Talent Show

Talent Show! XD

The semester was about to end, and to celebrate, Woolim High School decided to hold their first ever talent show.

People were auditioning and the deadline to showcase your stuff or at least a run-through of what you planned to do, needed to be shown to the coordinator by Friday as the show would be the following week.

It's Wednesday, and Sungjong was still debating if he should perform or not. He knew what he wanted to do, yet he didn't know if he would actually be able to perform it.

In the lunch room:

Sungjong is dazing out into his own world, debating with himself when....

"Yo Sungjong-ah wassup with you man?" Hoya said, snapping Sungjong out of his trance.

"Huh hyung?" Sungjong replied.

"You've been dazing out dude! Whats up?" Hoya asked, wondering what has got his dongsaeng dozing off.

"Nothing hyung....it's nothing" Sungjong replied.

"Lies dude lies....you're thinking of Choi~~~~ again aren't you?" Hoya asked.

[sigh]"Yes hyung, but so what if i am?" Sungjong replied a little angrily and irritated.

[pats Sungjong]"Dude why don't you just confess to her already?" Hoya asked.

"C'mon hyung what would she see in me huh? Seriously hyung, what would she see in me?" Sungjong responded. "She's just so perfect and nice, what would she see in me?" He then added.

"She'd see a lot Sungjong. You aren't a bad person" Hoya said.

"How would I even confess hyung? I get flustered and nervous when I am around her to even confess" Sungjong asked.

"Why not confess to her indirectly then?" Hoya suggested.

"Indirectly? How hyung?" Sungjong asked.

"The talent show! You can perform a confession song to her and maybe be brave enough to say '~~~, I like you'" Hoya stated.

Sungjong thought for a second....."Hyung that's not a too bad idea, but what song should I sing?" He asked.

"hmm" Hoya thought,"what about a winter confession since it's December" He then suggested.

"Omg that is a great idea hyung! I need to audition now! thanks hyung" Sungjong said as he gave his hyung a hug good-bye.

Sungjong left the lunch room and headed straight to the audition room so that he could at least get a spot and a chance to perform for you.

In the Gym (the audition room)

Sungjong is panting since he ran excitedly to the gym.

'Hello Sungjong! Are you here to audition?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Um..yes I am' Sungjong said still trying to catch his breath.

"How long do you think your performance will be?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Um how long is our limit?" Sungjong asked

"We haven't really set a limit of how long people's performance should be, we just need an idea in case we need to put an intermission in our show" Mr. Kim explained.

"Um okay....I think I would only need maybe, 5 minutes for my performance" Sungjong replied.

"Do you know what you are going to do?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Yes I have a song that I want to sing" Sungjong replied happily.

"Okay then. Do you wish to sing it for us or?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Um actually no. Sir I'm sorry" Sungjong said wanting the song to be a surprise.

"Oh! Alright then Sungjong, you may go then, thanks for letting us know" Mr. Kim responded.

"thank you Mr. Kim" Sungjong said and left. He needed to now prepare himself for the talent show next week and gather up some courage to actually say the he likes you and have liked you since as long as he can remember.

-Fast Forward to the Talent show day-

Sungjong is so nervous and it is almost time for him to go up.

"Next up is Sungjong!" the announcer. Sungjong walked up onto the stage and waved. He was so nervous. It was finally time for him to confess.

"Sungjong will be singing a song!" the announcer added. Everyone clapped and then hushed as he got the mic.

Before Sungjong started to sing he said something...

"Um.....before I sing..." Sungjong started. "I would like to say that this song is dedicated to a girl I have liked or am in love with for a really long time now and I hope she would accept me" He added.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF5-tDQC-vQ (this is what Sungjong sang) so open ^^

As Sungjong sang, you were hoping that the girl he meant was you. Yes you like him too. XD. You have liked Sungjong since you started Freshman year in high school. You found it cute how he always stuttered around you and you just thought that it was because he was just a shy boy.

As Sungjong finished he took a deep breath to gather some courage to finally say it. So he waited for the applause to die down when...

"-chuckles- you guys are probably wondering who the girl is right?" Sungjong asked the audience.

"YES!" the crowd responded.

Sungjong laughed then said..."the girl I've been in love with for so long is......." He was so nervous that he was having second thoughts. You were there and you were looking very intensely at him. Then Hoya shouted...

"Dude just say it already!" Hoya shouted hopefully giving his dongsaeng some courage, which it did.

"Okay." Sungjong said and took a deep breath.

"Choi~~~~, I have been in love with you for as long as I can remember, would you give me a chance?" Sungjong said through closed eyes.

Completely shocked yet happy you ran down to the stage and looked straight in his eyes. It got Sungjong really scared because to him it looked as if you were going to slap him when......

You glomped him in a hug and kissed his cheek. Boy did that make him blush. heheh

"Sungjong I'm in love with you to" You replied and hugged him again. Sungjong was so happy to hear that and at the same time the crowd went wild. They all thought that this was the cutest thing to ever happen.

"Awwwwww" The announcer had said. "thankfully that ends our talent show! Everyone have a good night and lets wish this new couple the best!" the announcer then added.

The crowd was all leaving as you two were still both on the stage.

"~~~~ you have no idea how happy I am right now" Sungjong said.

"I bet you're just as happy as I am" You replied and giggled.

"~~~~~-ah" Sungjong called.

"Yes?" you asked wondering why he was calling you.

"Saranghae" Sungjong said blushing but also making you blush.

"Oppa I love you too" you hugged him.

"oppa?" Sungjong questioned you both are the same age after all.

"mmhm. You are a little older than me aren't you? and why you don't want me to call you oppa?" you asked.

"no.. i love it and i love you" Sungjong said and kissed you.

you kissed back but it didn't last long since....

"Yo! I know you guys are in love and all but you wanna be locked in? Lets go!" Hoya shouted.

And you all left. Hoya not wanting to be third-wheel decided to catch up with some other friends and you two both walked hand-in-hand strolling along the sidewalk.


The End ^.^

Idk if its a good story i honestly hope you all enjoyed it.

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mrsb2st #1
Cutest. Story. EVER!!!!!!! Awww, it was so perfectly cute, sweet, adorable!!! I love this~ xD
sweet and cute.. :)
This is such a sweet story xDD loved it !~ ^^
KimLoveChi #4
It's adorable :3 hihihi
So cute!!!
KimLoveChi #6
Can't wait :3 sounds interesting ;)