Postal Pursuit

Postal Pursuit

Ding dong, sang the doorbell.

Please be him. Please be him. Please be him!

Mirae opened the door expectantly and wasn’t disappointed. On her stoop was the delivery man, but not just any delivery man. His nametag read ‘Seungcheol’ and he was extremely handsome. The young man had short black hair that framed his open and friendly face in the most flattering way. His eyes were always as bright as his ever-present smile, both of which could turn y in an instant, and his voice just carried her away. Mirae had also noticed that he had thick, strong-looking thighs and a nice , filling her head with very bad daydreams. This boy was fine, and it gave Mirae life when he was the one delivering her packages.

“Delivery for you, Miss Song,” he announced cheerily. His tone was always so buoyant she wondered how he didn’t actually bounce when he spoke.

“I’ve told you, Seungcheol, call me Mirae. Don’t even add the ‘noona’, you know I hate that. You’ve delivered so many packages to me that we’re practically old friends. I’m sure I could’ve single-handedly saved your company from bankruptcy.”

It was probably true. Mirae made and sold her own jewelry out of her home, so she was always getting and sending packages. She was glad it was Seungcheol delivering today, because he looked the cutest in his uniform. That Hansol kid looked like a straight-up hoodlum in that stupid bandana he wore, and the tall Wonwoo guy would be hot if he didn’t scare the crap out of her with his deep as voice and intimidating resting face. Mingyu was okay and always sweet, but kind of gross. Once Mirae had seen him sneeze into his hand, then use it to offer her the pen to sign with, getting his snot germs all over it. Nasty.

Seungcheol smiled and adjusted his brown shirt after she took her little rattle-y, bead filled package from him. “Sorry, I know, it’s just strange because we’re not supposed to do that, but you’ve gotten a delivery pretty much every one of my shifts for the last month, so…”

Mirae hid a smirk. She might have been timing her orders so that it’d be him who delivered them, after she’d figured out which days he worked. “Yeah, I know. I get a lot of packages.” She took the clipboard from him and signed her name, then handed it back with a smile. “Do you have a long shift today? It’s so nice out, I hope you get to enjoy it.” Mentally she kicked herself for her lame attempt at conversation. He always managed to screw with her brain. At least she wasn’t drooling this time.

“No, my shift is shorter today…” he started, but then trailed off. A truly adorable blush began to color his ears as he fidgeted with the clipboard, though Mirae had no idea what he would be shy about. “Maybe I’ll hang around the park later.”

“Oh, that sounds so nice. If I didn’t have work to do I’d definitely go see all the flowers in bloom. The crocuses are so pretty!”

“They’re not as nice as you are,” Seungcheol said, then seemed as surprised as Mirae by his words. “I-I mean…you smell nice! They don’t, uh, smell as nice as you do. But I mean, that’s just me… Uh. Sorry.”

Mirae was so surprised by the compliment that she wanted to take his clipboard and hide behind it, but it looked like he might beat her to it. “O-oh, thanks! I didn’t really…notice?” , why did that sound like a question? Damn it, now she was just making his nice compliment weird!

“Yeah, sorry, just forget I said anything…I should, uh, I should go anyway.”

“Oh, right. Sorry, Seungcheol. Have a good day!” she practically squeaked.

“See you next time!” he answered with a bashful wave.

Please, please don’t let him think I’m weird, she thought after his retreating back while she stared blatantly at his glorious . Damn, that boy was hot.

Their conversations were always like that, short but sweet, at least for Mirae. They were her favorite part of the day. She didn’t really socialize all that often, since she worked from home, so the delivery men were sometimes the only human interaction she had all day. Seungcheol was such a nice contrast to the silence or music or Youtube videos that made up the soundtrack to Mirae’s work. Too bad she wasn’t expecting any more deliveries for a few days.

When her doorbell rang the next day, then, she almost didn’t react to what she was seeing. It was Seungcheol again with a large box in his hands, the clipboard balanced on top.

“Special delivery for you, Miss So—I mean, Mirae,” he said, lowering the box so that he could balance it on one knee and grab his clipboard, offering it to her. “I think it’s a plant. That’s usually what they put in these kinds of boxes.”

“Oh! That’s…strange. I wasn’t expecting anything…” She awkwardly took the clipboard to sign, then even more awkwardly exchanged it for the surprisingly heavy box. Seungcheol tried to gently goad it into the doorway for her instead of into her grasp, but Mirae was stronger than she looked and was able to hold it for herself. Glancing it over curiously, she mused aloud, “But who would send me a plant? And through the mail?”

“Maybe someone who didn’t want to give it to you in person?” Seungcheol offered. Mirae had to admit it made some sense, but that didn’t solve the mystery of who and why anyone needed to get a plant to her in the first place.

“Could you…stay while I open it? I’m strangely nervous,” she admitted. Chances were it was just a nice plant, but you never knew. It could be a severed head or something! Or maybe she should stop watching so many cop shows.

The delivery boy smiled that lovable smile. “Sure,” he agreed, and Mirae breathed a sigh of relief. At least if it were a head she’d have Hottie Seungcheol to console her afterwards.

She had a table placed by the doorway for just such a dilemma, and put the heavy plant box down on it now. Wordlessly Seungcheol handed her his keys to open the box with, which she took gratefully. She was surprised to see that there actually was just plant-life in it—a mix of pretty purple, white and yellow crocuses. Mirae was struck speechless for a moment. What a thoughtful gift… She’d just been talking about them yesterday with Seungcheol! Who could have done this?

“Wow,” Seungcheol commented, sounding impressed. “Flowers, huh? Looks like someone has a crush on you.”

Mirae’s face immediately blushed the same shade as the fire hydrant on the corner. She didn’t know of anyone who had a crush on her. So then, a secret admirer? “No, that’s ridiculous…why would they send flowers through the mail? I didn’t even know you could do that.”

“Oh, you can ship almost anything,” Seungcheol replied. “Hey, I think there’s a card in there,” he added, craning his neck for a better look.

Indeed there was a card. Mirae plucked it out and read aloud, “’To Mirae. These crocuses don’t bloom as perfectly as your smile does.’ Oh geez.” Why did she have to read that in front of this cute delivery boy? Now he probably thought she was lame and maybe even that she’d sent them to herself. Great. She face palmed in shame.

“So it is a secret admirer!” Seungcheol piped up. “I called it. Well, the only return address is the one for the flower shop, so I guess this guy didn’t send them personally… Oh, he’s good.”

Mirae just groaned in response and hung her head, still feeling mortified.

Suddenly there was a touch on her shoulder, light and warm. She looked up to see Seungcheol looking at her in concern. “You okay, Mirae?”

“I…yeah,” she was able to get out. Wow was he hot up close. “I’m just so embarrassed that you were here for this. And I’m really confused about who would’ve sent something like this in the first place. I know I keep saying it but I just—I don’t understand. Maybe it’s a joke? It sounds like something one of my friends would do.”

“Well, I guess you’ll find out eventually,” he said, shrugging. He backed up a little and removed his hand from her shoulder. “I should, uh, probably get going. More deliveries to make and whatnot, you know. Enjoy those flowers!”

Mirae was a little disappointed to see him go already, though watching him leave was always a pleasure. “Oh, wait!” she remembered, holding up the keys he’d given her to open the box with. “Don’t forget these! You won’t get very far without them.”

Sheepishly he returned to claim them, nodding in thanks and departure.

As Mirae shut the door behind him, the first thing she did was dial her best friend accusingly. “Okay, , what did you do?”

It turned out after a dozen other phone calls that none of her friends or family members was the culprit, which became more and more obvious as the flowers kept coming. Sometimes it was just one flower, sometimes another bouquet. And there’d been other gifts, too; shortly after the crocuses had been a simple but pretty red hair clip, followed by a cute black beanie with butterflies on it, and even a stained glass window ornament.

Seungcheol, of course, continued to every time she got a new gift. “Wow, whoever this is is no big spender, but they definitely have good style.” Today was another flower, a purple daisy. “Have you figured it out yet?”

“No,” answered Mirae in frustration, twirling the daisy in her fingers like it would speak up and give her the answer. “They still leave notes sometimes, but it’s always stuff like ‘I’m thinking of you today’, or ‘You’re pretty just like this thing I sent you.’ I’m starting to get really anxious. I wish they would just reveal themselves already. I feel terrible accepting all these nice gifts from an admirer and not knowing who it is. I mean, I definitely love getting gifts because it feeds my narcissism, but still.” She would have had Seungcheol send them all back, but like the first bouquet there’d been no return address for any of the packages. Mirae huffed out a sigh, wondering why anyone would bother with her anyway. She was just a homebody who made nice jewelry for affordable prices.

“Aw, cheer up,” Seungcheol encouraged with that smile, and Mirae felt like sighing for a different reason. “Maybe you’ll find out soon. It’s been, what, three weeks? He’s got to pluck up the courage some time.”

“Yeah, I guess so. I’m not sure what I should say when he does, though. I mean, I’m new at this. What if I don’t like him?” Mirae had been so focused on liking Seungcheol recently that she didn’t know if she could possibly like anyone else. It was a shame since whoever it was had been so nice and thoughtful with his gifts. She breathed out another sigh, this one wistful. “I’ll let you know how the whole thing ends up.”

Seungcheol smiled. He’d been there through it all, delivering all her love notes and gifts and seeming more excited than she was by a long shot. “Good. There’s no way I’d want to miss it.”

Why did he have to smile at her like that? It made his eyes shine and highlighted his strong cheekbones, almost making her swoon. She felt her knees actually shaking a little, making it hard to stay standing. She couldn’t imagine what she’d do if he actually flirted with her. A wink or a smirk from him would probably make her faint, or at least need to take some long puffs on her inhaler.

Mirae suddenly realized that she was probably staring, so she looked down and tried to act cool. She was probably unsuccessful. “Well, I should go find a place for this,” she said lamely, holding up the purple flower. “I’ll see you next delivery.” Which she had already made sure would be tomorrow.

“See you soon,” he waved, then went back to his truck.

It took Mirae a minute to realize that she should be closing the door instead of staring at his . Oh, and those thighs… How did such a plain uniform make all of his best features stand out? He looked delicious, and it was making her rather warm.

No, no, that was enough of that; she could be thirsty for Seungcheol when he wasn’t still liable to see it, in the safety and privacy of her own home.

Later that night as she was about to settle down to dinner, there was the sound of her doorbell chiming. That was odd, as it was rather late. She wasn’t even wearing pants. She scrunched up her face in confusion but went to answer it anyway, peering through the peephole first.

What the …

Seungcheol was indeed standing there when she opened the door. “Hi, Mirae.”

She blinked.

“I’ve got a special delivery for you.”

“But…” she started slowly. “Deliveries don’t come past six. And you’re not in uniform.”

And he wasn’t. Not unless they’d recently changed the delivery uniform to a snug-fitting black button-down and just as snug fitting black jeans. His sleeves were rolled up, there was no hat, and no nametag. Mirae had to cover quickly lest she make some embarrassing noise in front of him. If she’d thought he’d looked delicious earlier, now he looked completely delectable. He was so gorgeous she couldn’t help but let her eyes wander in shock. She felt horribly underdressed in comparison with her oversized T-shirt and hastily pulled on shorts. All he had to do was muss up that gelled back hair and he’d look like literal on her doorstep, and Mirae was only fine with that if he was going to come inside and do something about it. She didn’t understand it, but his appearance made her want to simultaneously slap him and bed him. It was a problem.

He smiled, the bashful one that she hadn’t seen in a while through all of his teasing. “This one’s an extra special delivery.” From out of his back pocket he pulled a small bag of what looked like multi-colored heart-shaped beads, and a little spool of threading wire. “I thought we could maybe make something out of these together, because…I like you. And I’m your secret admirer.”

Rendered utterly speechless, Mirae knew she must be a brilliant shade of red. Seungcheol was her secret admirer? But that couldn’t be!

“But you delivered the notes and presents to me! How could it be you?”

“Did you not notice that of all the delivery boys, the presents only showed up with me?”

“Not…really…” She’d been paying more attention to his face and other body parts than what he delivered, honestly. “You…you were the one who sent all those things to me, and wrote the notes?”

If possible he looked even more flustered than she felt, but she was still in shock. He raised the hand with the wire in it to rub self-consciously at the back of his neck, but the wire made the task more awkward than it already was. “Yeah, that was all me… I know they were really lame, but I thought…well, I wanted to do something—“

“Seungcheol,” Mirae interrupted him, stepping off her doorstep to stand in front of him. “That was the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me!” She wasn’t sure if she wanted to break out into tears or a huge smile, maybe both. She also had the urge to throw herself into his arms and hug him. Those nice arms of his, coming around her and pressing her against him…it would be too good to be true. “You’re not just messing with me, are you?”

“No no, of course not!” he quickly assured. He looked so earnest that Mirae felt bad for even asking. “But…you still haven’t said anything yet. Would you go on a date with me…uh, right now?” Again he held up his jewelry making materials. It was really a sweet offering, since this was what Mirae did for a living. Not only was Seungcheol hot and nice to talk to, he was also apparently a very sincere and heartfelt person, not to mention thoughtful as hell. And after pining for him for the past few months, there was absolutely no ing way Mirae was gonna turn down this golden opportunity.

Her bright smile met his bashful one as she accepted the gifts he held out to her. “I’d love to. I was actually just about to have some dinner. Would you care to join me? It’s pasta.” Good thing she’d made extra. There went her leftovers for tomorrow, but under the circumstances Mirae didn’t mind.

“Absolutely! I would love to!” he responded, his enthusiastic smile even brighter than hers. His cheeks were rounded so adorably in contrast to his y body being on display in that snug outfit, it made Mirae’s head spin a bit at the contradiction. And now she’d have him alone for the evening on a date, in her house. Oh God this was really happening.

Mirae held the door for him as he finally entered her house for the first time, instead of just standing on the doorstep. Giggling to herself, she realized that deliveries would never be the same after today. And hopefully she could get just one more special Seungcheol delivery in tonight…

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munkkebi #1
SF5_ParkHyuRa #2
dalgijam #3
Chapter 1: Aww this is so cute I'm sobbing hahaha