Can We Be Together - Chapter 7 :D

Can we be together?
Kyuhyun's POV

"RRRRINNNG" arghhh so anoyyinggg i want to sleeep moreee! *coughs* why do i still feel so tired.. *cough* *cough* arghh ill just sleep longer

"YAAH! WAKE UP NOW!" my father woke me up...

"im tired *coughs* i want to sleep" i replied weakly *cough*

"dun try me with ur fake tricks go to school now! " my father said bfore dragging me to the toilet throwing me my school cloths and slammed the door.

i think im having a fever and bad cough *coughs*

Ahhhh i forced myself to look as fine as possible and said to myself "Hwaiting'!" before i left the toilet.

when i reached the living room, my dad looked at me and said "hah! I thought u were like a sick PIG just now." after looking at the clocked, he continued "Look now ure late and ure wastin my time!" my dad pushed my out of the house with my bag

oh well... I picked my bag and dragged myself to school while coughing badly

*cough* i can do it!

after struggling to school, i finally reached my class room, but on the way there, my eyes started to close, vision started to blur and ....

Ryeowook's POV

I was having my lunch when my phone rang. Oh it must be Eunhyuk! "erhh its Eunhyuk, ill answer !~" i cheerfully said before taking my phone to answer the call

"Phone Conversation"

"Annyeong wookie!"

"Annyeong Eunhyuk! Are you reaching already? Wait for meeee"

"ah ! About that. Miahne, i gotta help Donghae with some stuffs and will be there later, why dont you go to class first?"

"oh okay... Ahh Hyung, i needa leave house now! Cya later"

"okay! Cya"

i went to finish my breakfast, and took my bag before saying goodbye to my parents and rushed to schoool

When i reached school on the way to class..

'hey isnt that the quiet guy that is always alone? He dosent seem well' i though.. 'oh he really isnt well his coughing'

'he seems so poor thing without friends... Hey maybe i should talk to him!' i fasten my walking speed to catch up with him . But when i reached him, his eyes suddenly closed and he fainted! Bam!

i got a big shock of my life... Gosh ... I managed to get him up and slowly bring him to the school clinic.

when the nurse was there she asked what happened. Intold her i heard That boy coughing and soon he fainted.

after checking the temperature of kyuhyun, the nurse got a big shock. "WHAT! 42 degreececius and his still at school?! What was he and his parents doing!" the nurse said frantically...

after giving the boy some medicine and cool bags to lower down his fever, the nurse told me to take care of him.

"ermm can you take care of him? I got some matters to take care of" the nurse asked me.

"can i erhh go to class and inform the teacher about him an me skipping some lessons? I think ive stayed here too long without informing anyone."

the nurse nodded and i ran to class without my bag. When i arrived , oh its maths lesson. Mr Kim the maths teacher looked at me and i bowed to him,

"good morning mr kim. Ermm the boy over there.. He fainted and has a high fever, and the nurse wanted me to take care of him because she had some matters to attend, would you mind me skipping a few periods of lesson? I will get the info of lessons and homeworks from my classmates afterschool"

"ermm okay. Ill assign someone to help you."

after some arrangements, i signalled to Eunhyuk and Donghae that i will tell them what happen after that before rushing back to the clinic

wow a few runs and im tired! What is this!

when i arrived the nurse left, she instructed me to some things i should do .

after some time The boy started to wake up "arghh" i heard. I saw his eyes opening. "annyeong!! How are you feeling?" i asked him cheerfuly. Well, even if i use my normal way of speaking im still cheerful! Im sucha cheerful person heehehe

"what just *cough* happened?*cough* " he said weakly.. "oh you had a very high fever just now and u fainted! I was sooo shocked! My names Ryeowook! Ure in the same class with me right?" i said it out happily

"oh... *cough* my name is *cough* Kyuhyun. Sorry *cough* i gave you a scare" he replied

ohhhhh so his name is Kyuhyun hahahaha!

"i should get going to class... " he said before getting off the bed trying to talk.

"NO!" i said before holding him to keep his balance before falling down.. Idragged him to the bed and said "i already told the teacher what happen and you're resting here. Notes will be taken down by my friend!"

Ryeowook was happy meeting Kyuhyun but he didnt know that in Kyuhyun's point of view it was a total disaster






Sorry for the long delay of updates... Been real busy with some part time work to earn some money :D im oni 15years old btw hehe. And its really tiring. When i get back home i didnt have the time to think of much things for a chapter and ive been struggling with trying to write out Ryeowook's POV hehe...

Thanks alot to my 16 subscribers :D hehe. Ill try to update soon but im not sure. Anyways comment and subscribe please and thanks haha

lastly need you guys help with a poll :d

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XPineX #1
Thanks for all the comments and subscirbers! :D please go and read my sequel 'Second chance? take it or not !' sorry for a bad ending anyways ehe
kyulovewook #2
Update soon, cant wait to read more of it. :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #3
Oh no): nvm, if they are meant to be no matter what happens, they will still end up tgt^^
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Yeah, hoping to see your next update soon^^ all the best for sch too><
XPineX #5
meijih03 : haha thanks :D<br />
<br />
kyuwookluver : ill try to update once every 1-2 days :D<br />
M3IQ1heartSUJU : Saad :( when willl they ever be togetherr~
fayefaith #6
cool update!! please update soon!! ^^
M3IQ1heartSUJU #7
Nice update^^ both of them all with diffeent feelngs. Both still confuse. Cant wait for your next update^^
mei_lene03 #8
cute ^^ haha
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Wa! Kiki the giraffe!!(: the giraffe is so cute, just like wookie^^ finally an interact between them, but kyu still seems afraid of the past repeating? Update soon^^ i am curious abt kyu(: enjoying your holidays!(: