Can we be together - Chapter 5

Can we be together?
Kyuhyun's pov

on the way to the beach, i suddenly remembered i had to go home to change... I dont wanna dirty my school uniform... But at the door of my house.. I heard my "parents" quarelling again

"Just get that boy out of our family! His just wasting our time and money! I dont think his studies would be good, we're just wasting money" his 'father' said

'honey, dont think that way, he always gets the top in class and level from his school, besides i - "

"his just cheating! No way he would be so clever! His just a bas****!"

with hearing that, Kyuhyun ran back to the beach, this time he didnt even care about his uniform, he sat on the sand.

'appa,umma, Why did you leave me so fast, why didnt you bring me along with you?' why did you throw me them, dont u love me?' i really dont feel like living anymore'

'nobody here loves me, theres just no point living..'


"kyu-ah, u u umma will be g going to a faraway p p place, u umma cant take care of you any anymore, you must listen to your appa ok?" Kyuhyun's umma said to little Kyuhyun when he was 7 years old

"ummma! Wherree are you going?? Bring me along!" Kyuhyun said, he didnt know what was going on that time

"i cannot bring anyone along with me, but your appa is with you right?" Kyuhyun's umma said Kyuhyun's hair

"umma dont want kyuhyun because me naughty right? Huhuhu" Little kyuhyun started crying

"Kyu, dont cry its not like that, umma really cannot bring you, Umma will always be protecting you neh" Kyuhyun's umma wiped away the tears on his cheeks "y you must be h-happy always" that was the last sentence Kyuhyun's umma said to him before she passed away

*flashback end*

'umma, you said you would protect me, where are you' kyuhyun said softly, tears started to fall down his cheeks,

kyuhyun spent the next few minutes picking pebbles and toss towards the sea, he wondered 'will my worries be thrown together with the stone?' as he toss the next pebble into the sea

'why must he treat me so bad, why dosent he trust me at all?' kyuhyun wondered.


he collapsed down onto the sand and started crying to himself

appa,umma left me, my current parents dont trust me, friends betray me, people make use of my feelings, no one cares, no one bothers...

Soon the skies darken, and it started to drizzle, before raining heavily, the rain camouflaged towards kyuhyun's tears.

Kyuhyun didnt care if he was wet anymore, he didnt care if he was pathetic, or if he was living as a human being, he didnt want to believe anything else in the world again

'umma,miahne, i cant fufil your wish to be happy anymore' kyuhyun whispered softly bfore falling asleep on the sand, alone under the rain without any passerby's around.  



No one's POV

On the other hand, his 'mother' finally pursuaded her husband to not talk about this topic again, as it would be very hurting for Kyuhyun. Although she didnt wanted Kyuhyun to stay at their house, but she had to do it for her best friend, kyuhyun's real mother.

it was already 10pm, it was still raining heavily, Kyuhyun was yet to reach home, his 'mother' started to get worried.

"where did he go? Did something happen to him?? How am i gonna answer to his parents?!" kyuhyun's 'mother' mumbled to herself

The clock striked 12 midnight but no one knocked the door, no one texted her, and she soon fell asleep on the couch







Next chapter up :) wow i really had a hard time typing this out haha! Was it saddening? I dont know but i tried my best... Comment and subscribe please :) thanks alot to my 14 subscribers and those who commented :D
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XPineX #1
Thanks for all the comments and subscirbers! :D please go and read my sequel 'Second chance? take it or not !' sorry for a bad ending anyways ehe
kyulovewook #2
Update soon, cant wait to read more of it. :D
M3IQ1heartSUJU #3
Oh no): nvm, if they are meant to be no matter what happens, they will still end up tgt^^
M3IQ1heartSUJU #4
Yeah, hoping to see your next update soon^^ all the best for sch too><
XPineX #5
meijih03 : haha thanks :D<br />
<br />
kyuwookluver : ill try to update once every 1-2 days :D<br />
M3IQ1heartSUJU : Saad :( when willl they ever be togetherr~
fayefaith #6
cool update!! please update soon!! ^^
M3IQ1heartSUJU #7
Nice update^^ both of them all with diffeent feelngs. Both still confuse. Cant wait for your next update^^
mei_lene03 #8
cute ^^ haha
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Wa! Kiki the giraffe!!(: the giraffe is so cute, just like wookie^^ finally an interact between them, but kyu still seems afraid of the past repeating? Update soon^^ i am curious abt kyu(: enjoying your holidays!(: