Chapter 1 of 2

The Golden Maknae Strikes

Chapter 1 of 2


"Well of course you say 'yes.' I know you're young, but I'm sure you know the difference of yes and no," Jin-hyung commented with a chuckle, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the door frame, Jimin's arms around his waist absent mindedly, 

"Yeah, what's the point of all this if you don't plan on meeting up with her?" 

I groaned as everyone commented the obvious reasons as to why I should say yes, "Don't you like her, Kookie?" I glanced over to see Hobie-hyung sitting beside Namjoon-hyung, one leg hanging off my bed, the other crossed beneath it,

"Of course I like her. I'm just a coward," I groaned once again, making Tae-hyung stiffle up a laugh,

"Since when is our Golden Maknae so nervous?" 

I threw the pillow I had tucked in my arms straight to his head, making him laugh once again.


"I say that you don't meet," We all turned our heads to spot Yoongi-hyung in the hallway, leaning his back against the opposite wall from the entrance to my bedroom, "It's for the best. What if ARMYs take it poorly." Namjoon-hyung shot a glare at Yoongi-hyung, making the ladder sigh, "I mean, we haven't worked this hard just to be pushed aside because of a girl."

"And what if you were the one in love? Why're you acting so stoic?" Jin-hyung spoke with a raised brow, his body turning enough to look at the other properly, "It worked for Baekhyun-sunbaenim and Taeyeon-sunbaenim. It took some time, yes, but soon people supported them. Besides, we should be used to haters by now." He lifted one of his shoulders in a careless shrug, "You only live once, Yoongi-ah, you have to learn to let loose a little bit and be a normal person."

Yoongi-hyung rolled his eyes slightly, "I understand, but sometimes fans don't take it well. What if an anti-fan or an obsessed fan breaks into our dorms and tries to kill us over this?"

The room fell silent.

"You know it's happened before. To: DBSK, 2PM, FT Island, Baby VOX, Super Junior, Girl's Generation," His fingers unfolding from a fist as he counted each group aloud, his list growing longer and longer until he paused and sighed, "I just don't want BTS to be added to that list."

The room fell silent once again as Yoongi-hyung had made a proper observation. After the silence had stretched to a solid minute, I sighed, feeling everyone's eyesight set on me, saddness settling at the pit of my stomach as I spoke the words that I wished so hard that I wouldn't have to say, "I guess I don't have a choice in the matter. I won't see Nikki." My eyes stayed downwards as I started to feel like a child when tears faught to reveal themselves, but after managing to swallow them back, I looked up and smiled my usual smile, "I'm okay, don't worry. There's other girls, right? Maybe another celebrity or something.." 

I could see the grief behind everyone's eyes that fell on me, making me feel smaller and smaller with each pair of eyes that looked at me. They knew the words I spoke were false: I didn't like any celebrities. At least not in a romantic way. They knew I craved the privacy normal people got, and that dating someone who, too, was in the spotlight, wasn't my style. I liked a down-to-earth kind of girl, a girl who understood hardships, who knew how to work hard for what she had. 

Everything Nikki was, I wanted.

"Well, see to it that you don't go looking for any more trouble," Yoongi-hyung warned with a little wave of a single finger at me, a sigh breaking past his lips as he noticed my change in character from excitement to saddness, stepping into my room and towards me to ruffle my hair, "I just want what's best for you, Kookie-ah. What's best for everyone. I hope you can understand." 

I peaked at him through my bangs, passed his palm, nodding abruptly to reassure him I understood and held no hard feelings. Yoongi-hyung nodded back and removed his hand from my locks, exiting the room. Everyone else followed behind shortly after, murmuring their soft apologies at my situation. Jin-hyung approached me and hugged me into his lower stomach (since he was standing directly in front of my sitting figure,) gently petting my hair. The action itself made me relax, but it didn't help my jummbled thoughts, "I know Yoongi-ah made a good argument, but I'll tell you this," He paused as he twirled a hair around his thin finger, "We're not going to stop you from meeting her." 

I looked up at Jin-hyung, the tears I had been fighting back revealing a glimpse of themselves for a moment, "But hyung, what about BTS-" 

He raised a hand to stop me from continuing my questions, "We're all grown men, I'm sure we can handle ourselves. If you care for this girl that much, then we won't hold you back. You're young, you're at the age of dating, and the way you talk about this Nikkie, it's obvious it's no longer just a crush. What right do we have to stand between you and someone who may make our precious maknae happy? As for Yoongi-ah," He paused and hummed, "He's always been a realist, you know that. He's just looking out for everyone. His intentions were in the right place, but the decision is ultimately yours to make. But don't let us stop you from meeting this girl." 

He stepped away from me after giving me a last ruffle of my hair, smiling gently and finally exiting with the rest of my hyungs. 


I looked towards my phone, the name flashing automatically put a smile on my face, "Nikki... What should I do?" 

If you were too busy, I understand >x< 12:36PM

I sighed, biting my lip in thought before responding:

No, I'll meet you there at 8AM tomorrow? 12:37PM

I held in a breath as I awaited for her response:

Ok, sounds great! ^^ 12:38PM

I'm so excited >///< 12:38PM

I smiled to myself, holding my phone to my chest as I fell back into the cushions of my bed talking to myself in a soft whisper in response to the last text I had recieved, "I'm excited, too, Nikki." 


=7AM The next day=

"Were do you think you're going?" 

I turned my head, a cold sweat dripping down my neck at the familiar voice: Yoongi-hyung. He sat at the diningroom table, a cup of warm coffee between his palms, eyebrow raised as he awaited my answer. I smoothly responded, 

"Oh, I have an early schedule today, so I decided to get a coffee and take a walk before heading out." 

His eyes studied me closely up and down, the cold sweat running down my back by this point, until he suddenly nodded in approval, making me smile at him genuinly, "I'll see you when I get home, hyung."

He waved after sipping his coffee, "Be safe." .

After slipping through the front door and making it out to the street, I couldn't help but spin in delight, laughing happily, "Ahhh Nikki, I'll finally be meeting you todayyyyyy~" I sang out, the streets empty, a dust of fog fluttering over the concrete, greeting me in a comfortable cool. The sun was peeking from over distant buildings, giving the landscape an even more breathtaking element. 

Nervousness tied my insides in knots as I approached closer to the coffee shop Nikki and I had agreed to meet at. 

I'm here, Kookie~^^ 7:53AM

I scanned over the text, my heartbeat racing as I neared the entrance to the small, urban shop, my hand reaching for the handle of the door when my phone went off once again.

I'll be wearing a purple-ish crop top and a pair of blue jeans. My hair is pulled back in a ponytail. ^^ 7:55AM

 I stepped from the entrance and decided to peek inside from the large window that showed the inside, as if it were a set for a TV show. My eyes traveled over each individual until one matched the description Nikki had messaged me with. My eyes finally landed on a young woman who sat in the corner of the shop, obviously waiting for someone, one leg crossed over the other under the table, her eyes looking up every few seconds to search the crowd for the person she was waiting for. I swallowed as I studied her face- she was beyond beautiful. 

But a beauty that was different from the stars, it was a beauty that stood on its own. A beauty that not many women obtained. 

Her eyes were almond shaped, her eyes a grey that eventually grew darker when nearing her pupils, her skin a fair olive color. Her dark hair was tied up high, falling over one of her shoulders when she'd turn her head to look around, highlights of lavender peeked through the darkness of the curtain that was made up of her hair. She wore very light make up, which was one thing I loved in a woman.

She glanced at her watch impatiently, nervousness obvious when she took out her phone.


"Is this seat taken?"

Her eyes turned to look up at me, slight surprise in her features, the sight of the very emotion making me nervous that she had recognized me.

"Uhm, yes, I mean.. Uh.." She paused, a slight blush creeping on her cheeks, "I mean, that is, if you are Jungook?" She shyly rested a hand on her opposite shoulder, diverting her eyes from me, making me smile.

She doesn't recognize me. That's always a good start.

"Yes, that would be me. And I would presume that your name is Nikki?" 

Her eyes looked back at me, a bright smile on her features, nodding, "Yes, I'm Nikki. It's so nice to finally meet you, Kookie~." 

I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm, and sat across from her in the small table, "Anything you'd prefer to drink?" 

She hummed, "Caramel Macchiato, please." 

"That's my favorite, too." 

I ordered our drinks and returned shortly after, placing one of the small, white cups in front of her. Her eyes glowed at the sight of the beverage, the reaction itself making me chuckle softly.

She's definitely cute. She's not even trying hard. heh.

"So, Kookie, what do you do?" She hummed out the question before taking a cautious sip of the foaming drink, her eyes fluttering back up to look at me properly. I took a sip of my own drink and bit my inner cheek, chewing on the skin in thought.

Should I tell her the truth?

"Well, I'm trying to find my way into the music industry. You can say it's going pretty well." 

Good job, Jungook, a white lie. Mental high-five, bro! 

Nikki nodded at my response, "What kind of music are you intrested in pursuing?" 

"I like to compose, but genre-wise, I'd say urban rnb." 

Nikki nodded once again in interest, "I love music. Maybe I can listen to one of your pieces?" 

I smiled and nodded, "There's a big chance you will, yes." She responded to my smile with one of her own, "And what do you do? For work, I mean." 

She rubbed her neck shyly, "Well, nothing as cool as composing or anything, but I work at a clothing shop not too far from here." I hummed, "So if you ever need advice on what to wear at what event, I'll be the girl for you." She gave me a pair of thumbs up, before looking me up and down, a her lips, very faintly, puffing out in a pout, "But you already look like you know how to dress very well for a man." 

I laughed, shaking my head, the awkwardness automatically breaking, "I get by, but I'm no snazzy dresser, that's for sure. Your style, though, is very cute and stylish. It suits you." She smiled at my compliment and nodded in thanks, a blush evident on her cheeks as she tried to hide behind her cup, taking a sip of her macchiato. 

"Thanks, Kookie." She murmured, making me chuckle once again.

"Oh my God." We both turned our heads to see a young teenage girl, Nikki obviously clueless at the stranger, waved at her slowly. But the teenager blew her off completely as she turned to me, eyes wide, "Aren't you Jungook of BTS? Please, can I have your autograph and picture? Please??" Nikki looked at me questioningly, but instead of saying anything, I just nodded to the young fan, avoiding eye contact from the woman I had come to meet, "I love all of your music! Guys! It is Jungook!" She called to her group of friends who stood outside of the shop, waving them over. "Oppa, who's that toad?" She looked once over Nikki, tisking in disapproval, "If you were looking for a woman, I'm single, Oppa~" I shook my head as girls surrounded me, not giving me a chance to defend Nikki, the group of girls soon becoming a crowd.

The amount of people surrounding me tripled quickly, to the point where I lost track of Nikki who had just been sitting directly in front of me. I attempted to push through the crowd, but to no avail. Hands stuck out with pieces of paper for me to sign, cellphones pointed to me for a picture- so much was happening all at once that I began to lose my senses.

"Jungook-ah!" I turned my head at the familiar voice, as did everyone in the crowd, followed with a scream of excitement,

"Oh my God! It's Jimin and J-Hope!" 

Jimin managed to break a path through for me to escape from the center of the crowd. The two guided me, holding onto each other as we managed to escape the large group of people and out of the building, immediately beginning to run towards the dorms before the crowd had the chance to follow us. 

After making it to the dorm, I panted, breathing heavily with Jimin-hyung and Hobie-hyung, "What were you thinking? You should've gone to a more descreat place, Kookie!" Hobie-hyung managed to breath out, "But you saw her, didn't you? Nikki?" 

I breathed in deeply to slow my heartbeat, nodding slowly, "Yes, I met Nikki." 

And just like that, the fatigue left at once, "So? How was she?" Jimin asked excitedly, "Was she pretty?" 

I smiled sadly, "Yes, she was beautiful. Very sweet and kind. Funny, too." 

"Oh? How long did you two talk?" Hobie-hyung asked, crossing his arms over his chest, "Since you haven't been gone long, I can guess the meeting was cut short." 

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, we didn't even get 10minutes to talk before we were interrupted." Even I could sense the saddness in my voice, "She probably hates me..." I groaned, pressing a thumb and finger to the bridge of my nose as I inhaled sharply, "One of those girls called her a toad, I didn't even get the chance to defend her. What kind of man lets a comment like that slide?" 

Jimin rested a hand on my shoulder, "Something tells me you're worrying for no reason, Kookie."

Hobie nodded, patting my back, "Relax, I'm sure she's confused, but I highly doubt that she's upset with you. Why not try calling her?" 



"The number you are trying to call is-"

I hung up for the fifth time upon calling Nikki, shaking my head as I put my head between my knees, "Please answer, Nikki..." 

"You don't really expect her to pick up after that show at the cafe, do you?" My eyes went up to see Yoongi-hyung standing in front of my bed, ignoring his words before falling into my bed, rolling over so my back faced the older male, making him sigh, "I told you it was best to not meet her. Now look what's happened." He threw his iPad onto my bed, a video from the news playing as they announced what had happened at the cafe, not forgetting to comment about the woman that was spotted with me.

"Hyung, she didn't know I was who I am. She was genuinly clueless to my identity. What happened between her and I was real," I spoke softly, my matress shifting when Yoongi-hyung made himself comfortable, 

"How do you know she didn't know you? Maybe she's just a good actress." 

"If that's the case, she deserves an award." I murmured, no humor behind the words, "When that first girl approached us, she was really puzzled. Then when the crowd formed, I lost her. I still lost her when I didn't tell her my true identity as a Bangtan Boy. I don't know what to do. I don't know if what I did was wrong or right anymore." 

Yoongi-hyung was quiet for a moment, rubbing my back gently, "Just give her time, that might be what she needs. It's too late to tell you to not go meet her, but the least that can happen would be a miracle. A miracle that she'll understand. That she'll care enough about you to hear your side of the story." 

I nodded silently, tears sliding down my cheeks silently, "Hyung... I felt something when I met her. When I first laid eyes on her. I can't explain it..." 

Yoongi-hyung sighed, resting his hand on my neck, stretching his fingers through my hairline, "Oh Lord save us all, it would appear that our little Kookie is experiencing love." 



"But hyung, it's been 2 days, already. It's obvious she was freaked out by the whole ordeal and doesn't want anything to do with me." 

Namjoon-hyung threw another stuffed animal at me, making the total to be five, so far, "Just call her and leave her a message this time, idiot!" 

"I've already called her 16 times in the last 48 hours, hyung. I must come out as a creep to her to be calling her that much, maybe she's annoyed that I didn't get the hint."

Another stuffed animal, "The only thing that comes out creepy is that you kept track of how many times you called her." 

"Kookie-ah, it's not that hard to leave a message for her," Jin-hyung spoke from the kitchen, making me slump into the couch, "She needs to know what you want to tell her. She's not just going to answer the phone after a disasterous outing like that."

"Especially when someone called her a toad," Tae-hyung chimmed in, making everyone breath in sharply to emphasise the painful insult, "No one likes that."

Another stuffed animal found itself being thrown at me, snapping my head to Namjoon-hyung, glaring, "What was that one for?"

He shrugged nonchalantly in response, "I missed Taehyung-ah's big head." He tossed a stuffed basketball between his hands before tossing it to Jimin-ah, who caught it, "But he does point out a valid point. Why didn't you correct such a hurtful comment, remind me." 

I inwardly groaned, making Yoongi-hyung bite back a chuckle, "I didn't have that time to say anything. Next thing I know, I'm surrounded!" I defended, throwing my hands in the air in frustration, "Aren't you guys supposed to be helping me and not giving me a headache?" I managed to growl out between clenched teeth.

"Well, what exactly do you want to tell her?" Hobie-hyung asked, who was tossed the stuffed basketball, sitting on the floor as he played with the small object.

"I want to tell her I'm sorry.." I exhaled slowly, my eyes fixed on the tiled ceiling, "To tell her that I really like her and how much I want a second chance, and that I'll decide on the place properly, so that what happened at the cafe won't happen again. I want to tell her that she's not a toad, that she's far from it. That I'd tell her the truth about my identity, entirely. She deserves the truth. I don't want to harm her, and just get to know her like we were before, before all this happened." I waved a hand in a circular motion to show the everything. 

"Did you find anything out about her while you guys spole for such a short time?" Jimin-ah asked, receiving the stuffed ball once again.

I nodded, eyes still fixated upwards, "She had mentioned that she worked at a clothing store nearby." 

"That's perfect!" Tae-hyung exclaimed, earning himself the basketball, before slapping it to the floor, my head shooting up at the sudden excitement in his voice, hoping he had a plan, or at least an idea to get me a step closer to seeing Nikki again, "All we have to do is find the clothing store she works at. We can all split up and look for her, then bring her here." 

Namjoon-hyung hummed lowly, rubbing his chin in thought, "Hmmm sounds reasonable and do-able. Only problem is: she might think we're kidnapping her if we just grab her and drag her here against her will." 

Tae-hyung sighed, shoulders slummping, "Psh, technicalities." He waved a careless hand at the sense Namjoon-hyung was making and plopped himself onto the couch, sitting beside me as he crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes following mine to the ceiling, "But we could still find her at whatever clothing store she works at. Maybe make a gift of apology or something?" 

Jin-hyung shook his head, "No, it needs to be more romantic than that." 

Namjoon-hyung cupped his chin as he thought for a moment, "How about we make it like a scavenger hunt?" 

"A scavenger hunt?" I sat up, looking towards the older male curiously, "That sounds interesting." 

"It'll be a bit difficult though since you just met her," Yoongi-hyung commented before biting into a piece of sweet bread, "So how are we going to pull something like that off?" 

" 'We' ?" Jin-hyung raised a brow questioningly towards the other, "Are you suggesting that you're going to help out too? After all that fuss you made?" 

Yoongi-hyung didn't acknowledge the comment, biting the piece of sweet bread to hold it in his mouth, raising his hands and brows at me,

"So? Anneyy ideaahss?" 







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