Chapter 1

I Miss You

The musical notes played over and over while your cell phone vibrated on the table next to your bed. You tried to ignore it as you laid there in the dark but as soon as the music ended, it would just start all over again.
With a sigh, you rolled over and grabbed your phone. Your gaze went straight to the time and you saw that it was just past three in the morning. Then you pushed a button to answer the phone. You didn't need to see the name or the number to know who was calling.
"Why do you keep doing this?" you asked.
"I just want to talk." the person on the line slurred.
Of course he was drunk. He was always drunk.
"I have to work in the morning." you stated with another sigh.
"Remember that day we spent at the park?"
You closed your eyes and swallowed. A small ache in your chest formed. "Which one?"
"We walked along the river, eating ice cream but it was so hot out that most of it melted on our hands."
The pain in your chest grew as you recalled the memory as well.
"I got a bottle of water and poured it on your hands so you could wash them. Then you used my shirt to dry them so I splashed water on you."
Your lips tugged in to a smile. You had squealed like crazy when the cold water touched you. Followed by the sound of his laughter as he watched you prance away from him. "That wasn't fair."
There was a moment of silence before the man on the phone spoke again. "Then I said you could dry yourself on me. You were wearing that little sundress and I loved how its color brought out the color of your eyes."
You winced and quickly sat up. "Don't."
"You were trying to be angry with me but you kept smiling at the same time and you just looked so beautiful that I wanted to kiss you and we spent the afternoon on the grass, under the tree and.."
"I have to go to sleep." you declared, stopping the string of words tumbling out of his mouth.
"Wait, please." Desperation made his voice crack.
"I'm hanging.."
"I miss you."
Those words pierced through you like a knife, cutting you from the inside out. Your jaw shook shook as your eyes watered.
"I miss you." he whined, his voice cracking even more.
Tears leaked from your eyes and you reached up to wipe them away.
"I miss you. I miss you so much. I can't stop thinking about. All the time. I just miss you."
His rambling finally ceased when you heard him let out a chocking sob. You sat there and listened to his crying for what seemed like an eternity until you couldn't take it anymore. You ended the call and tossed your phone aside. You brought your knees up and leaned your head on them, letting out your own pained sobs.

You had downed two cups of coffee the next morning but as you sat at your desk, you felt like you could easily go for a third. Staying up and crying over past memories wasn't how you had planned on spending your night.
Yawning, you grabbed your hands and lifted them above your head in a stretch. Then you tilted your head left and right before shaking it. With renewed focus, you attempted to get some work done.
"Hey, they just called a meeting."
You whipped your head up to look at the one of the other members on your team. "Huh?"
"Conference room, five minutes." he reiterated with a shrug and then walked away.
Groaning, you closed your eyes and leaned back in your chair. Just what you needed to make your bad day even worse. With much reluctance, you grabbed a notebook and a pen. Then you stood up and made your way to the conference room.
There were several other people already in the large room, including groups from other departments. Most of them were standing as there weren't enough chairs for everyone but as you went to your group, one of your group members offered you his chair. You thanked him politely as you sat down and got comfortable.
You tried to not let your eyes wander around the room too much but you couldn't help yourself. Just like you couldn't not answer your phone last night and sure enough, there he was. Not looking nearly as worn and tired as you felt. His hair burshed neatly in to place and the sleeves of his buttoned up shirt was rolled up to reveal his forearms. He leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the room from you, talking to some co-workers.
The memory the two of you had reminisced about last night filled your mind. You could clearly see the little smirk on his face still after his little proposal like it had happened yesterday. He looked good enough to kiss as well which was what the two of you had ended up doing in the shade under the tree. Back then, you thought it was the best day of your life. Being in that moment with him.
"Alright, let's get this over with." The boss strolled in to the room and went directly to the front of the table.
Tearing your gaze away from him and banishing the hurtful memories, you turned your undivided attention to your boss as the meeting began.
When it was finally over, you put the lid back on your pen and flipped through a few notes you had jotted down. People passed by you, getting back to their sections and their work, but you lingered in your seat. You waited until there wasn't as many people around and only then did you stand up.
You got behind the last few people as they shuffled out of the door. Before you could exit though, someone stepped in to the doorway and you took a quick step.
The man eyed you up and down before turning away. He walked past you and grabbed a notebook that had been left on the table. Then he brushed past you again and headed out of the room without giving you another look.
Feeling a familiar pain constrict your chest, you clenched your jaw and stepped out in to the hallway. "You could at least apologize." you hissed.
He stopped abruptly stopped walking and turned to face you. He glanced around before meeting your gaze. "Sorry." he muttered and went to step away.
"About last night."
The man straightened as he froze. He glanced around once more before stalking towards you.
"You can't just keep.."
He grabbed your arm and forcefully pushed you in to the conference room. "What the hell is your problem?" he demanded, keeping his voice low.
"Stop calling me." you insisted despite feeling your resolve breaking. "Always waking me up in the middle of the night, for the past two months."
"Fine, I'm sorry." he growled. "Happy?"
You swallowed thickly, willing for the tears you knew that were forming to not fall.
"So stop making a scene at work." He released your arm and turned away. "Crazy ." he muttered under his breath as he left the room.
Alone, you slumped against the table and closed your eyes. It was stupid of you to confront him. It always led to a fight. That's all the two of you had ever done since he broke up with you. Even after his first time drunk dialing you. You had looked forward to seeing him, willing to work things out and get back together. Telling him how much he still meant to you. He made it abundantly clear though that it wasn't going to happen like that. That your feelings were one-sided.
Finally after more than a dozen phone calls, you figured out the truth. He didn't miss you, he missed what you represented. It just so happened that when he was drunk, the line between you and loneliness blurred in his head.
Taking a deep breath, you dabbed your eyes with the back of your hand. Then with your head held high, you left the conference room and went back to your desk.

You tossed and turned, not finding any comfort as you tried to fall asleep. With a huff, you grabbed your phone and checked the time. Then you set it down with a groan and laid back down. You stretched out in the big bed made for two.
Suddenly, music started playing.
You froze as your heart skipped a beat. You listened to the familiar ringtone for a few second before you sat up. Grabbing your phone off the table, you stared at the screen as your chest constricted. The music stopped and you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. Only to have the music start all over again.
Your eyes watered and you felt your spirit crumble inside you. "What?"
"I miss you."

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AzuPer-chan #1
Chapter 1: He dare to blame her for confronting him, when he is the one at fault... And dare to call her crazy???!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 She is not a last resource... Poor girl...
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 1: OMG, it’s so real. I can totally relate. And yeah, this guys really .
This was so intense i loved it!! T-T
This ;;;;;
Chapter 1: Nope. That hit in so many places and it's so realistic, and so true and just
It's actually one year since he asked first asked me to date him today and it's so weirdly symbolic reading this
But I've come such a long way, reading this was like seeing me four months ago, and realizing that a tiny part of me still hasn't healed

Unnie you're honestly the best
Chapter 1: Why do i feel like it's really me ??? U touches m'y heart with your writting . Thank you for this amazing story
Chapter 1: Love the emotions in this story its so realistic! Hoped it was longer too... this was so good! Keep it up authornim!
Stars2Heaven #8
Chapter 1: OMG :( this is so real and just so ugh! I could relate to this. I think that's why it felt so, so, so real to me. You wrote it just so perfectly! I was like almost sobbing lol! >.<
Chapter 1: Damn... this is so beautifully written. It‘s so real, so raw. I love how powerful and painful the ending is.
Now leave me be while I cry in a corner. :(
Chapter 1: My heart
is crumbling