002 Coincidence

The Lost Soul

Eunwoo’s POV


The next day wasn’t really as what I expected it to be. First thing in the morning we had to run an errand at the field, for 10 rounds. Of course we we’re sweaty and all, and also tired.

I don’t really know why or what ran into our teacher’s head that she had chosen P.E to be our first subject. Now the rest of the day will be dreadful; for us, probably.

“Omg! Is that Eunwoo? He looks hotter now when he’s sweaty!”


“He’s so handsome, isn’t he?”



“Awww I might be the luckiest girl if he dates me”


I sighed as I constantly heard murmurs about me. Again. It wasn’t that I’m not used to it, but I just got tired of it. I do love the fact of being praised, but sometimes it goes over-the-line. Oh well.

“Hyung, you’re in daze again. Jinjin hyung told me we can’t meet at our usual rendezvous, since he said he had to finish their group project” Moon Bin said as he moved in front of me, stopping me from my tracks.

“Oh really? Okay then, how about you?” I asked.

“I have to finish the guidelines you showed me yesterday” He answered meekly. I knew he wouldn’t do it last night.

I sighed and nodded to him in reply and excused myself to go to the restroom, and told him to head first.

Honestly, it wasn’t an excuse, I don’t really want to go to class because of P.E, earlier. But I also don’t have a choice of cutting classes since Moon Bin would likely scold me because its ‘unusual’ for me to do that.

As I entered the restroom, I immediately ran to the faucet and washed my face. Maybe it’d help bring me back to my senses. Ever since I encountered the girl from yesterday, she doesn’t seem to get out of my mind. I mean, I know this sounds too cringing; but, honestly, I think I like her. Or maybe not? I don’t know.

And so I splashed water on my face again before going to my locker to get my uniform and change.

And when I arrived there, I saw a familiar figure again. I squinted my eyes to see it and much to my surprise it was her. She was still wearing the same dress as yesterday and she seems to be waiting for someone…?

I heard someone running from behind, so I had to catch a glimpse of whoever it was. So, I saw Youngjae sunbaenim. A very well-known singer in our school. He is talented in music and other aspects. He also belongs to the group… uh… GOT7…? Since it’s a group I’m not really familiar of.

I shifted my gaze back to her, and… what? She just followed him to where he was going. She seemed to be talking to him, and he’s not listening?

Ugh. Its more frustrating now that the bell rang, meaning the second class is about to start. So without a thought, I had to rush my way back to my room, before the teacher comes, or else, it would be detention.


“Seriously, that was so weird of you to be late” Moon Bin told me, once the teacher was out, meaning the class was dismissed already.

“Well… I had to look for my things actually that’s why I’m late” I replied. I hope he didn’t hear me stuttering.

“Are you sure? You can’t look at me straight, something’s bugging you again, what is it?” He retorted. I knew I couldn’t hide anything from him. He knows me too well.

“As I said, yesterday… I met this girl right? And I met her again earlier. What’s bugging me is that, I saw her following Youngjae sunbaenim outside. She seemed to be talking to him, but he wasn’t listening”.

“Ohhhh… maybe they had a quarrel… Oh! Maybe the girl you saw was actually his girlfriend!” That didn’t help. I sighed in frustration and and placed my palm on my chin while looking outside.

Maybe Bin is right. He must be her boyfriend. But I’m not satisfied with the answer yet.

“Look Eunwoo-yah, its not that I am discouraging you or something, but this girl…? I don’t really know. I haven’t seen her yet… or maybe, that girl is a ghost?” A ghost?

I looked back up at him with a shock on my face and he sheepishly smiled at me with a peace sign. “Just a thought hyung”.

But maybe Moon Bin has a point, or maybe not? Ugh. This whole thing upsets me. I stood up and stared at Moon Bin as he stared back at me.


“I’m determined to find her at all costs!” I said, and heard ooh-es from my classmates. And my face reddened in embarrassment. Oh God, what did I do?

I looked at Moon Bin for help, and he just shrugged and grinned on me. I gave him a ‘seriously’ look and he still had that grin on.

So, I had no choice but to look at them and gave them a shy smile before sitting again, in time for the next teacher to arrive.

Author’s POV


Morning class finally came to an end, and as what the usual routine for students looked like, happened again.

As for Eunwoo, he had no choice but to stroll around the school since the rest of his group were busy with their works, or so they say.

He decided to go their usual meeting place and stopped in front of the old music room when he heard the piano play.

He looked around to see if there were other students around since they said the room was ‘prohibited’ for students like him, for an unknown reason.

He silently entered the room and saw the her again. Yes, it was her and he was certain that it was her.

Eunwoo listened as the girl played it, probably something she had composed since it was unknown for him too. But, he felt the emotions, the girl was playing. It was sad, lonely and unsafe, maybe?

Then he heard her weep. Eunwoo who was startled by that, directly went up to her and sat beside her. The girl stopped crying and stiffened as he felt his presence beside her.

“Its not nice to see a girl cry” That was the first sentence he said to the girl, to start a conversation with her. The girl looked at her confused with his actions.

Eunwoo felt awkward because of that and scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly. “I’m Lee Dongmin but my friends call me Eunwoo, you are?”

“Someone you don’t know, and you don’t have to” she uttered.

“Well, if you say so, I’m not going to push you, but please, let me stay here and comfort you as much as I can. I can even listen to your problems if you want” He said, with a smile. He knew he had to gain composure since finally, he had started a conversation he had longed for.

Can I really trust him? She thought nervously. She don’t know what would he react if he actually knew the story and she was scared because of it.

The bell rang indicating the lunch time was over and so, the boy sighed in disappointment. She looked at him with a confused look since she’s still contemplating wether or not, to tell him her name.

“Well that’s the bell, I’d better—“

“I’m Soyu. My name is Soyu. Choi Soyu” and there she spitted her name out. The latter suddenly had a bright smile on his face and nodded.

“Well, it was nice meeting you Soyu. I better go. But, how about you?”

“Its fine, I’ll stay. They won’t see me anyway” She replied, coldly. Eunwoo shot her a confused look with her statement but shrugged it off and bid her goodbye, since he doesn’t want her too feel suffocated with his careless actions.



Soyu’s POV


“Its fine, I’ll stay. They won’t see me anyway” I replied, as I looked at him, he shot me a confused look and that’s when I noticed I said something. It was a mistake.

Good thing is, he didn’t ask anything and bid me a goodbye and left.

I hope I can trust you with this Eunwoo, you may be the key to end this.


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Yeol177 #1
Chapter 2: Wait...wait What...Wha-t is she a ghost or somethin... But anyways good job keep it up update soon