Chapter 5 - A Devil And An Angel Appears

Best Of Both Worlds.....Or Is It The Worst....

'YOU!'  Jessica and L shouted at the same time.

'Oh, Myungsoo and Jessica you both know each other?' The teacher asked.

Jessica's POV:

Myungsoo? So that pig's name is Myungsoo, haha that is so funny.

-End of POV-

Jessica couldnt help it so she let out a soft giggle.

Apparently L saw it and scolded her for it.

'Yah! What are you giggling about!' L said furiously and was feeling embarrased that his teacher just said out his real name.

'What this is a free country, I can do whatever I please what are you going to do about it!" Jessica responded, sticking out her tongue at him.

'Wha~ both of you are so cute together, you fit each other so well ^^ well since like it seems that both of you know each other so well, Jessica you shall be Myungsoo new partner than.' the teacher annonced.

'WHAT!' WE DO NOT FIT EACH OTHER AT ALL!!!" Both of them exclaimed.

'But of course you do, you even speak at the same time as each other.'


Both of them exchanged fiery glares when they realised that they just did,

'There you see, now dont let me lose my temper on the 1st day. So be a good girl and do as you are told. Oh by the way, Tiffany you can sit at the empty sit behind Jessica, your partner is not here today.'

Knowing that there is no use fighting with an adult, Jessica did as she was told and made her way angrily to the seat beside L.

'This was all your fault! Me? Yes, you! STOP THAT!' Both of them said together and glared at each other.

Noticing the temperature of the classroom seems to rise, the form teacher coughed a few times to clear to get everyone's attention back.

'Oh, I almost forgot that both of you have introduced yourself to the class. Tiffany will you do the honour of introducing yourself and Jessica to the class. It appears that Jessica is a little busy right now.' The teacher added softy.

'Of course,' Tiffany replied with her eye smile, causing many boys in the class to nearly faint.

'Hi, everyone, my name is Tiffany and this is my childhood friend, Jessica. We are 15 this year and we came form California. Our korean language might not be as strong, so please bear with us. Finally, we both hope to become friends with everyone of you. Thank you,' she smiled one last time and bowed to the class together with Jessica.


L's POV:

So her name is Jessica. Its a nice name I guess, too bad the owner of it is totally the opposite.

Well Jessica, it seems the God is helping me with my revenge. You are not going to get away this time. Hehehe....


Jessica's POV:

Why is that moron looking at me that way? Do I have something on my face?

Urgh! Today is just not my day. First I bump into a pig, than I get to be in the same class as him, and now even worse I get stuck to be his partner.

God! Send me an angel or a miricale in my life. Haven I suffered enough?

I prayed silently, looking hopefully towards the ceiling.

-End of POV-

The rest of the lesson ran smoothly.

Well besides the small fights and quarrals here and there.

But besides that, both were afraid to get into trouble if the situation got out of hand, so they endured their anger till an apporiate time to let it out.


Jessica was happily eating her spagetti while chatting with TIffany.

After a while, L and his gang came into the cafeteria. Girls started to scream and jump up and down, hoping that the Kingkas of the school will notice them.

Jessica looked up from her food wondering what is the comotion about.

Seeing that it was just L, she looked at him with digust.

L noticed 2 girls sitting down at the side, and was surprise that they were not like the other girls.

Looking closely, he noticed that it was just Jessica and Tiffany.

Just then, an imaginary light blub emerged from L's head.

He thought of an evil plan as he decided to started his revenge now.

He make his way casually to the 2, while everyone kept quiet, curious to see what L was about to do.

L made his way behind Jessica, and 'accidentally' pushed her, causing her to knocked her face down to her plate of spagetti,

Everyone gasped and looked in shocked as Jessica slowly liftted her head that was covered with tomato sauce.

'Wow, Jessica, I didnt know you are so hungry till you shoved your face to your food. Look at those sauce on you face now, is that some kind of treatment?' L said mockily.

Everyone in the cafeteria laughed along with L, but they immediately quieten down as they saw Jessica stand up and watch with anxiety of what will happen between the two.

'Yah, I didnt know that you will find out my secret facial treatment. Do you know what a lot of people dont know, that tomato sauce is actually a very good moistoriser. Well since you seems so interested in this, I shall share it with you. Here let me help you with it,'

With that, Jessica grabbed a handful of tomato sauce and begin to wipe it on L's face, much to the shock of everyone including L.

'See, doesnt your face feel much softer? No need to thank me, you are welcome.' Jessica smiled sweetly at him and gave him one last pat on the cheek before exiting the cafeteria to clean up.

After she left, everyone was stunned and quiet for a while, waiting to see what L's responds might be.

L took a few seconds to recover form the shock, and punch the table with anger causing many to jump. Then he went to clean himself up.

'Urgh!!!!!!!! How dare she did this to me!!! My beautiful face!!!! I swear I will make you life difficult Jessica Jung. I will make sure you regret messing with me, if not I will not be called Kim Myungsoo!' L thought angerily to himself.

~After school~

Jessica's POV:

Damm, I hate Myungsoo!! How dared he volunteer me to help our teacher carry back this whole stack of books. It is so heavy and he prevent anyone from helping me. I am so gonna kill him when I see him again.

Urgh, this books are blocking my view!! I admit I might not be the tallest person around, and these stack of books arent helping. What if I hit-


Oh great I just have to say that. Now because I bump into the dustbin, all the books are now lying on the floor. Even worse, everyone is laughing at me.

Where is Tiffany when I need her? Oh right she said she wanted to sign us up for some stupid club.

I wanna cry!!! :"(

-End Of POV-

Jessica started to bend down to pick up the books one by one, trying to ignore the laughters and trying to hold her tears from falling.

There is no way is she going to cry in front of these people.

If Myungsoo found out, he would just keep mocking her.

When she was picking up the books, an angelic voice appeared,

'Do you need help?"

Jessica looked towards the owner of the beautiful voice.

When she looked up, she saw the most beautiful guy she has ever met.

His feautures were so clear and distict.

His skin looked so smooth and white.

Everything around him was shinning brightly.

Jessica stared in awe with opened wide.

Without being able to control her speech, she blurted the stupidest thing ever.

'Are you an angel?'






Another chapter done. Dont be a silent reader please, let me know what you think.

Dont worry, Jessica's double life will be revealed in the next chapter or maybe the next next one, so please be patient and continue to show your support.

BTW, I have decided that this shall not be a kiseop x sica fanfic, but there will be some kisica sence appearing.

HOWEVER, do not be disappointed kisica shippers, I have made a one shot fanfic about kiseop and sica in order not to disappoint you. So feel free to check it out.

Ok then, thats all for now.

TIll next time. Ciao ^^

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AznCutie8418 #1
Chapter 10: KEVSICA PLEASE!!!! T.T
ILoveLAndJessica #2
I WANT MYUNGSICA please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ILoveLAndJessica #3
I WANT MYUNGSICA please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pinkpixies #4

hehehehe just starting to read your fic :D
vesjrr #5
@Kpopfan01 : Thanks!! And I haven decided yet, i will look at the poll results and decide it from there ^^
I wish you good luck!!!<br />
And is this a kevin-sica fanfic or a Myungsica fanfic??
gah.. just wish you luck :))<br />
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I'll just wait patiently!
Awww, it's okay; school is very hectic, so hwaiting! I will be waiting patiently for your comeback~
Myungsoo is jealous :))<br />
<br />
and KevSica, so cut :3<br />
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Update soon~!!