

Dulcet: sweet and soothing 

That would be the emcompassment of the sounds, sights, feelings and emotion. That would be a word to describe their encounter.


Haily Choi did not plan to spend her first day in Chicago with a stranger. She certainly did not plan to be spending the rest of her days with the stranger. Even if the stranger was handsome, mischievous and had the cutest smile. 

But here they were. Two individuals who met upon chance. 

Lovely poster acredited to: creamysmiles @ 


{09.06.2016} YAY! Thank you all for helping me reach 1000 views!


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Chapter 13: I died <3 I love you authornim ^^
Chapter 12: Their relationship sure escalated quickly but nonetheless very very cute and sweet<3 I smiled way too many times lol
EunMi219 #3
Chapter 13: Ahh love it! They're so cute ><
Kurumi1508 #4
Chapter 12: I really enjoyed your story. It grabbed me from the first chapter and here I am at the end of the last one after reading all of them without a break. The storyline is interesting and cute and I wanted to tell you that you are great writer. Looking forward to more work from you!!
Chapter 1: your first chapter really swayed me *_*
you wrote so well! time to continue reading~~
good job and keep writing :D *thumbs up*
hope i'd see more updates from you ^-^