Cheatsheet ♡

project cafe ♡ hiring now


the tips and tricks

So if you didn't get the idea of the story from the weird foreword I will explain it to you. Project cafe is a project started by the youth business who wants young people to get interested in starting their own company and came up with the idea of a cafe over the summer to get them started. The story is about fourteen teens born 1997-1999 that needs somewhere to work over the summer for whatever reason and one day got an email about project cafe and decided to apply. Project cafe is a story that will focus on summer love, friendship and if they are ready to soon step into the diamond adult life. The story features bts because who doesn't like some summer bts?


Let's talk about the basic info. Your face claim can be anyone in the korean entertainment industry and the pics should all be of your face claim except for the pic in the love interest section but i think you knew that. The first section of the application is pretty self explanatory, the appearance and fashion section is pretty important as i can read how your character based from those two parts. how many traits for the personality traits you say? at leas three negative and three positive. You can have neutral traits too but it's not a must. I prefer quality over quantity but don't make the personality into three sentences. Like every author I love unique personalities but I get it. It's hard to be unique when many things have been done already so just do a character you're proud of. When you're writing the background remember that this is a high school/cafe au and that they aren't idols or anything here. the background can be sad, happy or anything you want it to be.

Explain a bit of their childhood, schoollife and stuff like that. The trivia should state: likes, dislikes, hobbies and habits. But you can add anything you want to mention there. Relationships, right. The family members aren't that important in this story if you want to state their names and workplaces do that in the background section. The most important part in the relationship section is the workers at the cafe and maybe some other friends you like to add. The interview part is easy just answer the questions in your character's pov. THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE APPLICATION! the lovely love story yaaass. You can choose one of six bangtan members as the cutie alien Taehyung is taken my your wonderful author! pw is your ship name linked to a pic of your love interest. the personality doesn't have to be long but i also want how the bae interacts with your character. love did they meet? what will happen in the future? Status: Are they married to an apple? single or taken...? hmmmm... and at ending state what you want to happen to them at the end of the summer. 


Do you want to impresss your dear author? well here is some sprinkles. Don't go mainstream and choose face claim that aren't used that much. Much and MUCH trivia i love weird trivia. Unique names anyone. Make me laugh okay i love a good laugh. put some gifs in there and give me an application that looks good. you can mention Lee Hayun anywhere in there...? -awkward wink-

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The review for noryuk is up ♡


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Chapter 1: okay!! i'm legit like 80% done, but i'm just curious were all the boys already friends before the cafe job or did YoonNamJinHayun meet TaeSeokMinKook at this job? c:
Chapter 3: thank you so much for liking my princess ;; i heart u ♥
i got the sora name from a web drama lol. I find her name is somewhat interesting >.< and there's where she got her name lmao
IOI is getting lot loves . i'm so proud omg ;;;
the cafe would go through a bankrupt if Jimin is the only cashier lol
kim hanbyeol is a GUY?! (i really thought that he is a girl o u o) lol. i better change it now.
it's hard to find someone who actually stan Namjoon cause there's always bias wrecker and you know kYAA
thank you once again for accepting Sora!
Chapter 4: o u o
i better change something in my app
i really can't get over "in gym class, there's always that one person who thinks he's in the ing olympics" lol that's totally relatable.
Chapter 3: sCreaMs!!!
if u didn't notice, i applied to ur runaways story as well.. and u said the same thing abt the background. i guess i like angsty backgrounds.
bUT OMG THANK U SO MUCH FOR UR NICE REVIEW. i'll fix that small part about hayun && i think u should change the title of this chapter to reviews bc it scared the out of me seeing plotlines pop out of nowhere.
i can't decide the love interest. damn. why they all are so attractive???? :'(