day of school..." I let my words trail away, knowing the outcome of this useless request.

"No, you may not bail out on work today to attempt to continue your stupid plotless dream. Now hurry it up!" Me thinking talking to him would work was probably more stupid than how I look right now, trying to pull out this radish. After pulling and pulling, the radish finally popped out with a shower of dirt to follow with it. Great way to start the day.

"Here's your stupid radish Father."

"Excuse me?" I cleared my throat.

"I mean, here's the radish, Father." I turn to give him an uncertain smile.

"Yeah that's what I thought. Now hurry it up or you'll be late for school!" I look at him and groan.

Oh if only my life was like that of my dreams.

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