Fanboying 101:Tips For The Uninitiated (Or Shin Wonho's Guide to Becoming the #1 CandY)

Fanboying 101:Tips For The Uninitiated (Or Shin Wonho's Guide to Becoming the #1 CandY)

Title:Fanboying 101:Tips For The Uninitiated (Or Shin Wonho's Guide to Becoming the #1 CandY)
Pairing: OT6
Genre: comedy, slice of life
Characters: Cross Gene, Shin-centric
Length: chaptered


Fanboying 101:Tips For The Uninitiated (Or Shin Wonho's Guide to Becoming the #1 CandY)


A few weeks ago...


Yoro No Chuusday
Date of broadcast: June 2016
Host DJ: Shin Wonho
Segment: Ask Shin-kun

Topic: How to be a Fanboy



"Hello Minna-san! It's Shin-kun here. How's everyone? I  hope everyone is having a good time. I heard that it has been raining for some days now. Is it rainy season already? Well, don't forget to bring your umbrella and your rain gear. We don't want you to get sick, ne?

Okay, to start off our show's segment, I'm going to read some requests from our dear listeners out there. I encourage you to send more questions and requests everyone. Don't be shy. We'll try to answer or grant them all so I hope you continue sending them in.

So, for our first sender. It's from rabidgene324, hmm...nice gene name. Haha! I kind of remembered someone rabid. Anyway, rabidgene324 said: 'Hi, Shin-kun! I'm your number one fan.' Oh thanks! We appreciate it. 'I've been listening to you on the radio because you have a nice voice.' I do? Thanks again. Though I'm not sure if I have a good radio voice. I might sound like a mouse on-air. Haha! Okay, I'll read the rest. 'Please ask teh members to make a fansign for me. I will be really happy. I'll use it to gain strength for my studies. Thank you so much!' 

Ah, a fan sign? I think I can ask my members to do that, oh, but you didn't specify which member so...probably, all of us will do it, ne? Okay. We'll do that once I go back to Korea. Thanks for your request rabidgene! 

Well, onto our next request...oh, I think this is a question. And it comes from hmm...seyoungisagod. I don't know about that! Haha! I don't think Seyoung-san is a god when he's in our apartment. If it's Yongseok-san maybe...nah, I won't tell secrets of my members! I'm loyal like that. Aren't I nice? 

Okay, anyway...seyoungisagod asks...'Shin-kun, what is Seyoung-san's favorite perfume? Is it vanilla?' Vanilla? Does Seyoung-san smell like vanilla? Ahh, no. Haha! He smells like chicken. There's your answer. Am I joking? Why don't you ask Yongseok-san? He knows the real answer.

Anyway, I'll read the next one. And this, I think, is a request and a question in one. Wow. That sounds exciting. Okay, so this is coming from fannoshounen16. Interesting name, ne? He says: 'Shin-kun, konnichiwa!' Konnichiwa! 'I am a fan of your group. And I am a boy. I really love your music and your dance moves.' Hey, thank you so much. We love fanboys. We love all our fans. 'I am a new fan though, so I want to be better. I want to ask you for help. Can you teach me how to be a good fanboy? I really want to be better at it. Please give me advice! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!' 

How to be a good fanboy? But I think you're already doing good! What do you mean? 

(Shin-kun's director will say something)

Ah! So I need to give an advice, like 5 ways to be a good fanboy? really? Eh? 

(The director will say more)

Okay, so, my director he said this will be a good project. What we'll do is...we will all learn how to be good fanboys and fangirls all together. I want you to help me, minna-san. Send in your advice and we will collate everything. In the meantime, I will give out the results starting next week. Okay? Is that good? 

Well, there you have it fannoshounen16. It seems everybody will be helping you out. Wait for our first advice next week. This is going to be really interesting, I can tell.

So minna-san, I'll have to say goodbye now. Our segment is over. Please listen to this wonderful new song by Cross Gene. Noona You. I hope you all have a good day! Bye!"


Shin took his headset off and placed the mic on mute. Out of the corner of his eye, his Japanese director was waving at him. He couldn't open the door himself because of the two cups of coffee in his hands.

Shin smiled at him and stood up. Once he opened the door for the man, a cup of steaming coffee was placed in front of him.

"Hey, thanks Tanaka-san. I was about to expire from thirst."

The other man quickly took teh seat next to Shin. After some sips of the hot brew, he spoke.

"The project. How will you do it?"

Shin looked a bit surprised, "You mean I really have to do it? I have to research and give tips on how to be a good fan?"

The director motioned with his hand, "Well, you did say it on the air."

"Because you said to say it!"

He smiled at Shin's expression. "What's the big deal? You know, Japanese fans are different from Korean fans. So I want you to have that advantage. It will be a more, shall we say, educational experience? Look at it as a philosopher's project. You never know, you might learn something and you'll even surprise yourself."

Shin put his cup down and regarded the director for a few moments. 

"You're serious? Man, I'm so busy! How can I even think of things like these?"

Tanaka-san's eyebrow rose. "What's the problem? You belong in a boyband! Observe them and your fans. Ask for your members' help."

Shin laughed aloud. "My members? Are you kidding? Those guys are nuts! I won't get anything from them. And besides, they wouldn't want to get involved in this."

"Why not?"

"Because it's silly!"

"Then don't tell them. Just observe quietly. That would be more truthful."

Shin still looked very doubtful. 

"You'll get plenty of material and ammo to attack them in their weakest. You can have them in your hands. Make them do anything you like." The director stage whispered.

Shin's eyes seemed to glaze over this fact. Slowly, a small smile deepened to a mischievous glee. He put out his hand and shook Tanaka-san's hand.

"I'm in! Fanboy 101 with Cross Gene is on!"

The director smiled energetically at Shin too.



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nylie_k #1
Chapter 1: waaah looking forward for the rest story dear author, love this so far! <3
camelliam #2
Chapter 1: In your fics, you always manage to end the chapter in the moment when it makes me very impatient to know what will happen next, hehe.
I like this & looking forward for more