
extreme physical or mental suffering.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry"

His mind haunted by those words. The banging. The wails. The tears. His voice. He misses them. The way how his hands caressed his hair. The deep feelings they held for each other now gone, leaving darkness and pain. He's all alone, the nights dark. He misses the laughter the argument. The arguments over the smallest things, to the way how they moaned each other's names. Their bodies embraced, bites, kisses, to claim what's theirs.

The constant vision of the other holding hands with another, the smile on his face. The emotions he showed that were new. He felt, no, feels worthless and useless not being able to be the one to be the cause of them.

Hands trembling, covering his ears. "Stop it" His pleads. But they won't stop. Tears staining his face. Flowing nonstop. Only met with darkness as night falls. Waiting for this dream to be over, not wanting to accept reality knowing Junhoe will never come back.


A/N Yow wo wo~ Should that be my introduction? Like yow wo wo guys. Yea, I know I'm lame but that's what comes from a fangirl. Anyway, I'm going to write nonstop. Summer break is coming in like 2 weeks, yay for me. I decided to update weekly. I should warn you I lose interest quickly so they are going to be short unless I'm like really into it. wink wink. I draw better than what I write so don't expect a written form of picasso. Newb author out ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ・_・)┘ I got some KPOP to watch

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Chapter 2: MY GOD, that is too sweet, can't wait for another chapter
kireinakata #2
Chapter 2: This is so cuuuuttteee
Chapter 1: OMG, what happen to junhoe? next chapter pleaseTT
Chapter 1: Omg lol all the emojis haha I hope to read more from you lol
annethundr05 #5
Chapter 1: Aww, that is sad... (ToT). As for Junhwe/Junho's name. It can Koo Jun-hoe, the hangul for it is 구준회. Now they have different ways and systems so this is the revised romanization: Gu Junhoe (for his name) & this is the McCune–Reischauer way to write his name Ku Junhoe. So basically all of it is correct in a way. Honestly it doesn't really matter because I can assume it has been written many different ways. This coming from an MS grad-student in International Business. And fluent speaker of English/Spanish/Japanese & trying to learn Korean. Lol (wish me luck ≧▽≦).
Chapter 1: plz continue this one, so good ;-; </3