Chapter 1

A Matter Of Life

Quarter after seven. 15 more minutes to be disoriented by a shrieking alarm, yet she was already awoken by her brother.


            “Yah, Son Minji! Go wash your face and get ready for school. I need to go early to campus because I got extra lessons which I kinda hate and, I don’t really need it either. But umma has somehow made a —”


            “Minho oppa! Just go to campus already! You’re going to be late to meet Sojin unnie! Poor her have to wait for you alone in the library. She is reaally such a patient person. Ugh, just go now oppa, go go go!” Minji half shouted to her older brother who was very annoying yet caring at the same time. She got up and slightly pushed his tall figure out of her clean and neat room.


            “But make sure you don’t forget to eat your breakfast. Or else...” Minho smiled suspiciously and Minji didn’t like it.


            “Or else what, you psycho! Just. Go. I promise with every postcards I have, I will finish my breakfast.” She said while making a V sign with her fingers.


            Like a thundering bolt, their umma shouted from the first floor, “YAH, SON MINHO! I know you’re done waking your sister up. Now go quickly to your campus! It’s already 7 past 20 minutes! Sojin-ah must have been waiting for you from like 15 minutes ago! PPALLI, MINHO-YAH, PPALLI!”


            Like a lightning bolt, Minho quickly pecked his sister and waved shortly to her which she replied with an impatient wave, and briskly ran downstairs. Soon, Minji can hear his car broomed off of the garage. She then went inside her bathroom and did shower. After wearing her complete uniform, which included a scarf, she made her way to the dining room to be greeted by a hug from her umma.


            “Huh, I can’t believe it’s your last year of high school. Why time flied so fast? I can still clearly remember you with a ribbon on your head sing— no, screaming kids’ songs in front of the television!” With this, you giggled in your umma’s embrace, and she continued, “But now, watching you study really hard and go chasing your dreams, it was just like watching a drama or something!”


            Confused of what her umma was saying, Minji pulled apart from her umma and looked at her with a puzzled stare, “Umma, what are you talking about? You have been watching too much dramas! And besides, is there any drama that have a very beautiful actress like me? Haha, of course there won’t be!” Minji said with a cocky laugh.


            “Oh, sweetie pie, of course there are lots of beautiful actress who have starred in a drama—”“Ummaaa!”“—but that’s not what I mean. Watching you grow is just like watching a drama, because, it was just full with emotion and different from any kinds of thing. When you came home looking very exhausted, I could just tearing up, but your wise appa told me that if I want to see you as a drama, it’s okay, but this ‘drama’ has a goal and of course, her own ways to reach it.” She said while ruffling Minji’s hair.


            Minji could only pouted and tidied her hair into place, and then she smiled to her umma and said, “I’m going to make sure that this last year of high school won’t be a burden to me, even to you. When it’s over, another journey will start, and I will never give up on anything to make umma, appa, and.....yeah....Minho oppa to be happy.”

            Soon, their serious yet sweet conversation ended. And, the official start of her first day in the last year of high school was right in front of her eyes.




            What a wonderful day.


            Kim Myungsoo was walking calmly in the middle of the pedestrian way. There were not so many people in the street, well, of course because it was just 6 past 15 minutes. He intentionally woke up early and decided to have a morning walk before going ahead to school. This was his first day in the last year of high school and he pretty much don’t care about it. He just have this feeling to relax and do nothing. He was thinking a sarcasm yet truthful thought. From the way the sun slowly shooting its rays to the before dark place, he was sure that today would be a wonderful day. One more thing that he was sure would make this day wonderful is that his brother will be coming back home from his trip to Jeju. Yes, that was sarcasm. He thought of his one-year younger brother as an annoying sibling. But he still care for him anyway.


            As he crossed the street, he suddenly felt his smartphone vibrated in his pocket. “Yeobeoseyo,” he said right when he picked up his phone to his ear.


            “Yah, hyung, I just arrived home. Where are you?” A familiar voice can be heard from the other line.


            “Yah, Kim Moonsoo, you can just ask umma about me, right? Why do you have to call me?” Myungsoo suddenly felt annoyed. Nevertheless, he can’t hold his smile that was growing wider upon hearing his little brother’s voice.


            “Hyung! I miss you, alright? And eventhough you keep denying it as you will, I know you missed me too, hyung! I can see your wide smile from here!” Moonsoo whined while pouted, although his brother can’t see him. Myungsoo can’t help but erupted into a rather loud laughter in the middle of the street he was walking. An old man who was walking by him stopped for a while and stared at him bemusedly. Myungsoo suddenly felt guilty and bowed to the old man. The old man returned his bow but still staring at him while he continued walking.


            Myungsoo’s laugh slowly died down and then came a whiny voice from the other line, “Yah, hyung~ Why do you laugh? What’s so funny? I know you miss me, right? Don’t keep denying it! Now, where are you?” Moonsoo sounded a little bit annoyed and impatient.


            “I’m halfway to the park near our school, okay? You have just arrived, so why don’t you take a rest and stop whining! I pitied umma and appa for having to hear your whines. Meet you later, Moony!” Myungsoo chuckled at the nickname of his brother that he was most hateful about.


            “Moony? Moony, hyung, really? Alright then, L hyung! See you at home~” teased Moonsoo happily.


            “Yah, what—“ Moonsoo ended the call abruptly to avoid his hyung’s explosion.


            Huh, just arrived home and already making a fuss. He snickered upon remembering his call with his brother. It was right, actually, what Moonsoo said. He did missed him but he didn’t like to show it directly. It was his nature. He found it quite hard to show his true feelings to anyone, even his brother. On the contrary, his brother was the type to express everything he was feeling inside by the way he acted. Most of the time, he was the friendly and extrovert pupil. He was unexpectedly smart, well, the whole family was. Myungsoo and Moonsoo were known as the intelligent and good-looking siblings. No, they were not kingkas or what-so-ever, they were just the most favourite boys among all their friends. Everytime they walked through the hallway, all heads turned towards their direction. But no, there were never been any girls who flails and flirts around them. The girls knew that they’re out of their reach. Pretty much like kingkas, but no, they should be called princes. A real princes.


            The park was now visible in Myungsoo’s eyesight. He could see the empty playground and decided to advance towards it. On the other end of the park, he could see a woman walked slowly with a golden retriever tailed behind her. Myungsoo was amused by the woman’s aura that emphasizing her calm exterior. Still with his eyes glued to the woman, he walked calmly towards a swing and took a seat. After the woman stepped out of the park, Myungsoo took a glance to his watch and a little did he surprised that it was already 7 o’clock. He quitely sighed in content and got up from the swing. He was now feeling complete and ready to faced a new day.




            Where the hell was that freaking ? Ugh, such a lazy . If you don’t start to show up rig—


            “Yah, Park Sojin. Sorry I’m late, hehe” The arrival of Minho in front of her face disrupted her train of thoughts—internal rants, to be exact—and she just can’t help but to rant at him a little.


            “Well, what can I say, you lazy . This is the first time we will be having an intensive lesson, yet you decided to woke up late and took your time to what, wasting my precious time? You’re lucky that I’m being a little more patient this morning. And you’re also lucky that you have that shiny car to ride, while I have to walk 2 blocks from my apartment. I don’t have any idea why—”


            “YAH! I—“ Minho was cut off by the library keeper, “Low down your voice!” hissed her. “Joesonghabnida,” Minho whispered.


            “Yah, Sojin-ssi. I’m sorry, okay? And I didn’t intentionally came up late. I forgot about our appoinment and woke up a little late. A—“ Minho was cut off again, but now by Sojin.


            “A little late? A little? Well then, why would I woke up A LITTLE earlier than usual? I should just woke up A LITTLE later than usual.” With that, Sojin stormed off and headed towards the exit.


            “YAH, SOJIN-SSI!”


            “SSHT!” The library keeper hissed at Minho.


            “Joesonghabnida!” Minho chased after Sojin who was now already outside the library and headed towards the stairs.


            “Sojin-ssi!” Sojin stopped on her tracks and turned slightly towards Minho.


            “What?” barked Sojin.


            “Wow, you’re so scary!” Minho joked while putting both hands in front of him.


            “YAH!” Sojin barked once again.


            “Okay, okay! No need to bark at me, alright?” Sojin sighed in frustation. She looked like she was about to turn and leave him again.


            “Hey, hey, wait! Look, I promised umma to get serious when you teach me. So now, let’s get serious and start studying, okay?” Minho pleaded with his puppy eyes.


            Sojin seemed a bit surprised by how cute his eyes became. Cute? What the hell?! Sojin then sighed in defeat and nodded her head. “Fine. But I don’t think we should go to the library again. Mrs. Kim seemed a bit pissed at us, well, you to be exact,” Sojin chuckled at Minho who pouted a little.


            They started to walk in the direction of the main hall of Konkuk University. A lot of students were just sitting around, chatting, and studying together. They decided to chose a bench near the fountain and placed their books beside them. They brought the same books because they were in the same faculty and exactly the same classes. That was the reason of how Minho’s umma knew her and asked her to help her son.




            Sojin closed her locker and started to walk to her next class, when suddenly a seemingly six feet man collided into her and made her faced the ground hardly. She could hardly breath and hear a lot of people asked her if she’s alright. Apparently, she wasn’t beacuse she couldn’t felt her right foot. She could felt someone turned her body and she saw a glimpse of a worried face that she expected to be the man who bumped her. The next thing she knew, she was lifted from the ground and everything went black.


            When Sojin opened her eyes, she already expected the white ceiling and the curtain next to the bed she was laid on. But what she didn’t expected was that she wasn’t in the nurse room at the campus like she thought. When she looked to her left, she was startled by an adorable face of a man that she thought who has bumped onto her.


            “Where am I?” Sojin squeaked to the man. He has expected it and smiled a little.


            “You are now in the hospital, Sojin-ssi,” the man answered.


            Sojin seemed surprised at first because the guy knew her name, but then she realized something and decided to shrugged it off. “So, you’re the one who brought me then? May I know your name?”


            “Yes, I am. My name is Minho. Son Minho. You know, I was actually the one who—“


            “Yeah, I know, you’re the one who bumped me,” Sojin cut Minho off and made a pissed face.


            Minho ran his hand on his neck nervously and started to apologize, “Well, Sojin-ssi, I would really like to apologize to you. I’m really sorry that I caused you scars and pain. I’m really really sorry. It was all my fault and.....I hope you forgive me.” Minho smiled apologetically. Sojin could see the sincerity and regrets in his eyes. There was also something else in his eyes that she couldn’t comprehend.


            A middle-aged woman suddenly appeared and walked to Minho. Sojin expected her to be his mom, because she also had adorable brown eyes and incredible height. The woman suddenly reach Sojin’s hand and hold it in both of her hands.


            “Sojin-ssi, I’m terribly sorry for what my son have caused you. It was only his first day in the university yet he already made a trouble. I’m pretty sure you hate him so much right now, don’t you?” With this, Minho’s eyes widen and he denied his mom.


            “Umma! It’s not like I abused her or something...”


            “Yah, Son Minho! What the hell are you talking about? Oh, I’m really sorry, Sojin-ssi. He had no manner at all!” Mrs. Son glared at her son and Sojin have to laugh because of this family argument.


            “It’s okay, Mrs. Son. Besides, it’s not really a big deal. Minho-ssi didn’t mean to run into me, it was just an accident.” Sojin smiled sincerely at Mrs. Son who seemed like having a sudden big idea.


            “But still, for a sincere apologize, would you like to visit our house tonight and have dinner with us? Please come because I really feel bad for you.” Mrs. Son invited Sojin and with a slight hesitation she finally said yes.




            From that night, Mrs. Son and Sojin became really close. One day, Mrs. Son and also Minho found out that Sojin was actually from the same faculty as Minho and they also had the exactly same classes. Mrs. Son was incredibly happy about this and she asked Sojin to teach Minho some lessons because she knew about Sojin’s excellent grades.





First chapter. Fiuh. It's pretty hard to be a writer, actually. Anyway, happy reading! Sorry for all the mistakes :( Thank you for clicking and viewing and subscribing this story :) Wish me luck for the next chapter~

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