My Guardian Angel

Seventeen Love Letter Collection






Jeonghan has had enough of his life and he wishes nothing more than to take it. To take his life away.








“Aargh!!!!” He screams as he crumples and throws the last bottle of beer.



“What’s the use of living when everything I love leaves me? I have nothing. Nothing to live for anymore… I might as well take my life.” He says as he stares at the rushing river below him.






“I wonder if there are rocks below. Could they be sharp enough to pierce me? Will it be painful to die this way? Hahahaha…. What am I even saying? There’s nothing more painful than what I’m feeling right now. Dying would probably just feel like an ant bite.” He climbs the bars that holds the bridge and steadies himself, he was ready to fall anytime and with his drunken state, his death might just come sooner.






He was standing at the edge of the bridge, ready to jump and end his misery.




He slips. And the last thing he heard was loud screaming from a distance.











Everything was dark, empty and still.








Where am I? Is this the afterlife?






He suddenly feels throbbing on his head, as if someone was throwing bricks on him.










He continues to yelp in pain and when he opened his eyes. He realizes he was alive; Alive and in an unfamiliar place.





He sits up and a cloth fell from his head. He suddenly felt sore all over and his head was throbbing.


He observes the place when someone appears at the door way.




“Oh! You’re awake! My God! I thought you were gonna die.” She approaches him with a smile and he noticed she was carrying a tray with a bowl, a glass of water and perhaps medicine?


She places the tray on the bedside table and took the medicine and water.


“Here. You probably still have hangover but take this.” She says as she hands him the two things.



He was quite hesitant at first but his head was throbbing so he set aside his thoughts for a moment and took the water and medicine. He pop the medicine into his mouth and swallowed it with water. Drinking the whole thing.



She chuckles. “You must have been really thirsty. I’ll get you some refill but eat this porridge first. It’ll help you settle your upset stomach.” She places the tray on top of his lap and offered the spoon to him. “I’m sure you know how to feed yourself right?” He took the spoon and she smiles. She took the glass from his hand and went out of the room.









Jeonghan’s POV:



Where am I really?


I thought I was dead.


Who is she?


Did she stop me?


Did she save me?


But why?




So many questions were running around my head that I felt a bit dizzy. I held onto to my throbbing head when I felt a warm pair of hands.



“Are you okay? Does your head still hurt? Would you like me to massage it?” She says; her faces showing signs of worry.




What’s this? Why is she so worried about me?




I stared at her, trying to observe her. She was massaging my head and somehow the pain disappeared.

I felt a bit better and let out a sigh.




“Feel better?” She asks, her hand moving away from my forehead. The warmth disappearing.






I look at her once more. “Who are you?” I asked.




“Mio. My name is Koh Mio.” She replied with a smile.




“Mio-sshi? /She faces me/ Why did you save me?” I asked still locking eyes with her.


“You were about to fall to your death. I couldn’t bear to watch you fall when I could do something about it.” She replies.


“Well did you think that there was a chance that I wanted to fall to my death?” I ask her feeling enraged.


“Who in their right mind would want to kill themselves?” She asks me.


“I do! I wanted to die, right then and there. Why did you stop me? Why did you save me?” I ask, anger rising.


“Well I’m so-rry~ I didn’t know you wanted to die that badly.” She replied, her temper rising as well.


“You shut up! You don’t know what I’m going through. You wouldn’t know my pain! You don’t how badly I want to die. My life is hell and I wanted to end it. Why?! Why’d you stop me?!” I yelled at her.













I look at her, still feeling the sting from her slap. She looked at me teary-eyed.




“You ungrateful person! I may not know how terrible you have live your life but you don’t know how lucky you are to be alive.” She tells me and runs off.




Me? Lucky? How am I lucky to be alive when I feel like I’m dying every day?!




I stood up and walk out of the room. I stop midway when I saw her crouching on the doorway, muffling.


I tried to ignore it and continued my way, but I couldn’t help but stare back at her crouching figure.





I approached her and poked her with my foot.



“Get up. Get up will you! You look like a fool sitting there like that.” I told her.



She didn’t move and remained that way. I may be bitter about the fact that she saved me but I can’t deny that I’m weak when I see girls crying.




I let out a sigh and crouched down beside her. I’m sure she felt my presence but she remained unfazed.



“Look… I’m sorry I yelled at you. It’s just… My life isn’t exactly worth living for. I wanted to end my misery and thought that perhaps getting drunk and falling to my death would do it.” I told her.



She didn’t flinch. I sighed and stood up when I felt someone tugged my pants.


I turned to see her holding on to the rim of my jeans, but she wasn’t facing me.



“You shouldn’t waste your life. Though you may feel troubled with everything that’s happening to you right now, you’re still lucky coz you can manage to wake up the next day whereas other people live their life as if it’s their last, since they know they have a few days left to live. So don’t try to take your life, think of those who wish to live longer but can’t.” She tells me.



She lets go of her hold on me yet continued to sit by the doorway now staring at the wall across her. I crouched back beside her and look at her solemn face.




“I… Uhm… I know I have no right to ask this. But…. Are you perhaps dying?” I asked her.


She turns to me with a sad smile. “No. But my mother died of leukemia. Seeing her live her life happily even though she was dying, made me want to see it that no one should waste their life away.”


“I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”


“It’s fine. I know I have no right to judge you too but I just don’t like you to take your life cause of something that can be solved. You only live once. Don’t waste it.” She tells me.



I felt my heart clenched at that. Here I pitied myself on why my life is miserable when she’s been living far worse than me.


I look at her dazed figure and felt something surge up on me.





“Can you help me then?” I asked her.




She turns to me and tilts her head to the side, confused. “Help you with what?”


“Help me to learn to live again.” I told her.




She smiled at me, the most genuine smile I’ve seen after a long time of suffering. I felt my heart pace quicker than it normally does.




“I’ll make sure it’s worth living for.” She replies, her smile widing more.


“Thanks.” I said, unknowingly a smile formed on my lips as well.





I don’t exactly know what happened, but since then….







My life changed.










To be continued?




I'm back!!! Which is a surprise since I finally managed to update this. J-Hopefully it wasn't too rush. This isn't actually quite done yet but I just decided to post it coz I felt I needed you guys to know that I'm still alive and also I'm still in the process of finishing this chapter's story. There's more to it than it seems.


Also listening to Red Jumpsuit's "Your Guardian Angel" & Beast's "12:30" just makes the feels burst more. Anyway, I'm practically half crazy by now and I'm trying to finish my SoonWoo story which is forever just calling me to finish it. So yea, I have a lot of writitng to do and school ain't helping -.-


-Kaye :3

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i have too much ideas but wonwoo and hoshi tends to fight over in my mind >.


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Chapter 6: Aww boo is shy shy shy
These are so cute!!!!
Chapter 1: boo is cute!! Hope to see more fanfics about seungkwan
apcv_123 #4