
99% psycho

Clothes on the floor . 


   Thats what Jin saw when he woke up in the morning . 


  The pastel blue shirt , buttons  ripped in to shreds next to a white shirt . Jin’s stomach dropped , because taehyung was not the one who would wear white on a weekend . He liked to live colourfully . Jin’s eyebrows knitted in confusion , in trying to figure out who’s that  white shirt was 




someone was hugging him from behind , long muscled arms .. lips … on his nape … hot breath washing slowly on top of his ear. Jin panics , his visions blurs and focuses on the clothes on the floor 


  Jin’s hands trailed his hand from the nape of his neck , to his collar , his chest and abdomen , he didn’t feel the fabric of his light blue shirt on him . It was his skin . His blue shirt  is on the floor 


    jin closes his eyes when memories from last night came flooding back to him . Drowning him in his him in his own pool of emotions . The skin on skin , the loud noises , breath tickling on his ear when jungkook whispered dirty promises , how jungkook’s eyes were clouded with lust and desperation . jungkook’s fingers ghosting over his skin making him shiver and jungkook’s satisfied grunts and low growls mixed with his own high pitched moans . 


  Too much … it was all too much …  


  All Jin could think of is how good it felt last night , how passionate their kisses were , He wanted to feel that taste  again and again .


  Shameless . His consciousness screamed at him . you’re shameless . you have a boyfriend and all you are thinking about is ing another man? 


     A coat of blush appeared on jin’s cheeks from thinking all those lewd images and positions from last night . Biting down his lips and shaking his head to get it our of his head , he can’t afford to have those thoughts , as guilt washes over him 


  But jungkook’s breath tickled over his shoulder , Jungkook’s face buried under the nape of his neck . He was locked in to jungkook’s arms like he was jungkook’s favourite teddy bear . Jungkook’s arm’s were around Jin’s waist possessively , the heat od Jin’s skin on Jungkook’s skin made a mixture of comfortable coziness .



   it looked like a peaceful morning between two lovers , but nothing was peaceful and they were not lovers… 



   ‘ what am I doing?’ Jin thought to himself ‘ why do i want to stay like this forever ?’ 


But you can’t    … his consciousness said .  


Jin’s whole mind cried but he shifted slowly and tried to break free of Jungkook’s grip without waking the younger up . He wanted to leave quietly . 


but it did wake up Jungkook 


  Jin felt someone hang on to his wrist when he got out of the bed . 


“ where are you going ?” Jungkook’s voice was deep , with a trace of disturbed sleep grogginess  in it. 


“ I-“ Jin was stuck in words . 


what am I  going to say?  that I was trying to run away ? to leave you alone ? that I am ashamed of my own actions ? afraid of the future ? 


but Jin found himself not wanting to say anything but Jungkook read his mind . Jinkook bit his lips .


“ leave after I fall asleep” 


“ wha-“


“ Stay” 


   Jungkook took a heavy sigh ..


“ until I fall asleep” 


   another heavy sigh 


“ It will hurt less that way” 


  Jin heard Jungkook say under his breath … He sounded completely broken .









past - the day taehyung and Jin were moving to college dorms 



V never interrupted or effected their relationship . 


  V was never hindered taehyung’s and Jin’s relationship . Yea , he would pop out once or twice and do some nasty stuff when he is angry but he never hurt Jin . It was like a undisclosed agreement between taehyung and V  about Jin . 


No body touched Jin 


      Taehyung and Jin continued their life peacefully and taehyung found himself in love more and more everyday . He still had butterflies when he talked to Jin , still smiled thinking about him , still remembered everything about him … 


But V had never laid a finger on Jin … 


That was until Jin went to college .  


“ we are moving ?” v asked on his yellow lollipop 


“ yeah .. ” Taehyung said “ I am moving in with him to the college dorms”


“ But you are a Piano major ? he is going to be a Science major … you can’t be in the same dorm”


“ Oh no . I am doing criminology to get in to the same dorm as him … i am doing piano as my minor” taehyung says nonchalantly , as he was packing his suitcase up .


“ You are a ing idiot in love”


   Taehyung laughs , he can’t come up with a comeback to that . He can’t deny the fact that its not true . He becomes a big , mushy mess in front of Jin .  He chuckled thinking about him and Jin sharing the same space together . 


“ What is Jin Majoring in ?” 


“ Psychology” 







     There was a deadly pause followed after Taehyung’s answer. T



he only faint tick of the clock and sounds of taehyung packing his clothes up . Then after a chilling five minutes, V broke the silence . This time his voice sounding completely different . 


“ What do you mean psychology?”


“ He always wanted to be a psychiatrist … its one of his passions”


“ Do you know what that means?”


“ what ?”


“ He would make me disappear … I can’t die .. I won’t die” 


V went from deadly calm from completely paranoid 


 “ You owe me Kim Taehyung !”


“ Wait .. What do you mean ?how can Jin make you disappear? ”taehyung stopped folding his sweaters and looked back to his reflection 


“ If he gets to know about you alter ego , he would put you in to a asylum and lock you up taehyung” V breathes heavily “ and they will force you to take pills and make me disappear”


“ what does that has to do with Jin .. as long as he doesn’t know it won’t be a problem” taehyung said “ We done it until now”


“ You are a idiot … if he becomes a psychiatrist , it will be easier for him to diagnose your DID” 


“ we just have-“


“ Tell your lover boy to drop his stupid dream or you can drop him !”


“ No ! No i won’t ! I love him .. I can’t let him go… I won’t let him go”


“ Remember you are nothing without me taehyung … if you get caught and Jin takes me away … you will have to go to your old pathetic self . Weak . scared and cowardly”


“ your lover boy  will never understand you … people will never understand us . on top of that he is going to be a psychiatrist . Its a matter of time before he diagnose you and I will have to die . DO you think I am willing to just die away ? After all this years of living ? I want to live … even if it is for few hours …  I want to be alive”  


“let him go before I destroy him” 


 Taehyung started at the mirror, V was not on his lollipop anymore . The yellow lollipop was nowhere to be seen . Taehyung had never seen V so angry and scared at the same time. Usually when taehyung was angry and scared , V was calm . 







V would come often . 


 V would do anything and everything to break Jin and taehyung up on his episodes … 


  V was scary ….


  There was nothing taehyung could do to stop V from coming. Taehyung would have the most average day in this world but V would pop out of no where and take over his body . This usually resulted in bad endings. 


  Taehyung would wake up in the wildest parties , or in cheap motels bed with girls that V ed ,  he had bruises from fights that V picked on , sometimes in accidents or in pavements of roads with the worst migraines in the world . 


   Taehyung had the no control over what V could possibly do next , It scared taehyung to death . He wanted to tell this to Jin . That he had this personality inside him that controlled him and his behaviour at randoms slots of time throughout the day . But Taehyung was afraid of  rejection .  Afraid that Jin will think he is crazy and lock him up . He was afraid that Jin will stop loving him. 


  he didn’t want Jin to think he was insane . He didn’t want to be locked up in a mental institution either . It was hard keeping this away from Jin, especially when Jin knew everything about him. Especially when he promised to tell Jin the truth , but he had kept the biggest secret . 


Taehyung thought it was better for Jin to think that he is cheating on him rather than Jin think that he is insane . Maybe Jin would leave  him when he had enough , thats better for Jin than living with a burden . but taehyung didn’t want to break up with him . He loved Jin 


    Taehyung and Jin kept fighting , making up and fighting . Taehyung kept on cleaning up after the mess V had created . Taehyung was tired , he just wanted to live normally but he knew he wasn’t normal . Taehyung had tried going under medication for his problems but nothing worked .


  He could not continue his pills to make himself better because he had gotten used to V. 


  he had gotten used to V taking care of his problems and scary situations for him . He was not used to face them.


Its not that taehyung couldnt take the pills …. its just that taehyung didn’t want to take the pills 



    Taehyung was conflicted . whether or not to let V go … or Jin go . Both of them completed taehyung . 









  V’s point of view . 




  The lipstick stain on the shirt . 


I left a lipstick stain on the shirt . 


 Red , Bold but faded . … faded but its still there … 


red lipstick against white collars are noticeable 


     V grinned to himself , he made sure that Jin saw that . Jin was naive but he was not stupid enough to not get the hint . V got out of the shower expecting a angry and jealous Jin .  Because he made sure to come home at midnight , smelling of cheap alcohol , other woman …


  There is so much that one can take until they are fed up right? 




Which was not the case 


“ Do you love me taehyung?” Jin asks 


“ Ofcourse I do” V replies getting out of the shower. He takes a towel and dries his own hair . V notices that Jin clutches on to a shirt from the laundry. 


HE definitely say the lipstick mark , this is the moment Jin will finally break up with Taehyung and all of this will be over with . 


“ Why?” 


“ Thats a strange question” V says . Jin was bending down to sort the laundry ,  V didn’t see if Jin was crying or not . “ Just a small thing is enough” Jin asks desperately 


But V doesn’t know . 


 He Knows that taehyung keeps on talking about Jin everyday and half of the time V doesn’t even listen to taehyung raving about Jin. V didn’t even understand  the concept of love . He is just a heightened personality inside taehyung , how can he feel love ?




“ I am tired right now Jin”V lies . He doesn’t know how to answer . “ Maybe next time?”



  V was ;left defeated in his mission . He didn’t get Jin to break up . 


 This is not going to be easy … Jin is too clingy 


but V could see that this incidence broke Jin’s trust . 


And that was just enough … for now 






V never really went away 


Jin cried more than ever 


Taehyung feared for the day Jin would leave him 


Both couldn’t just let it go 


They just pretended to be fine 


Trended that it was perfect 








   Jungkook felt Jin coming to the bed again , and lie down next to him . Jungkook quickly warps his arms around him and closes his eyes . 


he is glad Jin listened to him and decided too stay … even though he will be gone when he wakes up .


at least he got to hold Jin in his arms for one last time before letting him go ..


    Jungkook knows he had been selfish . He had intruded in to Jin’s life , forced on to him , made Jin’s life a mess …. because that’s the only way Jin would notice him . 


  But at least Jungkook got to hold him , make love to him , kiss him … although he will never be able to catch his heart . 




   The first time he saw Jin , he was so sure that his small ten year old self got blown away. It was the first time he was in Korea , he came to visit his grandpa on vacation . 


“ Hi , My name is Jin ! Are you mrs jones’s grandson ?” the fist thing that Jungkook thought was ‘whoah… he is so pretty’ 


  Jin was wearing a pink sweater , that matches his pink cheeks . His hair neatly combed and mouth curved in to a sweet smile . Jungkook felt like he was transcending , he didn’t know that feeling was called falling in love .


“  my grandpa’s name is jeon … not jones”


    what I meant to say was ‘ you are so pretty’


“ hahaha yes but I called him Jones … its a nickname !” Jin exclaimed “ Don’t you have a nickname ?” 


“ No”


“ What’s your name?”


“ Jungkook”


“ that is a pretty name” Jin nodded while saying that , he seemed to be thinking hard . 


“ Ah! what do you think about Kookie ? I love chocolate chip cookies !” Jin said enthusiastically “ It rhymes !” 


   Jungkook couldn’t stop himself from laughing with Jin . Jungkook felt butterflies in his stomach but it was such a feathery feeling inside . 


“What’s your nick name ?” Jungkook asked 


   Jin open his mouth to say it but someone called “ JINNIE WHERE ARE YOU ?!?!?!?!” from the distant . 


    A boy with a boxy smile grinned at Jin’s direction . Jin waved at him and softly screamed back 


“ I am here tae tae”




“ IF YOU EAT MY PASTA I WILL BURN YOUR POKEMON COLLECTION KIM  TAEHYUNG” Jin screamed back , he looked at Jungkook apologetically and said 


“ I got to go Kookie , tae is waiting for me” Jungkook’s heart skipped a beat when Jin ruffled his hair “I’ll see you around !”


maybe Jungkook should’ve known back then …


 That he will always be a second option .








Is jungkook asleep?



    Jin wondered how much longer he stayed in Jungkook’s embrace . The more time it passed , the more he thought how nice it felt . How comfortable he was 


  Because whenever he was with taehyung , he would always wonder how longer taehyung’s going to be nice to him until he snaps ? He always had a churning feeling in his gut . 



He hadn’t felt this relaxed , calm and …


freeing . This feels like freedom .



Is Jungkook asleep yet ?







Sorry that it’s late butttttt … i know this chapter is probably so short and BOOOORINg . but it gets interesting in the next chapter ( fingers crossed ) 


 I am sorry to say that 99% psycho is coming to an end . next chapter is the last chapter of this series ! :( it pains me to say this but this is the end guys :(((






 but it is not the end guys …. I am planning on a new fan fiction ! 


NAME : MONSTER ( undecided . if you have better suggestions .. leave them in the comments ) 


PARING : Jinkook ( MY OTP OFCOURSE) and Yoonjin ( or NamJin?? idk guys give me ideas for another Jin ship)



DESCRIPTION : Jin is a Omega , Yoongi is a Alpha and Jungkook is a Vampire . 


PLOT : It’s tradition that every time  a child is born to the  silver blooded vampire family , The werewolf pac offers a mate for the newborn child  in return . Thats how it has always been … thats how both of the creatures  kept their peace .


   When Jungkook was born , his eyes glowed red at the sight of Jin . Everybody knew Jin was mate to the heir of the silver blooded family and Jungkook made sure that everybody knew … 


Until Jin decided to run away with a young alpha named yoongi …. disturbing all peace between the two families 


and all hell broke loose 





is it interesting ? or does the plot sounds boring ? guys please give me feedback in the comment okay ? Please let me know if you like it so I can continue with the idea or if you don’t like the idea let me know what kind of story you want me to write next ?




In case you liked the plot of my next story : head on over to the link below and follow  to my story so you guys are updated on the latest chapters ! It would mean the world to me !









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This is so infuriating. When you put so much thought and effort in to a story and it gets plagerized by someone is a horrible thing ! Do you know what is more ing sad and infuriating ? Being accused of theft when you are the one being stolen !


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Chapter 17: Such a beautiful story it was. I love it. Thank you
Jintrashhere #2
Chapter 7: Please post this story on wattpad.. I want every taejinkook fan to read this book ??Please.. This is a masterpiece everyone should be able to read
Chapter 18: I cried for Jungkook
Literally criiiiiiii

I really love this ficccccccc damnnn muchhh
T - T
But why i got my heart scattered into damnn piecesss
Pistachiofever #4
Chapter 17: This was so good and much more intense than I expected. I went in thinking it’d be “random patient falls for doctor, doctor’s boyfriend gets jealous” — basically something light-ish? in nature. Boy was I wrong, and in a very good way. The backstories were so fascinating and the characters were so well crafted! The ending was somewhat sad, but at the same time I didn’t want to see Tae neglected either... all in all, great story! What a roller coaster of emotions.
Jinislife13 #5
Chapter 19: I was just scrolling down like a normal person, and boom---- here I am, hopelessly fell deep into your incredible story. I could tell right away you put your mind and heart to the story, cause it made me had lots of real feeling. I understand that what you have been through is horrible, and honestly, I just want to come and hug you right away. Who would have the heart to be able to steal and then not even being sneaky about this? I don't know if it will make you feel better, but seeing a lot of comments here being supportive, I want to be one too and believe me, I really love you and your story. Though I'm new, I hope your situation gets better okay? Love seeing what you have done and still doing, cause I think this ends up being my FAVOURITE fan story I have ever read. My heart still thumbs loudly no matter how many times I keep reading it. So keep going and do your rainbow BETCH~(love the sass you have gotten through this story) and you will always have our support dear Author-nim.
reika_love #6
Chapter 17: If this is end with TaeJin, could you please inform us like the tag : main couple TaeJin... Sorry... But, I'm a little disappointed....
Afuri_ #7
Chapter 1: wow i love it already!
MrsYoo1993 #8
Chapter 19: Keep strong!! Dont let it drowing u.. Plez believe that u hav many people supporting ur excellent work.. Including me.. Hihii.. Still one of my favourite.. Luv it very much.. Beside.. Nothing can bet an original brainjinius♥♥♥ that u hav.. U can do it.. Hwaiting!!!
Vanilla_Llama #9
Chapter 19: Ah, it's sad that people will still do such things these days. I hope that the user will take down your work! On top of it, you were the one being accused.... :(
HanaFair #10
Chapter 19: This is the first jinkook fic that I've fallen in love with and I believe that you're the original author. Stay strong!