Chapter 2

My Teacher
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Amber's POV

"It's only the start of the second month of school and the amount of homework is... sigh..." I close my econs lecture notes "physics done, econs done, left with-" why is Suzy calling me "hello?"

"Amber!!! Help me with maths!"

"Noooo... I'm not in the mood to-" she cut my whine

"Pleaseeee" I bet she's pouting right now, she always does that when she wants something from me

"I'm too lazy to teach anyone-" 

"I heard from Mr Kang that there's a student named Amber in our class who always manage to get above 80 in every test although she always sleeps in class"

"Woo that Amber must be smart hahahaha it's not that I want to sleep you know, it's just that I always fall alssep. His lessons are boring and-"

"Maybe you are just lucky all this time, who knows you'll fail your next test"

"It doesn't work like that, baby... I'm smart, don't dent it" I chuckle and start to open my Maths lecture notes

"Ughh so conceited. I'm hanging up, bye"

"Whyyyy? Hello? Suzy?" I check my phone screen.. she has ended her call.. what the.. I thought she needed me?


"Amberr!! Thanks again.. if you didn't teach me yesterday, i would definitely fail that pop quiz just now" Suzy and I are walking to the canteen. I'm not sure where did Taecyeon and Ailee go to

"Pftt you were the one who needed me but I was the one who called back.. unacceptable" I shake my head

"Sorry" I scoffed as she smile at me... pftt this girl.. cute


"Alright girls!! So, from the start of the year until now, we've learned how to dribble the ball properly, 3 types of passing and shooting. Next week we'll learn how to do lay up and the following week, half of the period will be used for..." Miss Jung looks so chic and charismatic... Does she have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend maybe? Or is she in relationship with Miss Kwon? Ehh.. why am i so curious about her..

"That's all for today. Thank you class"

"Thank you, Miss jung" the whole class say it together and we are dismissed. Ailee and Suzy are chatting happily, leaving me alone at the back.. sigh... what is this... I can tell Suzy is opening up more to us, she's no longer that quiet like the first meeting, which is good... Why do I sudddenly feel that someone is staring at me... Oh! Miss Jung is looking at me as she's walking to my direction

"Thanks for not being reluctant every time I ask you to demonstrate the correct way in playing basketball" she smiles at me

"Yeah welcome" i chuckle as i rub the back of my neck.. so awkward. Why are we walking together oh my God...

"Is it your break time now?"

"Yeah correct"

"Hmm.. Alright, enjoy your break" she pats my back twice before she walks away. Why did I feel so nervous just now...


"Listen my dear students" Mr Kim pauses for a while and he sighs "we're going to have a camping trip, 3 weeks from now "

"Yeahhhhh!!" The whole class is cheering. I bet they're just happy to be away from homework and tests for a while hahaha

"As much as I don't want to, I still have to go because all of you.. sigh.. why did I choose to be a teacher" Mr Kim, as usual, always like that. "Those who cannot go because of medical condition or your parents do not allow, please give me the letter by this week. You guys will have activities in school, probably workshop about time management or something, so don't think that when you don't go for the camp you have holidays. The briefing about what you guys supposed to bring and all will be during the assembly period next Wednesday. So, through this camp, I hope that you guys can bond with your classmates better. Please, please and pleaseee..." This teacher will keep talking on and on and on, I admit he's a good Chem teacher but as a class teacher he...nags more than my mom. Sigh. When will he stop...


"Hello, mom?" It's been a while that I hear my mom's voice. I've been so busy with school since I move here. Why did she call me at this time though?

"Amber... are you doing well? Are you eating properly? Is it-"

"Chill mom" I chuckle "stop worrying about me... I'm ok, I'm healthy and all.. my friends are great, the school is great.. i couldn't ask for more" 

"That's good to hear, honey. You know your dad is-"

"Can you stop? Everytime you message me, everytime you call me, does it always have to be linked to dad?" I lay down on my bed

"Sorry, it's just that he misses you. He wants you to talk to him, honey. He-"

"Mom, I have lots of work to do. I need to go. Good night" I end the call without waiting for her reply. Sigh. Am i going to spend the night crying again..?


"Ber Berr!!" Ailee run towards me for no reason "I think Taecyeon likes Suzy!! H

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July04 #1
Chapter 10: Next update ? :D
Jheszie #2
Chapter 10: Woahh!!! Next update please!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Usagihinatairene #3
Chapter 10: Finally!! I have been waiting for ages. Every day I'll check weather there is an update to your story!!
Chapter 10: Awesome updates author ^0^ excited for the next chapter XD
Chapter 10: Yoz, my friend, Thanks for the fx station project. It was indeed a blast with you! Hope you will do well in your study and share with us the flying colors scores when you are back. We will be waiting for you! ^_^
jasonds #6
Chapter 10: woww so it..please updates soon
bep510 #7
Chapter 10: The trials and tribulations are coming. Will Amber stay with Krystal? Does Suzy like Amber? Is that why she's avoiding her after Amber confessed her dating news? Find out on the next chapter of "My Teacher". Hahaha, so weird. Thanks for updating author and hope you end up with amazing grades :) fighting!
Chapter 10: #staystrong #kryber im exited for the next update
nanny00 #9
Chapter 10: I think am will break up wif soojung bcos of that frog saying to her..ouhh dec?? :(( ok gud luck author..will wait for ur update..
Yellowjacket #10
Chapter 10: I think suzy always like amber so when amber told her about dating Ms.Jung. her heart just broke. For kryber, just no matter what happens, please stay strong.