The Grand Tour

Hong Kong - Jackson

Jackson went through every inch of the house, wanting to make sure that you felt comfortable in his house as he did in yours. Explaining every picture on the walls and across the mantel above the fireplace, the two of you meandered back to his bedroom. Bringing the luggage back to his room, he closed the door for the night, his window open letting the cool spring air flood his warm bedroom.

“Is it okay for us to share a room?” You questioned, noticing he brought your luggage in with his.

“We do it at home” Jackson walked over to the bed, tearing his jacket off of his torso and hanging it on the back of his desk chair before turning down the bed.

“I know… but your parents…” You stood nervously, staying in one part as you tried to not feel too awkward to catch his attention.

When his eyes lifted up to yours slowly, you knew that you had been caught and you were uncomfortable and awkward. His hands stopped pulling down the covers, his body slightly bent over from his actions. Straightening up, he rounded the bed, his eyes not wavering from yours.

“Is something going on? You have been really quiet tonight” His hand slowly rested on the bare skin of your arm, his touch moving up and down slowly.

“I just don’t want to make a bad impression… like what have you told them? What if I let them down? What if I am not up to the pedestal you put me up on?… I don’t want to make a wrong move or to leave a bad impression…” You voiced all of your concerns, these just naming a few as Jackson listened to your every word.

“I know it can be scary, I was just as scared meeting your parents. In fact, I am still scared of your dad. But there is nothing that I have told them that I haven’t told you.” Jackson’s eyes locked with yours, his hands sliding around your waist and pulling you into him.

“Like what?” You questioned, looking up into his eyes.

“How incredibly beautiful you are, how funny you are, how you always make me laugh, the adventures you are, how happy you make me, your smile can brighten even the darkest of rooms. You have such a kind heart and beautiful soul, you are intelligent, gorgeous and breathtaking.” Jackson pressed a soft kiss against your forehead.

“Those are some mighty high compliments” You whispered, your hands wrapping around his as he guided your head under his chin.

“You check all of the boxes, babe” He whispered into your hair, “You even added more things to my list that I never thought I needed until I met you”

“You think too highly of me” You replied, a smile pulling a bright smile on your lips.

“I just love you and everything you were, are, and will become” Jackson kissed your head softly. The sound of crickets filled the beautiful moment as his body rocked yours back and forth, his hands rubbing your back letting all of your fears and concerns fade.

“To answer your question, my parents trust me and you can sleep in my room, unless you prefer to sleep in the guest bedroom” He pulled away slightly to look into your eyes.

“Can you fit two in your bed?” You answered his question with a question causing him to smile with a nod.

“I’ll always make room for you” He smiled and placed another kiss on your head before he pulled away from the hug, letting you get ready for bed while he turned down the bed and locked the window for the night.

Settling down into bed together, his arms wrapped around you, your head on his chest, one of his arms around you while the other rested on your arm draped over his chest.

“Did you have any plans for this week?” You whispered, making pillow talk while his fingers slowly brushed over your skin waiting for your jet lag to catch up with the time.

“I have a few ideas” Jackson replied, his eyes closing while he felt each inhale and exhale.

“What are they?” You questioned with a yawn

“You’ll have to see, they are surprises” Jackson smiled as his fingers found your hair and slowly twirled a loose strand of hair around his fingers.

“You know I don’t like tons of surprises” You mumbled, slowly drifting to sleep as you spoke.

“I know, but you will like all of these” Jackson whispered into your hair, the soft sound of your slow breathing was all that he heard, knowing you were fast asleep, he settled down and closed his eyes following you into your dreams.

The next morning, the sweet aroma of food pulled you from your dreams. The tight hold of Jackson’s arms around you loosened as you sat up slowly, looking around his room now in the daylight. Looking down at your boyfriend, you felt guilty waking him especially after his hectic week just to make this trip possible. Leaning down, you kissed his cheek softly before slipping out of his arms. Brushing your hair, you made yourself presentable before stepping out of the bedroom and closing the door quietly behind you.

Padding down the hallway, the scent of food got stronger as you approached the kitchen to find his mother cooking with a cute apron over her beautiful outfit for the day. His father sitting on one end of the table reading the morning paper, his glasses balancing on the tip of his nose.

“Good morning, Sweetheart. Are you hungry?” His mother greeted with her follow up question before she placed a few plates on the table.

“I am” You nodded gently.

“Come and have a seat” Mr. Wang got up from his seat and pulled out a chair for you. Taking your seat that he pulled out, you smiled and thanked him quietly.

“Is Jackson going to be joining us soon?” Mrs. Wang questioned as she decided to take her seat or not.

“He worked really hard this past week, I think it would be best if we let him sleep” You spoke your mind, hoping your answer was acceptable.

“Of course, he deserves his rest” His mother smiled and nodded, “Eat up”

Nodding, you carefully ate her meal, surprised at how good everything tasted, you happily ate up. Complementing the chef and her work with every bite you took.

“I am glad that you like my cooking dear” She smiled back at you, eating along with her husband.

The three of you started off with a simple conversation, slowly increasing in depth with every question, becoming more and more comfortable with them. Feeling a little more at ease with them around. Just as everyone was just about finished, Jackson emerged from his room and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

“Good morning” His father smiled brightly as you stood up from your spot to clear your plates.

“I can do that” His mother turned around willing to take the dirty dishes from your hands.

“Allow me” You insisted

“But you are the guest” His father reminded you

“I am, but you haven’t had breakfast with your son in a while” You replied, their words falling short as you bowed and moved into the kitchen to get a start on the dirty dishes.

Jackson dreamily watched you for a moment longer before taking his seat next to his mom and beginning to eat.

“You were right about her” His mother leaned over, tapping his leg under the table, “She’s lovely”

“Thanks Mom” Jackson smiled before slipping another bite into his mouth.

“Better get working on that engagement ring” His father chuckled, half joking while being serious as well.

Jackson pressed his finger up against his lips, knowing it was already in the works, he just wanted his parents’ approval before he went to your father to ask permission.

“What do you plan on doing today?” His father asked loudly, to try and not make is suspicious that they were talking quietly.

“I was going to show her around the town and go to all of my favorite places, then show her where you two work” Jackson smiled and explained the rough plan for the day.

“Sounds good to us, we will be at our jobs the whole day, so help yourself to dinner or go out to eat” His mother smiled as he nodded. They waited until Jackson was all finished before everyone helped clear the table and bring you the dirty dishes.

“I can take it from here, thank you so much” His mother smiled as his father grabbed a towel to dry the dishes you had washed.

“I didn’t finish though” You told her softly

“You have a fun day planned, you should go get ready, we will finish up” She smiled brightly as you nodded happily.

“Thank you” You expressed your gratitude towards them as you bowed and trotted off towards the bedroom to get ready for the day.

Changing into some comfortable yet cute jeans, you pulled on a grey tank top and pulled over a flannel shirt, buttoning a few buttons from the bottom, you fixed your hair and put on light makeup.

Jackson changed after you while you made the bed, his arms wrapped around you from behind, once he was ready to go.

“What time is it?” He whispered in your ear

“Adventure time!” You giggled brightly, turning around in his arms.

Taking your hand, he whisked you away, running through the house with you trailing behind. Grabbing the keys on the way out, he happily lead you out to his sports car, the two of you slipped inside before rushing off to the adventure that awaited you.

Driving through the town, he showed you where he grew up, where he trained, competed and where he went to school. Sharing fond memories of each of the places he brought you two, brought you two closer together as you shared some of yours as well. Learning more about him, you were all smiles as the two of you walked around the city a little. Exploring a new country and culture with your best friend.

Hours ticked by faster than you would have liked, with the afternoon light slowly starting to fade, the two of you headed back to his car. Showing you where he would drive to get away from it all. To find his center again and to spur him to do better.

He pulled out onto a gravel pull out, stone lined the edge of the road, keeping the cars from slipping off the road and down the steep drop off on one side. The evening air nipped at your skin as you stepped out of his car, leaning against his hood, you walked over and leaned against his hood with him.

The sunset painted the sky vibrantly, overlooking the ocean, the vibrant colors rolled off of the caps of the ocean painting a breathtaking scene.

“Today was so much fun” You smiled, glancing over at him, the soft light of the sky highlighting the curves of his face.

“It was” He nodded his head with a smile as you leaned over and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you for all of the kind words you said last night, they left me speechless” You commented knowing you didn’t fully thank him for all of the compliments. “Thank you for bringing me here and showing me this part of your life”

“Anytime, thank you for trusting me to come here” Jackson smiled, his hand wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his side.

“I trust you with my life” You replied, your head resting on his shoulder once more.

“With your life? Did you think I was going to kidnap you?” Jackson chuckled, his hand rubbing your side slowly.

“Well you already stole my heart” You smiled, chuckling lightly at your cheeky comment.

“Oh goodness” Jackson rolled his eyes as he shook his head playfully, secretly liking it when you did that from time to time.

Finding you more adorable than when you left, the two of you watched the sunset until the stars and the moon filled the sky. Basking under the softer light, the two of you happily enjoyed the moment together, Jackson’s thoughts wondering to the future, how it would be when you agreed to marry him, how it would feel to come home to you every night. To spend moments like these with you for the rest of his life and for him, you were everything he wanted and more.

Glancing down at you, your head rested on his shoulder, your eyes closed and your eyelashes fanned out across your skin. Your hair slightly blowing in the cool breeze as he his lips lightly before leaned down and pressing his lips against yours.

Letting his soft lips linger against yours, he felt you kiss him back, your hands lifting to his neck and pull him closer as your lips moved with his slowly yet in sync with one another. Sparks flew in the kiss, showing each other the depths of your love for one another with the slow, deep, sensual kiss.

“I love you so much” Jackson whispered against his lips, his eyes twinkling under the low light.

“I love you too, more than you know” You whispered before reconnecting your lips with his sharing your passion for each other extending your feelings for each other past words.

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katwangx #1
Chapter 2: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
littlebun91 #2
Chapter 2: i can imagine jackson with this..because he is really sweetheart..