Chapter 1

A Furball Named Seungcheol

~October 4 2005~

"Happy birthday Yoon Jeonghan!"

His parents clapped their hands as they wished the birthday boy. Jeonghan, as excited as ever, was waiting for the ultimate present from them. All the gifts he received sure were great, especially the big teddy bear from Dino who said that 'so you won't be lonely when I go to the kindergarten hyung' but the main point is, his father had promised him that Jeonghan would received a pet as his birthday present since the boy had been begging for one for the past weeks.

It's not that Jeonghan can helped it. Since the day he saw his classmate Jisoo brought his pet turtle to the school, he was green with envy. Also the fact that people who owned pet were totally adorable (according to his favourite teacher) become the reason for him to have one.

So, when his parents brought a big red box into the living room, Jeonghan quickly jumped from the couch toward them and was grinning ear-to-ear.

"Mom! Dad! This is for me right?" exclaimed Jeonghan cheerfully.

"Of course darling! It's your birthday so who else it might be for?" said his mother as his father laughed at their son.

"Yay! Can I open it now?"

His parents nodded. Jeonghan carefully grabbed the big box and and placed it on the floor, knowing that there's a living being who would soon become his bestfriend. Then slowly, he opened the lid of the box which revealed the inside of it. What immediately met his eyes was a pair of dark orbs staring at him at first. A moment later the little creature made a squealing voice and climbed the inner side of the box in an attempt to reach the boy in front of it. Jeonghan widened his eyes and gasped.

"A puppy? Oh my god mom dad thank you so much!" he picked the small beagle and put it on his lap. He looked at the puppy and it looked back with a tilt on his head.

"Aww it's so cute! What should I name him? Oh by the way it's a male right?" said Jeonghan as he pet the brown fur of his new pet.

"Yes it's a he. Well when we adopted him from the vet they said that he already had an official name. But you can change it though since he is all yours now," his mother smiled as his husband and her sat at the couch.

"What is his original name?" asked Jeonghan out of curiousity while his eyes fixed at the puppy and they sort of had a staring contest.

"It was S...coups? S.Coups, if I am not mistaken," his father answered unsure.

"Whoa. That was one unique name. But I preferred to give him a cute name," Jeonghan pondered for a second, "I want to call him Cheol but since his original one start with 's' about Seungcheol?"

The boy looked at his parents for approval.

"That's a nice name darling."

"Then it's confirmed," Jeonghan raised the little beagle in front of his face, "from now on, your name is Seungcheol!"

The small dog's ears perked. "Woof!" He Jeonghan face and wagged his tail.

"Haha he liked it!"







a/n : first chap done . pretty short tho . thank u to my first 3 subscribers , i rlyy appreciate it ! (ノ;▽;)ノ

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nurhusnamustafa #1
Chapter 2: Okay that's weird. I wonder what's in the bag. Please update soon, I'm looking forward to this story ^^
floweroone #2
Chapter 2: Ooh!! I wonder what's in the bag
Rei0303 #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwww I want a dog for my birthday too T-T
what a super duper cute prompt!!!!!!!! yaaaaaay looking forward