
3 AM

3:10 AM

The sound of your phone ringing woke you up from your slumber. You silently let out a breathy curse as you fumble around searching for it. You see the caller ID of the person daring enough to wake you. “Yoongi, what the fu-“

“Babe, I know, I’m sorry but, can you go outside?” you peeked out your window and there, you saw your boyfriend outside your apartment, wearing a hoodie and some shoes; he looked… tired. ‘Ah, he worked overtime at the studio again.’ you thought as he waved at you, you waved back. “Alright, alright I’m coming.” You ended the call. You got your jacket and keys, and off you went downstairs, not bothering to change your pajamas.

As you got outside, you eyed the man before you. He knows how much you hate being woken up early, especially as early as this; he knows because he hates it too.  

“I want to show you something.” He grabbed your hand and started to drag you. You sighed. “This better be worth it.”


3:16 AM

“Are we there yet?” He could have sworn this was the tenth time you asked. He didn’t answer your question and still kept dragging you. Sighing, you looked at the places you’re going past. You don’t have a single clue where he’s taking you. You weren’t the type to go around and about every time. You prefer staying at home, watching movies and sleeping, just like him.


3:27 AM

“We’re here.” You looked at where he’s taken you. “A playground?” You turned to him and gave him a questioning look. He smiled as he made his way to a bench and sat. “Yeah, come here.” You trudged your way to him and sat beside him.

“Now, look up.” You stared at him wide-eyed. “What?” He chuckled. “I said…” He lifted your chin up so your eyes were looking towards the sky. “Look up.” And boy, were you amazed. To say it was pretty was an understatement. It looked kind of magical. You couldn’t take your eyes off of the starry night sky. “Wow, it’s…”

“Beautiful” He said as he was looking at you, who’s busy admiring the stars. You didn’t notice.


3:34 AM

“Not that I don’t appreciate this but…” You snuggled closer to him leaning your head on his shoulder. “Why did you bring me here?” He held your hand. “It’s an apology.” You straightened up. “An apology?” You stared at him. “Yeah, it’s because I’m always busy. We don’t get to see each other often.” You felt mushy inside. ‘So he notices it too.’ “No, I understand.” You smiled. He kissed your forehead and once more, you leaned your head on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry.”


3:40 AM

“I think we should go now.” He said as he got up. Sighing, you got up too. He linked your hands together and started to walk you back to your apartment. The whole time, you two were silent. Neither, saying a word. But it was okay.


3:57 AM

You were standing outside your apartment. “Thank you, Yoongi.” You squeezed his hand, and let it go. You turned around and started to go inside but he pulled you and suddenly you were face to face with him. “Was that all you’re going to give me? A simple thank you?” He whispered as he held you closer, so close your noses were touching. He seized the gap and pulled in for a kiss. It was soft and passionate.

When was the last time you felt his lips on yours? ‘Gosh, how I miss this. How I miss you, Yoongi’ You thought.

After what seemed like forever, you two pulled apart. You wanted him to stay with you but, you were too embarrassed to ask him if he could. He somehow sensed it. That or maybe he wants to stay too. “You want me to stay with you?” “Yes!” You answered a bit quickly. He chuckled.


3:59 AM

Once you were inside your apartment, you headed straight for your bed, with him following you. You lied down and started to feel sleepy. He lied down beside you and hugged you with your back against his chest.

“So, was it worth it?” He played with your hair, running his hands through it. Then, he kissed the side of your head.




Author's note

Well, I hope you like it although, it's a bit short.

Encouraging readers to comment!

I take requests.

I posted this on my blog at tumblr and on wattpad. (Read my "Personal Message")

Until next time.

See you

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mickeyup #1
Chapter 1: That was sweet!!! very sweet! For some reason I imagined suga dating secretly and he would do these things for his girl:)
Chapter 1: Cuuute and really perfect. Short is okay this story doesn't need too many words to convey the story :)
BubbleSnake #3
Wow it was cute. Can I, please, translate it in French ? I'd like to share it with all the french readers who can't read english, with your permission.