Mission 2

I'm your robot boyfriend!

Sungjong’s POV

Okay, I think I over exaggerated when I said ‘for good’ but still, that Minhee is nothing but trouble. I shudder at the things she did to make me her boyfriend. She only has eyes for Kingkas that are single, so if Sunghyun dates him then everyone will be happy! Well except for Minhee I guess… and maybe that no good Sungyeol too.

I see that my message has finally reached her as I see her eyes widen at what I said. She looks at me and asks, “What should I do? He doesn’t like me…” I had to stop myself from slapping her and Myungsoo. I can’t believe she believes that Myungsoo doesn’t like her! After all he’s done for her!

I shake my head. This girl can be so dense sometimes. Before I could reply that he does like her, the teacher walks in and cuts me off. What’s with people and interrupting me today?

I whisper quietly, “He does like you! Trust me on this!” She looks at me like I’m crazy. Does she trust Myungsoo more than me? Er, well, I guess you would trust the person who told you rather than his friend.

She shakes her head and whispers back, “How could he like someone like me? There’s nothing special about me and you paid him to be my ‘robot boyfriend’, right?”

I slap my face. I wanted to yell that he fell in love with her first, but I couldn’t. Myungsoo didn’t want her to know so I promised not to tell her.

“Just trust me on this! He likes you! Hurry and ask him out!” I hiss at her.

She still shakes her head. Why is she like this! Maybe if I tell Myungsoo that Sunghyun likes him, he’ll ask her out. But is he still acting cold towards her? I heard some gossip that they were holding hands yesterday but I’m not sure if that’s true. He told me that he’ll be mean towards her… does that mean that Infinite changed their plans? Or is it something else…

I snap back into reality when the teacher called me to read a paragraph from the book. I hurriedly flip to the page and read.

Lunch has started and we went up to the roof to eat lunch. Myungsoo stops us and asks if he can come with us. Sunghyun nodded her head furiously. I didn’t know she could be so cute when she’s in love. During our walk to the roof, I notice Myungsoo being much kinder towards her. Did Infinite change their plan so Myungsoo doesn’t need to be mean towards Sunghyun anymore?

We reach the roof and we find a place to sit. I sat on the right of Sunghyun while Myungsoo sat on the left. They talked and I can see Sunghyun’s cheek turning red. Is Myungsoo just as dense as her? Can’t he see that she likes him?

I sigh. What’s with my friends and being dense? It looks like I have to do all the evil planning to make them confess to each other. Not that I’m complaining though.

I start to think of an idea when Sungyeol walks in. Myungsoo’s and my face suddenly drop when we see him. He’s smiling like an idiot. In the corner of my eye I see Sunghyun squirming in her seat and avoiding Sungyeol’s gaze. It’s probably because he suddenly kissed her yesterday that she’s like this.

“What do you want?” I say with disgust.

He keeps smiling and says, “I’m here to eat with my girlfriend! Oh, and I’m supposed to give this mission to her too.”

He pulls out an envelope that resembles the one from yesterday. I didn’t think they would give her another mission so soon. I just hope it was the mission I wrote. Sunghyun doesn’t know this, but there are a total of seven missions. Each member of Infinite wrote a mission and Sunggyu decides when to give them to her.

My mission is fairly easy compared to yesterdays. I see Sunghyun get up slowly and take the envelope. Sungyeol hugs her and she shut her eyes tightly. Myungsoo gets up and stops him from hugging her any longer.

Sunghyun opens the envelope and sighs in relief. She yells towards me, “I have to hold hands with someone for the rest of the school day!” I smile in relief since she got the mission I wrote.

Sungyeol looked surprised. Did he expect something harsher? Myungsoo grabs her hand and she instantly blushes.

“What are you doing?” She mutters while looking at the ground.

He just smiles and says, “Doing what the mission said. You wouldn’t want to get punished by Infinite right?”

Sungyeol pouted and grabbed her other hand. They glared at each other for a long time. They were interrupted when the bell rang.

“You better go to your class Sungyeol hyung. You’re going to be late.” Myungsoo said with smirk.

Sungyeol just glared at him and finally let go of Sunghyun. He stomped away and I started laughing. I hate Sungyeol for getting in the way of Myungsoo’s and Sunghyun’s love. Actually I hate anyone getting in the way of their love.

I get up and push them to the door. I grab Sunghyun’s other hand and continue to walk with them to the classroom.

Since I’m sitting next to her, I guess I have to hold her hand for the rest of the day.

Just when she let go of Myungsoo’s hand he asked me, “Sungjong, do you want to switch seats with me?”

I smile as I hear these wonderful words. I nod and let go of her hand. Instead of moving to Myungsoo’s seat, I move to the seat behind Sunghyun. I want to see how they interact throughout school.

This game that Sunggyu thought of is genius. So far the missions have only been helping them and I’m pretty sure it’s going to stay that way. After all, Infinite, minus me and Sunggyu, are pretty stupid when it comes to thinking of evil ideas.  I think this month is going to be great!

Well… that’s what I thought… Who would have known I was wrong?

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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 41: Hey You should finish the story. I want to know
Princessfly #2
Chapter 41:
Chapter 10: Uh..because of Infinite's attitude (except for Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Sungjong) I kinda dislike them a bit. But a BIT only.
please update, i'm dying to read who's heart she has, PLEASE UPDATE >.<
Chapter 41: Updateuuuuu! UPDATEEEEUUU IM DYING IM SUSPENSE XDDD orz please not Myungsoo. It's probably Sungjong, orz. Orz. Whooooo. TT TT
Update soon~
omg it must be myungsoo's heart! why a cliffhanger?! I was on the verge of tears, you're making me depressed ;______;
Kayer0603 #9
i guess it is myungsoo's heart...then sungjong will make him a new heart like robot? aha
littlelamb86 #10
my guess sungjong? after all the main is myungsoo....