(adj.) completely overcome with emotion


"i really haven't done anything in life worthy of having you in my arms," yoongi whispered, out into the world, his voice far away and detached as he feared that after hearing those words, jimin would realise it himself and disappear like a rainshower on a summer's day, only he would be the loomingly vibrant rainbow right after it and yoongi would be broken.

and jimin did think about it, took a moment to turn the elder's words over in his head and find every single thing that was wrong with that kind of train of thought because if he had been yoongi's sun, then yoongi was the whole planetarium to him and he had enough patience to sit through all of his bad thoughs with him, squeeze his hands tightly, reassuringly and gaze into his eyes with promises of better days to come glimmering in them, almost to the point of blinding.

over and over again, even during moments like those, yoongi wondered what he could've done in his past lives to accumulate to having such a great amount of happiness in his arms. to the world he'd deny it, say he wasn't in love, because what he felt for jimin was much stronger, it made his fingertips tingle and his heart beat in the rhythm of all the songs he'd dedicate to him, if only they had a lifetime just for themselves so he could put them onto paper.

and how could someone such as that, someone that would be willing to watch his own core shatter to pieces in a heartbeat if only it was for the sake of jimin's happiness, think that he was undeserving of love, of anyone's love but most importantly his because this is the man he wanted to see himself grow old next to. this is the man he wants share a bed with, a house with, a life with, wants to whisper sweet promises of eternal loving to and mean it before sealing it with one of their many, sugar sweet kisses.

and before he could reprimand himself like he always did, the words had been spilling out like freshly popped wine at a party. he was met with a stunned, wide eyed yoongi and tears threathening to fall out of his eyes before they actually did as his mouth fell open in awe, one shaky hand coming up to cover it and the other reaching for jimin's own, putting in the effort to caress it as tenderly as ever even besides the tremor raking his entire body.

jimin knew his face had been soaked by now too but the only thing he saw, would ever see, even as his eyes glossed over, now, then, and forever, would be yoongi. he took both of the elder's hands into his own and squeezed once, tight and reassuring like he always does, before bringing them up to his lips and placing a kiss to them and yoongi once more questioned whether he hadn't actually been dating an ethereal being of some sort as jimin looked at him with that familiar crinkle of his eyes that he loved seeing so much.

"do you believe me now, hyung?" and if yoongi could speak he would but for the time being he could just pull the younger into a loving embrace, worth more than any words and kiss him with the fervor of a thousand suns, because that's what jimin made him feel like every waking day of his life, warm, loved, and otherwordly.

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anticipating it like got7's comeback