1.0 - Lee Chan

love (is such a strong word)

Jihoon doesn’t know since when, or the reason of why he starts to hate himself. He used to be fine with his flaws, with his ordinary self, until suddenly, he starts to think he has too many flaws, that he is too ordinary, not special by any means. There is also a point in his life where he starts to think that he is worthless, useless, and that he doesn’t deserve to life because he doesn’t bring any good.

Jihoon is someone who prefers to hide everything, to bury everything inside him, and try to handle everything by his own. It’s not that he doesn’t want to share his pain and problems with others, it’s just he doesn’t want to become a burden. He always think that other people already has problems of their own, and they don’t need his problems too on top of that. That’s why Jihoon always mantains his facade, the facade that make people think that he is fine and there’s no problems in his life, and thus, he always manage to deceive others.

But of course there’s an exception. There is someone who knows Jihoon so well, more than Jihoon even knows himself. He could read through Jihoon’s facade with ease, and the only person in the whole world that Jihoon could depend on when he has run out of options and desperate for help, which is actually very rare because Jihoon always manage to do everything by his own.

“When will you stop locking yourself inside the studio room?”

“Hello to you too, Chan.”


“Well, to answer your question, once I finish working on my assignment, I guess?”

“And when would that be?”

“I don’t know. In one hour? Three hours? Tommorow? Two more days?”

“Ji hyung,” Chan sigh deeply before he put himself on a chair next to Jihoon. “I know you haven’t get a wink of sleep since the day you start to work on your assignment, which is what? Three days ago? And don’t you dare to say the opposite because you know I know you for too well. You are seriously in need of some sleep, I don’t want my older brother to get sick.”

Jihoon turns his head to face Chan upon hearing the word older brother coming out from the taller’s mouth. “Do I have some hearing problem or do I really hear the word older brother?”

Chan rolled his eyes, an exasperated sigh coming out from him. Why do I always sigh whenever I spend time with Jihoon hyung? “Don’t act like I never treat you like my older brother before.”

“Well, you indeed never treat me like your older brother,” Jihoon’s attention are now back to the computer screen in front of him, doing the assignments he has been working on for nearly four days. “You always treat me like your little brother instead, with you worrying about me and all.”

“Well, let’s just say that I’m better at taking care at you than you taking care at me,” Chan paused before he continues, a grin appears on his face. “And the fact that you are shorter than me doesn’t help at all.”

“Ya, Lee Chan! Get out from this room before I chase you down with my guitar!”


Lee Jihoon and Lee Chan is a pair of brothers, with a three years between them. and to say that they get along well is an understatement, because Jihoon and Chan’s relationship is more than that. They are attached to the hips, always went everywhere together, Jihoon never seen without Chan tailing behind him, and their school being in the same complex despite being in different buildings is one of the reason on why Chan could tail behind Jihoon everyday.

There are a few years when Jihoon could be seen alone, but it’s all because he went to an university outside of their hometown, leaving Chan, a highschool student, behind. Their mother said she never seen Chan as desperate as that time, always studying, and working hard to get into the same university as Jihoon, one of the best university in South Korea. She also said that it’s funny, to see Chan suffer every night because he miss his older brother so much, and how he always whines to her whenever Jihoon didn’t pick up his calls or didn’t reply to his text messages.

Luckily, Chan get accepted to the same university as Jihoon after he graduated from highschool, and his misery finally come to an end.


Jihoon remembers that Chan used to be a cute little brother who always believes and do everything he said to him, even the most stupid things. For an example (an extreme one), Chan would even jump off a cliff if Jihoon told him to. Chan also used to depends on him, always run to him whenever he cried, or when the other kids make fun of him because of his astro boy hair. He used to be an older brother figure to Chan, someone Chan looks up to, to the point that Chan always copied every words that came out from Jihoon’s mouth, and he also copied everything that Jihoon does.

But then, there’s suddenly a change in Chan’s behavior. It was Chan’s first year in middle school, when he starts to act all mature and protective towards Jihoon. He worries over Jihoon a lot, always make sure to take care of his older brother, always make sure that his older brother needs are fulfilled, and he also always threw daggers through his eyes to everyone (that is not close enough or is stranger to him) that gets too close to Jihoon. It’s not like Chan doesn’t take care of Jihoon before, but it used to be Jihoon who takes care of Chan more, not Chan who takes care of Jihoon more.

After the sudden change of his little brother, whenever Jihoon tried to take care of Chan like he used to, he always shrug him off and said that he could do everything all by himself, that Jihoon doesn’t need to worry about him because he is no longer a baby and that he is all grown up now. And after a few more rejections, Jihoon gives up. He just let his little brother does everything he wants to do, without questioning anything, because when Jihoon asks him about his change of behavior, Chan would quickly change the topic, never bother to really answer Jihoon’s question.

All of Jihoon’s friends (which is not that many) once said to him that Chan might has a brother complex, from the way he is very protective of Jihoon, and how he sticks himself to Jihoon like a glue. Jihoon always laugh that off, though, because he’s sure that there's no way Chan has a brother complex.



The first chapter featuring Lee Chan as Jihoon's younger brother. Mm, first thing first, I want to explain that this fic revolves around Jihoon and people who love him, and by love, it's not necessarily means love in lovers way, it could means love betweens bestfriends, siblings, etc. Because if 12 people love Jihoon in the same time, it would be quiet unrealistic (??) i think. 

And yeah I ship Jihoon with everyone in Seventeen, because Lee Jihoon seriously needs more love. 

So yeah, this is the first chapter. It's very short, yep, but I hope you still enjoy it? Thanks for all the comments by the way, and thanks for all of you who have subscribed to this story too! It makes me feel motivated to write the first chapter as soon as possible tbh. Once again, thankyou < 3

PS. My country is included in the list of country that Seventeen would visit in their 1st Asia Tour. I'm dying. 

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Chapter 2: This is cute ; ; will you write him with seungcheol again or will you finish the story after all twelve members are done?
Sirangkeyboard #2

Ps. I'm dying too my country's included in the asia tour.
Chapter 1: aww chan is jihoonies lil bro ^-^ i love when they're related and dino totally has a brother complex :D so it will be adorable when everyone is after jihoon and chan will be like 'heeell no' and i also ship jihoon with everyone cause he's adorable and everyone should love him (also he looks good with all 12 of them sooooo) cute story! hope you update soon! ~~~
Robins124 #4
Chapter 1: This is so adorable
sheila_novie #5
Chapter 1: it's very good & CUTE! jihoon is INDEED to beloved. i'm waiting for the next chapter! fighting!

PS. seventeen also will come to my country!! 1000% dying... i'm even not live in the capital city... TT
Chapter 1: This is adorable ♡
Balalala1717 #7
Cant waait cant waaaiitt
Sirangkeyboard #8
I love you love you I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU
Robins124 #9
yes yes yes yes yes i love you yes