One Early Morning

One Inch Away

    "Aish....Adjusshi," I reply, rubbing my ear. "Your loudness is too much... it's 6 am, dang it..."
    He bowed his head in apology, but he continued with his talking. "Han-yah.....can you work overtime today?" Noh Dak-Ho Adjusshi is my boss; a relaxed man who goes about as if he has nothing to lose. With a cloudy background and the tendency to drift off a lot, he's managed to keep his little cafe thriving. He's like a mysterious uncle, and I've grown fond of him over the time I've been working here.
    I sighed. "No, I have to study for school and dodge a voice evaluation," I replied. leaning a fallen broom onto the light blue wall. "Get Heeyoung-unnie to do it."
    "Buh....uh---" I turned a cold shoulder and entered the cafe for a nice morning walk around. I heard adjusshi curse under his breath after my departure. "Agh, youth..." Orange streaked the walls, gently contrasting with the blue; it created a nice welcoming atmosphere for the decent amount of customers it brings. The place was fairly new, and the glass sparkled, reflecting light from the tall buildings that created the surroundings. The sun was still rising, and the cafe had yet to have its first customers of the day. I hummed loudly, singing a song called "Miracles of December." We never get customers at this time on Saturdays, since everyone is asleep. Even adjusshi naps until 7 comes around. I'm the only one active in the cafe.
    But today was yet to be an exception. The bell rang, announcing the arrival of a tall, lean guy with one of those fashionable masks and a hat. He emitted a mysterious aura, what with hiding his face and all. I head over to the counter. "Welcome!" I said, by routine.
    "Annyeong-haseyo," he bowed politely. I heard a small cute lisp in his voice.
    "Good morning. What would you like?" I pursed my lips and smiled. He took off his mask to answer.
    "One choco bubble tea, one peach bubble tea, cappuccino, and americano, both grande." I tried to hide my surprise as my eyes focused on his face. It was Oh Sehun, from EXO. My pulse quickened in the presence of such a known idol. I shook my head...He's a customer. Thank goodness he went on my shift; not only because I get to meet my all-time favorite idol, but because I'm the only employee who wouldn't scream at his appearance.
    "Okay, that'll be 14,000 won," I calmed myself. He handed me some cash and I gave him a receipt. He sat patiently at the counter seat, leaning on to his hand. I held my breath before taking a risk I had never thought I'd take. "You're Sehun-sshi, from EXO, right?"
    He sat up in response. "Uh, um, yes." He didn't seem to have his phone, so he didn't avoid my talking.
    While brewing the cappuccino and americano, I talked to the quiet celebrity. "Do you mind if I talk?"
    "No." He shook his head.
    "Who are these for?" I asked.
    "Bubble tea for me and Jongdae-hyung, cappuccino for Uminnie-hyung, Americano for Suho-hyung." He smiled and pursed his lips.
    "Did you lose in scissors, paper, stone?" I remembered EXO showtime clearly in my mind.
    "Yeah," he shook his head in regret. I found myself admiring him before realizing I had to
    I finished brewing and put Minseok-sshi and Suho-sshi on the coffee cup sleeves. I got the bubble teas and wrote Jongdae-sshi and Sehun-sshi on the caps. "Here you go," I passed them to Sehun-sshi.
    "Thanks," he smiled and bowed. I returned the gesture.
    "You're welcome. Come back if you'd like," I waved him goodbye.
    "I will.....Jaehwa-sshi." He bowed yet again. He smiled.
    As he exitted the doors, I exhaled a sigh of relief. But another wave of embarassment came over me. "He called me Jaehwa-sshi....." I felt around for the name tag on my pocket. 'Jaehwa.'

    "Sehunnie! Where's our coffee?" Sehun entered the practice room, met with the shouts of three tired hyungs. Minseok quickly grabbed his cappuccino, satisfying his coffee mania.
    "Sehun-ah," Suho greeted and smoothly took an americano.
    "YAY! BUBBLE TEA!" Jongdae excitedly took one. "Oh! There's a message on mine!" Suho and Minseok checked theirs.
    "Suho-sshi, fighting!" Suho read aloud.
    "Oh...the brewer must've written them," Sehun said, recalling his meeting with the nice girl. "Jaehwa-sshi, it said on the name tag."
    " nice!" Jongdae the life out of his tea after seeing the message.
    "Sehun-sshi, it was nice talking to you; fighting!" Sehun read the one on his tea.
    "I never thought they had a nice coffee place near here," Minseok said, after sipping and savoring his coffee. "This is delicious!"
    Sehun pursed his lips and smiled.

    "Unnie........Sehun-sshi visited the cafe today," I told her as she entered the break room. I tried remaining nonchalant about it, but who could? I just met an angel...
    "Sehun-sshi? Wait.......EXO'S SEHUN-OPPA?!" the brunette's eyes widened, and her voice grew louder.
    "Shh....I don't want any sasaengs to hang around this place because of one visit," I frowned. Heeyoung-unnie dragged a chair and sat down excitedly.
    "You can't be serious!"
    "Why would I lie?"
    "He came early in the morning and I managed to talk to him a bit. He looked at my nametag and said my name," I frowned again, but inside I was grinning.
    "LUCKY!!!!" Unnie cried. "I'd die if oppa said my name..."
    "I doubt he'd come again, though."
    I looked at the time. "My shift's ended," I stood up, gathering my things. I was still dressed partially in uniform, since I couldn't waste anymore time. I was gonna be late.
    "You're not working more hours? What's the occasion, Jaehwa-yah?"
    "I have some volunteer work with a children's music department," I said. "They have this 'idol' performance where they sing and dance, or something."
    "You sing?"
    "Kye-sunseng-nim is making me do this," I told her. I sighed. "I am studying to be a music teacher."
    "I would say good luck, but you've already had enough," Unnie stuck out her tongue as I left, salty about the fact that she wasn't the one to meet Sehun-sshi.

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