Nothing lasts forever, right?



Park Jimin had been Amelies best friend since toddler days. Both of them shared a lot of hobbies, thoughts, clothes and sometimes even the bed during sleepovers. Nothing could seperate Amelie from him, nor nothing could seperate him from her. Everything was done together by those two. However, fate had other plans. Soon Amelie had to move to Gwangyang, leaving Jimin behind and years passed.

What happened to their friendship?

Time told the story and Amelie had grown older and she soon found someone to love. But would it break? Would it last?
She was scared, knowing what happened to the friendship she once had with Jimin.

It could happen again right?



Nothing lasts
forever Right?
story by Sica--

  : the state of being friends: the relationship between friends
   : a friendly feeling or attitude: kindness or help given to someone

Park Jimin had been Amelies best friend since toddler days. Both of them shared a lot of hobbies, thoughts, clothes and sometimes even the bed during sleepovers. Nothing could seperate Amelie from him, nor nothing could seperate him from her. Everything was done together by those two. However, fate had other plans. Soon Amelie had to move to Gwangyang, leaving Jimin behind and years passed.

What happened to their friendship?

Time told the story and Amelie had grown older and she soon found someone to love. But would it break? Would it last?
She was scared, knowing what happened to the friendship she once had with Jimin.

It could happen again right?



A big hello to everyone!
Here's Sica-- with a new story featuring the Bangtan boys.
I had this idea while reading some fake texts of BTS (unbelievable but yes I became addicted to those texts)  and one of those got my inspiration going and I remembered watching a video of BTS Imaginations and youtube and tada, the idea to this story was born. So yes, this story is based on imagines and fake texts. Pretty funny right? However I can tell you guys that some Angst, fluff, love and heartbreaks will await you in this story but I hope you guys will still like it.
Anyways, it has been some time I last wrote and published a story but this idea got stuck in my head and I couldn't let go of it so I decided to write this one. So every help, comment is appreciated. You guys also don't need to upvote or subscribe to the story if you don't want to- I am not forcing anyone but it would make me really happy of some of you would do it anyways. Well I hope this story catches your interest and you'll read it because I am putting a lot of effort in it.

Also there is one more thing to know- something like a rule.
I will mostly update one chapter per week because I am busy throughout the whole week. So await chapters on the weekends! Also please be kind to me alright?
Okay that's all for now, have a good day and have fun reading this story.


BTS and Fictional Character
I'll keep this section rather short. I'd rather let you get to know BTS and the Fictional Character throughout the story instead bombing you guys with informations of the characters which you will forget sooner or later. So all you need to know is, that Amelie is the name of the Fictional Character. You will get to know why sooner or later. About BTS, well there's not much to say- I'd say, get to know them in the story. :)
Newest Chapter Info
Here you will always find a small description of the upcoming chapter. Something like a sneak-peak!
Seoul. Nothing could be compared to this city. Gwangyang was beautiful- I couldn't deny that in one bit. I had living in Gwangyang for quite some years now and I came to love the city but it would be a lie to say I never missed Seoul. Not only Seoul but also Jimin. Nothing was the same anymore- we were still friends yes and honestly I still consider us as best friends yet the visits had become more less during the years. What did I expect anyways? We lived three hours apart and by car even 5 hours.


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