Different kind of love

I'm your robot boyfriend!


Sunghyun’s POV

School ended and I walk back home alone. Myungsoo said he was busy so he couldn’t walk me home and Sungjong hasn’t returned to class after lunch. I shrug my shoulders, it’s not like I need them to walk me home anyway. I swiftly stuff everything in my bag and walk out of my classroom.

Since Infinite can’t attack me, I feel at ease. I no longer have to look both ways when I walk down a hallway or flinch when I hear footsteps behind me.

“Hey! Lee Sunghyun!” I turn around at the sound of my name and see three girls. I don’t know these girls and I know they aren’t Queenkas. What do they want with me?

“Yes?” I ask hesitantly.

One of the girls walks forward and glares at me. “My friend here likes L,” She points to the girl in the middle. She’s very petite and cute. Her eyes are b with tears as the other girl keeps talking. “I suggest you back off of him if you know what’s good for you.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t.” I would usually never say this; especially when the girl in front of me is very intimidating, but I finally realized I like Myungsoo and I don’t want to let anyone else have him. I know that sounds selfish of me though…

The petite girl started crying and the girl next to her was comforting her. The intimidating girl in front of me turned her attention to the crying girl. I decided to run away from her while she was distracted. Girls are much scarier than guys when it comes to protecting friends. If I stayed, who knows how many cuts and bruises I would have.

I should be wary of girls now. Just because Infinite can’t hurt me doesn’t mean that I’m safe. Ah, didn’t Myungsoo say that this morning?

I start to walk again when I notice she hasn’t been pursuing me. I wonder where Sungjong is? And what happened to… Sungyeol. I remember the kiss and I shudder. Why did he do that?

I slowly walk to my house and stare at the door. Wonder if he’s inside? How should I react? Normally or… I bite my lip.

“What are you staring at the door?” I jump as I notice Sungyeol standing behind me.

“Oh… um, I forgot my keys!” I said. I avoid his gaze on me. I take a side step so that I’m not blocking the door. He walks to the door and unlocks it. I follow in after him.

“Sunghyun… sorry.” He said while still looking away from me.

“I forgive you but… why did you do it?” I bite my lip as I think of all the possibilities. He stops walking and turns around.

“It’s because I love you.” He stared straight into my eyes. I avoid his gaze again.

“I love you too but… we’re siblings. We shouldn’t be doing those kinds of things.” I say while staring at the ground.

He walks towards me and gently touches my face. I flinch away from the sudden contact. He sighs.

“Sunghyun… please look at me.” I steadily lift up my head and look at Sungyeol. He smiles but it has a tinge of sadness in it.

He brings his hand to my face again. This time I don’t flinch away.

“The people at school don’t know that we’re siblings though.” He says with a cold expression.

“But, still… it feels wrong.” I said. I can’t imagine doing anything couple-like with my brother. It’s just… I shudder.

“But, wonder if we’re not siblings? Then can I do those kinds of things?” My eyes widen when he said this. We’ve always been siblings and that’s a fact.

“We are siblings though.” I objected. He avoided my stare. Is he saying we aren’t siblings?

“Sunghyun… I need to tell you the truth,” He looks at me and sighs, “We aren’t siblings.”

I fake a laugh, “You must be joking right? You’re my brother and will always be my brother!”

He shakes his head, “You know you and me and don’t look alike, right?”  I furiously shake my head trying to reject his ‘evidence’.

“It’s because you look like mom and I look like dad.”  I said. It’s logical, plus he’s always been telling me this…

“That’s the lie I told you but Sunghyun,” He grabs my shoulder and slightly shakes me, “You and me aren’t siblings.”

I gaze at the floor. I refuse to believe what he said. “Then… why do we live in the same house? Why have you been telling me we were related?”

He let’s go of my shoulders. “My mother, who is not your mother, died while giving birth to me. My father got over her death and looked for someone else to marry. That’s when he found your mom. Her husband died but she hasn’t given birth to you yet. My father decided to marry her but he waited until you were born. But before they could get married, they died in an accident.”

I shook my head. This is all a lie. None of that happen. I’m not believing that. He’s always been my brother…

“T-then… how do you know this? You were only one years old, right?” I stammer with tears in my lifeless eyes.

“Your aunts and uncles kept my father’s thing. One day, I explored through his things and found… I guess a journal. He wrote what he did every day. But it suddenly stopped on a date that I knew was the day he died.”

I shake my head and tears started to fall from my eyes. He has to be telling me a lie.

“I’ve always wanted to tell you the secret of us not being siblings, but I thought you wouldn’t be able to handle it. And after what happened at school, I thought this was the perfect moment to tell you.” He whispered to me.

“B-but why now?! Why did you have to tell me now?!” I shouted.

There was a silence before he answered, “Didn’t I say because I love you? And no, I don’t love you as a sister,” He pulls me closer and kisses me on the cheek, “But as a girl.”

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ilovekorea37 #1
Chapter 41: Hey You should finish the story. I want to know
Princessfly #2
Chapter 41:
Chapter 10: Uh..because of Infinite's attitude (except for Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Sungjong) I kinda dislike them a bit. But a BIT only.
please update, i'm dying to read who's heart she has, PLEASE UPDATE >.<
Chapter 41: Updateuuuuu! UPDATEEEEUUU IM DYING IM SUSPENSE XDDD orz please not Myungsoo. It's probably Sungjong, orz. Orz. Whooooo. TT TT
Update soon~
omg it must be myungsoo's heart! why a cliffhanger?! I was on the verge of tears, you're making me depressed ;______;
Kayer0603 #9
i guess it is myungsoo's heart...then sungjong will make him a new heart like robot? aha
littlelamb86 #10
my guess sungjong? after all the main is myungsoo....