Underlying Motives

Let's just assume Jinri finished the cup of ramen and is now somewhat full. More like she was distracted by the guy earlier. Even as a villain, she can discern an act of kindness just fine and that act earlier was not one. It was more like he was disgusted of her and wanted to get rid of her quickly. 

Her villain instincts started kicking in. Well, what is there to a villain other than a tragic backstory and an absurd logic? And the guy is just perfect to be targeted. One thing most people still haven't learned is that they should never look down on villlains. 

Smiling mischievously, she made her way out of the convenience store while humming to a classic song, one that she used to listen to when her mother was still around.

Using the only skill her father taught her, that is tracking skill, she sniffed around trying to catch some clue to where he had gone. One thing that Jinri learnt is that she has a dog-like nose, though not as well a dog's, she could still smell something that's about 5 feet away. And one thing that she always do even before targetting a person is to remember their smell. She stopped sniffing and opened her eyes, and saw the supposed direction that he went.

"To the right, huh? Typical nice guy instinct." Jinri chuckled a bit and started following, her pace getting quicker as the smell got stronger.Her heartbeat quickened in excitement as she felt the adrenaline rush. Her right hand in her jeans pocket, holding a small knife, ready to get in action. 

She already remembered the principle like her own name. It's the life and soul of a villain afterall.

1. Take the target by surprise

2. Wield your weapon right away

3. Never show your weakness

"Just one turn and I'll be able to see him." She encouraged herself. So, she turned expecting to see the silhouette of that guy earlier. But instead, she was greeted with darkness. 

Jinri took a step back and looked around. Yes, an alley should be dark but not totally dark to the extent that not a single light passed through it, as if it was a black hole.It was still day, there were a lot of people walking around, but they didn't seem to share her state of confusion.Then she looked again at what she thought to be an alley.

Still the same. A pitch-black rectangular space. She hesitated. If before her body was filled with adrenaline, now it's just enveloped with goosebumps. The smell of his cologne was definitely the strongest there, she knew he was in there.

Scrunching her nose, she sighed. "Let's just go in. I'm bored anyway." She reasoned and took her first step into the darkness.

She never got out of there. 

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I'm not giving up on this story yet!!!


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