Blank Space [ft. Yoongi]

Sparks Fly

'Cause we're young and we're reckless, we'll take this way too far

It'll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar


Crimson lips turned upwards into a smile as you studied your reflection in the mirror. Frosty eye shadow dusted the tops of your eyelids; every blink making the stars themselves jealous as they shimmered brilliantly. Your eyelashes swept graciously upwards, proudly accenting your bright eyes. A tumble of wavy curls cascaded down one of your shoulders, and you caught a whiff of their pleasant apple scent. Tonight was your time to shine.

Your ears picked up the incessant buzzing of chatter going on downstairs. The night was still young, but the party seemed to be going well. Rising from your parlor stool, you giggled childishly as you twirled around in your periwinkle dress, the tulle skirt flouncing about. You opened the door to your room and struck a pose, attempting to keep a straight face.

"Oh, darling, you look wonderful!" The squeal came from none other than your maid. Her plump face broke out into a wide grin and she immediately got up to smooth out your dress. She took your hand and patted it, glancing towards the enormous, French doors leading out of your bedroom."They're all waiting for you downstairs. Are you ready?"

"Am I ever," you replied, taking a deep breath. Opening the door to your room, you stepped outside and the noise from downstairs doubled. Just the sound from the festivities energized you as you strided over to the grand staircase. Immediately, the festivities began to quiet down. Your mother quickly ascended the stairs and grabbed your hand delicately, then turned to the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen. It brings me great pleasure to introduce the birthday girl, and the new debutante!" 

A roaring round of applause rang through your ears as you beamed at everyone. You were finally an established member of high society, and you were ready to make your mark on the world. You tried not to hurry down the steps as you thanked a multitude of people for their warm wishes. You knew the first place you wanted to go. Making a beeline for the dining area, you squealed as your eyes settled on a lavish buffet of all your favorite foods. You heaped generous helpings of food onto an ornate china plate, then took a seat outside next to the koi pond. You wished your friends were all here, but you promised to meet up with them in Fiji instead, knowing they didn't much care for these stiff, formal debuts. 

You were in the middle of eating a huge glob of mashed potatoes when you saw a tuxedo-clad figure make its way towards you. The two of you made eye contact as your cheeks were filled with the buttery food. You ungraciously tried to scarf it all down, coughing violently as it went down your esophagous too quickly. Giving you an awkward pat on the back, the newcomer didn't hold back a chuckle. "Don't die."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind next time," you muttered, nibbling on some chicken fried steak. Glancing at the boy through your peripherals, your eyebrows involuntarily raised at his mint-green hair. You had no idea who he was, but judging from his too-rigid suit, you assumed that it was his first time at one of these. New money, you mused. Your suspicions were confirmed when he used his bare hands to eat a biscuit instead of using a knife and fork. 

"Fancy party, huh? My dad and I got here late, but we were just in time to scoop all the good food on my plate. To be honest, I think this is a little too overboard just to celebrate some girl's birthday," the boy said as he swept his arms out in a wide gesture. Your eyebrows shot up at his remark. He really didn't know who this party was for. Still, your traitor lips shot up in a smile at his obliviousness. He returned it with a gummy smile before finishing the rest of his biscuit. "I'm Min Yoongi. My father's company is apparently working together with whoever owns this place to release the first Korean electric car. Maybe someday we can live in a place like this too."

Trying to keep a poker face, you introduced yourself. "I'm the birthday girl," you stated, popping a grape in your mouth as you studied his expression. His face did a complete 180 degree change. Yoongi's eyes widened, as his mouth fell open. It only lasted a couple moments though, as he regained his composure and continued to finish his meal. "Happy birthday, I guess. Are you turning fifty years old or something? What's with the stiff ball gown theme?"

Letting yourself laugh, you shook your head. "I'm not fifty! This is my debut party., usually, people whom my parents hang out with have parties to show off that their son or daughter is mature enough to be noticed in society."

"I never had one," scoffed Yoongi. "My dad got me a new car for my last birthday. It was good enough. I don't see the point in inviting so many people you don't even know to your birthday party. I'd rather have a gathering with a couple of my close friends. I gotta say, though, the food here is great. How'd you find time to cook all this?"

You looked at him with a puzzled expression. "The cooks and maids prepared this all, of course. Although, I think it's cute that you thought I helped set it up." Jeez, this guy really was new money. How did he expect you to help them out? The last time you attempted to cook something in the kitchens, an entire salmon went up in flames. You shuddered at the thought. Checking your phone, you realized that it was almost time for the dance. You stood up, skirt flouncing about.

"Is Cinderella going to miss her ball?" Yoongi asked, looking back at the manor. People were already milling about the large foyer, finding partners. You looked from the dance floor, to Yoongi, then back at the dance floor. A sly smile slid across your face as you made your way towards him. "Actually, I am. Would you like to be my partner? Just make sure not to step on my feet too much."

Setting down his food, Yoongi rose to his feet. "You talk as if I know nothing about dancing.I think I might even show you a thing or two. Come on."

You followed him back to your home as your curiosity continued to grow. Just who was Min Yoongi and how did he manage to reach your social status? The soft yellow glow of the ballroom illuminated the waves of dancers who were already spinning on the floor. You spied your parents towards the center of the room, laughing at nothing. 

Holding out your hand to him, he grabbed it and put his arm around your waist. Your arm rested daintily on his shoulder, as your ears turned pink. The live band started to play a song you were all-too familiar with, Jumping into a medium-paced waltz, you were surprised to see Yoongi taking the lead, his movements nimble and fluid. Before you knew it, the song was over and he gave you a pleased smile. "Looks like Cinderella can dance after all."

There was something about this boy that made you want to know more about him. The way he eats, talks and composes himself is just so intriguing. In your mind, you could see yourself pursuing someone like him. He was a breath of fresh air, and amongst all the other guys you've dated, he was unpredictable. It was at that moment that you decided that you thought it'd be fun to win his heart. A mischievous look crossed your face as a foolish, yet exhilarating thought popped into your brain. "Hey Yoongi, do you have a passport?"

He raised an eyebrow. "No, why?"

A spark of fire appeared in yoru eyes. "I'm going to Fiji in a couple weeks to celebrate my birthday with some friends. You're going to go with me."


Got a long list of ex-lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane

But I've got a blank page, baby, and I'll write your name.

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I'm so happy to be the first comment! I subscribed a while ago but never read any of these until right now. I just read all of them in like ten minutes and wanted to congratulate you on writing such adorable, chilling, and emotional one-shots. I loved them, and please continue to write. I'd say my favorite was Taehyung's one, but then I think of Jimin, and fall in love all over again.
Thank you for posting these and keep writing!